14-12-2024 3:21 PM
There are highs and lows for many delivery companies. Sometimes, we, as a business find one is ok for a period and then we have to move to another. Staff seems to be the key, rather unsurprisingly but we keep our options open and on many days use multiple companies. I have seen complaints about royal mail, Yodel and Evri (Hermes) most recently but to date I have to say that being a small seller and sending up to 11 or 12 packages a day Royal Mail works for us. But buying is a different matter and this is where I join in others by asking why does eBay continue to support a company like Evri, who to us, has failed consistantly to deliver or even when it has finally got to us the delivery is substandard, smashed, broken. I am yet again awaiting a package costing over a 100.00 and being resold as part of another set of items. three days after its last due date its not here and tracking has stopped, you dont know where it is, just the intended date and delivery but marked as delayed. This has happened so many times that now I pre empt and ask sellers not to send via Evri and if they have, as soon as it is delayed I start asking, using all the email address I have for Evri and eBay providing the tracking numbers. It costs me time that I could use elsehwre but this is because out of each three items lost I may actually get one by being quick. Seriously this is how many iotems go missing, get lost, are broken or the lates one is "destroyed" Sellers please understand, using Evri will end up taking a lot more time, cost you more money and probably losing the sale. By the same implication this must be costing eBay, who we know is all about the money, one hell of a lot of money. Evri may be cheap but they dont do the job. The mistake by many sellers is they dont understand that they have a reposnability to ensure the item gets to the buyer and not that it ends when they hand it over to the courier who is only contracted by them to deliver. In our case that contract has been broken many times and has cost sellers time and lost sales while eBay has had to fork out a lot of money in compensation. For us its loss of business, lost sales, while we will never use Evri to send we still have sellers we buy from keen on the "cheap" price and dont realise its false economy.
If you have bad service from Evri please complain, lets raise this profile and either get them to understand that its not about chat bots and automation, its the people they use to deliver, to handle and its obvious they are not motivated. Whats the use in having such a basic tracking and AI when the system just does not know where your package is or where it has been delivered or what to do about it when it is gone...... Somewhere in the ether of Evri.
14-12-2024 8:31 PM
No problems with Evri here I always get the same reliable friendly person delivering everything. Can you complain to Evri about your local delivery person?
15-12-2024 3:31 PM
I agree with most of what you say - I will never use Evri to post out items - It is Royal Mail all the way for me.
Evri have however, delivered or not delivered items whereby they have left them outside in the rain behind the bin and found days later soaked ( no card left in the door etc) thrown fragile items over the gate resulting in them being smashed to pieces. They are impossible to claim from too.
My recent Evri delivery lady is very sweet but they do not last long, I have had at least 9 different ones in the past year - If I can purchase not using Evri ( as it is sellers choice or eBay with Simple Delivery) I do but it is not always possible... in fact certain items I do not buy if Evri is the only option given. I have asked sellers if they would see RM and I would pay extra for postage and some welcome that, but mainly I either do not receive a message back or I get short shrift from them.
I will not be here too much longer anyhow , the whole system and eBay platform has gone downhill like an avalanche. It is risky, become very stressful with far too many unscrupulous happenings. ( can't think of the best word here so " happenings" will have to do)
15-12-2024 4:09 PM
17-12-2024 2:29 PM
Just lost 70 quid.
I always use RM but buyer wanted delivery to an Evri parcel shop. So i agreed.long story but it was complete *bleep* up and customer "services" was hopeless and designed to exasperate. Customer contact was not on the phone but an email 24 hours later. So never got talk to anyi e dedpite my dozen or so attempts to do so.
They tracking kept on saying it was at depot waiting redelivery by courier to parcelshop. Then they denied parcelshop existed even though it is listed on Evri website. I rang the number given and the parcel shop was open. So what is their excuse now?
Then when i contacted them they said talk to the seller. ERRRRR yES that would be me. Then their so called tracking said returning to sender and gave a new tracking no. I put that in and it asked for postcode , i obliged and it said postcode not recognised. PUT in buyers postcode and parcelshop costcode. Did not recognise any of them. The most hair tearing out time wasting and exasperating customer experience ever! STill no idea where it is and tired of going around in circles. It says contact the seller. Yes thats me but bot does not take in that info and apparently not many humans around to over ride the rigged obfuscate obfuscate deny deny AI bot system . They CANNOT BE SERIOUS that this is customer service. IT IS UTTERLY DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU GIVE UP AND GO AWAY. I TRIED FOR 5 DAYS ON THE TROT. DROVE ME BESERK. WOULD NEVER EVER GO ANYWHERE NEAR THESE LOT AGAIN. 70 QUID DOWN THE DRAIN AND NOT EVEN APOLOGY. COMPENSATION IS WHAT I WANT BUT WILL NEED TO TAKE A COUPLE OF DAYS OFF FIRST1
17-12-2024 10:02 PM
30-12-2024 9:09 PM
I will probably be unpopular for saying this but I have found that Evri have improved massively the past few years across the board. I have sent a few hundred parcels with them this past 3 months and - for the first time ever - they all got there!! Despite me sending far more out than previous years. Admittedly I had to chase a rather large one stuck at the depot near Hull but I did manage to speak to a couple of helpful humans by phone who got it sorted out and delivered. And about 3 or 4 did have a short break on the way but arrived safely nonetheless. Usually at least one goes awol and /or has a 2-3 week holiday en route - Evri have paid up quickly whenever it has happened. I think making sure I have photos of the parcels and dimensions helps with this perhaps. I accept that's likely not possible to do if you send lots every day.
As for my local Evri delivery man - amazing! If all the staff were like him it would be the best service by miles.
I do, however, remember the days of smashed items and little accountability so I totally understand why some people wish to avoid them. As a private seller years ago a beautiful item was all but destroyed by Hermes. They paid out after a bit but that isn't really the point, items need to get there in one piece when they should.
I actually stopped using Royal Mail for a while because I was having far more problems with fewer items. I have tried their tracked services this year though and they seem to have improved too. Perhaps the competition will drive the delivery companies to all improve their services to attract business.
At the end of the day whichever service is used if the parcel is handled by 'jobsworth' or worse along the way - every company has them - it can go wrong.
None are perfect and sometimes for a customer the problem lies solely with their local delivery person. In such cases I can understand choosing a seller which doesn't use that service. At one point I dreaded having anything delivered by Royal Mail, it's still a bit hit and miss to be honest. Playing hunt the parcel in the pouring rain is not much fun. That's assuming you know they have delivered it to somewhere in the first place... Last year one sat behind my wheelie bin in a cardboard envelope in the rain for a week whilst I was still waiting patiently for it to arrive!
I do agree with the post above though that Evri are absolutely not the best service for anyone with an out of the way address due to the way their couriers routes are set and how the couriers are paid. Royal Mail are are definitely the one for such addresses.
24-03-2025 7:09 AM
A simple help from ebay to make the notification of delievry firm required seller information, so purchasers bitten by EVRI can move on to another supplier, or take the EVRI risk in an informed way.
25-03-2025 6:37 PM
Actually not a reply but an update on my post above. We are still struggling with Everi when used by sellers we buy from. As stated in the message above we now request, before purchase, if another delivery service can be used but the other side of this is that it has got so bad that we no longer buy from eBay, its not worth it and how bad is that? I look at options including sourcing from Amazon and Aliexpress of which the latter has been excellant although a couple of items ended up being sent in via Evri. So with the fact that eBay sesm to default to Evri as their chosen delivery agent, automatically adds quite large fees to our sales items and charges large fees on the professional sales means that we are now steering away from using eBay at all and I find this quite sad because its not a conscious effort but because of lack of transparency, poor customer and more importantly seller support, automatically siding with the buyer and leading to many hours lost trying to sort even the smallest item and continuing problems with Evri just make it not worthwhile. Sales for us on eBay has been cut by half or perhaps more and i have purchased the first two items on eBay since January only because they were substantially cheaper than my other sources where previously we had done several thousands in the same period across our various platforms last year.
maybe the whole eBay project is no longer viable, the loss of intergration with Paypal, the corporate image with a large infrastructre to support means we can no longer sell smaller and less value items on this platform as costs to eBay make these prohibitive. I know they assume that a business does not need a shop or the associated costs when using eBay but as a small business I still need staff, storage, computers etc and actually dont save much and recent calculations show that in some cases it just not finally viable to be a professional seller on eBay.
Shame really, what used to be the go to outlet has now lost its shine in my eyes.
25-03-2025 8:04 PM