Sales are dead and now I know why

My sales are pretty much in the toilet lately. In the last 3 months I've only had 15 sales, 13 have been to the U.K and the other 2 to Europe. Haven't had a sale from the U.S, Canada, Japan etc for months and now I know why!!! Of my 283 listings only 36 are showing up on the U.S site and I can't find any of my listings at all on the Canadian site. Am completely at a loss what to do to correct things, or if it's even possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Sales are dead and now I know why

Experienced Mentor

The GSP does say some Jewellery can be the subject of restrictions in some countries and customs.


There are also some issues with selling to the US and Canada,despite giving sellers the choice, and ebay seem unaware that there are issues,so it's ongoing.


"The secret of getting ahead is making a start"
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Re: Sales are dead and now I know why

From what I could see it's only jewellery with precious metals and/or precious stones that are prohibited but I only sell costume jewellery and that isn't included in the restricted or prohibited items

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Re: Sales are dead and now I know why

Who knows what ebay deem real or not real if they pick up the words "Gold" or Russian,but as said, a lot of sales to the US and Canada are not viewable by buyers in those countries unless they actually use the search option.

Some items over there have also shown as "Shipping not verified".




"The secret of getting ahead is making a start"
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Re: Sales are dead and now I know why

I had more of a deep dive into the U.S site and only 36 items are showing up in my shop but the listing does show up if you search for an item but you have to be really specific in the words used. Example: If I search for Zoe Coste earrings none of my listings appear but if I search for Zoe Coste art deco style then 2 pair show up in the results. Doubt buyers are going to be that specific when they search though. But I will go through my listings and remove the word 'gold' from my titles see if that makes a difference.

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