Royal Mail International Standard Postage - Use at your own risk - A warning from a long time seller

I no longer use the service because of the following reasons:


1. Ebay often under estimate the real  ETA by a factor of weeks so this will lead to many cases being opened. 

2. If a case is opened, even if you have a certifacate of posting and you buy the label from Ebay, you will always lose the case and Ebay will give the following reason: 

"We reviewed this case and decided to issue the buyer a full refund.

We didn’t receive valid proof of delivery from you. Sellers must provide tracking information showing the item was delivered to the address provided in the order details."


Ebay will not take into account the fact you brought the label from them and give a link to the image of the certifacate posting. They click their own fake "tracking number" that is generated with any label, tracked or not, and then say "oh, doh, the tracking doesn't work...". Yeah, that's because there is no tracking on this service YOU sold to me through your own platform.


I spoke to 2 Ebay reps today and they both told me that there is zero protection for sellers without tracking.  A certifacate posting means nothing. The tracking number YOU provided is invalid so it's YOUR fault. 


I just wished they made this clear at the point of sale, otherwise I would have never used this service although it does hurt sales as it's not more to ship than the cost of the item.




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