Have the Royal Mail density issues been resolved now?

A while ago there was a problem with Royal Mail scanners at Heathrow not being able to x-ray dense heavy items like iron tools etc. I wonder if this has been resolved yet? I have a heavy iron door knocker to post to the USA. Wondering if I should use Evri or DPD instead of RM.... What are people's experiences lately?

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Have the Royal Mail density issues been resolved now?

Hi showpiece-antiques, thanks for your post.


Not sure if anyone here would know about this, but in case you don't get lucky here, I'd suggest contacting Royal Mail directly, they should be able to confirm this for you.


Thank you,


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Message 2 of 3
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Have the Royal Mail density issues been resolved now?

Thank you Marco,


Contacting Royal Mail is a waste of time. When I first had this issue it took weeks to get a sensible answer out of them. They have no idea themselves. Complete nutters. Anyway, used Evri. They have the right xray machines, unlike Royal Mail.

Amanda 🙂

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