
all my listings i have over 200 have a higher price than i listed, i have been getting offers for more than original price, when checking my items on another account i could see they were all higher priced than i had listed them.

has anyone else had this happen? 

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Yes,  it's a glitch seems that VAT has been added to some items in error.


eBay are aware, and we've been told making it their top priority to fix,  but no timescale for this fix has been announced.


This may not help you, as you have 200 items and it would be a chore,  but a member has found a workaround,  that is,  to revise all listings,  no need to change the price or any detail just scroll down the relisted form and click on Revise with Displayed Fees,  this seems after a few minutes,  to then show the original price.


Not sure if this works on bulk editing.  No harm I suppose trying one or two, to see if this works for you.



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