Dear Sellers,


Multiple Red warnings have now been issued for severe weather conditions caused by Storm Eunice 


Royal Mail services in the areas impacted by the red warning will be suspended today with delivery offices closed to protect their people and customers.

You can find the Royal Mail service updates here.

Please refer to the websites of carriers you use for more information.


We are closely monitoring the situation and have already extended buyer-facing estimated delivery dates to help manage buyers’ expectations.


Stay safe, and if you are located in the impacted areas, and find yourself unable to dispatch your orders, we recommend that you communicate with your buyers and inform them of the situation as well, also remember to upload tracking numbers to your transactions to allow your buyers to see where their items are. By doing this you’ll also be better protected in the event of carrier delays or if a buyer opens an Item not received case.


As always, thank you for selling on eBay.

Your eBay Team