Turn off Automatic Offers?



Been trying to amend some listings but they are restricted/locked because of the offers sent I believe (not this account).


As far as I'm aware or that I could find, I've done everything my end to disable automatic offers being sent but it appears they still are as some still have 1-3 days remaining on them.


 Apart from ending and relisting each one, is there a way to stop these? I've had a search/Google and can't seem to find an answer.


Thank you!

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Turn off Automatic Offers?

Instead of Google, don’t you think HELP AND CONTACT at top of most pages would be better for getting information from ebay.


Scroll down to very bottom of this. https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/selling/listings/selling-buy-now/adding-best-offer-listing?id=4144&st=3&...

Message 2 of 3
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Turn off Automatic Offers?

I assume you mean the part about the automated offers in the shop and not the copyright part? 😉


Thank you. As mentioned, as far as I was aware by search (on eBay) AND/OR Google, I had done everything. Hopefully that's done it.


If I'd have thought, I wouldn't have been asking, ey? Could've worded your reply a bit more pleasant.


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