Not getting any views

Am a new seller in ebay and i listed 4 to 5 products which i have stock of each item but in a week i literally don't get any view in any listing, can you please help me what should i do to get some views and sale!

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Not getting any views

eBay changed the way their viewing counter works.  This will now only show views from the past 30 days.

eBay inform us that this  now more accurately reflects views from real potential buyers by filtering most machine and bot views.

This fully explains this new change to the viewing counter.


I had a quick look at your listings,  you have lovely items for sale,  but they are all Brand New,  so you do have to register as a business to sell all Brand New items,  this may increase your visibility too,  being correctly registered.



Some members have been experiencing recent viewing figures missing too.  There may be some readjustment period for this new system to settle and show the correct views per month.

Do not worry your items are still seen in searches.

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