MC011 We restricted your account

Hello, my account has been restricted 10 days ago and I'm still unable to resolve this. Appreciate any advice. I had one dispach labaled as overdue which might have flagged me. These are some of the contents from the message I have received:


- 'Provide proof of delivery for the items sold on your eBay account. (We can see tracking uploaded, but several of your items have no movement in their tracking yet, and we need to verify delivery of the items.)'


I always upload tracking but not sure why some don't display on eBay as delivered. I checked this through my post company (Slovakia post) and Global package traking both clearly diplay them all as delivered. I don't understand why eBay is struggling to retrieve this information. Even packages several weeks or months old sometimes don't display as delivered on eBay. I'm unable to use eBay shipping because it's not available in my country.


- 'You can also confirm delivery by providing the feedback you have received from buyers.' 


I asked some buyers to mark the recent items as delivered but for an unknown reason eBay was not offering them the option to do it. I understand that eBay wants the delivery to be confirmed but they are the ones unable to retrieve the confirmaiton. I doubt buyers 2, 4, or 6 months back will want to give feedback. So how exactly am I supposed to resolve this then. What is frustrating about this is the vagueness because I don't know which items need to be addressed. Is it the ones from 3 weeks ago or 4 months or something else? I have no open requests.

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Re: MC011 We restricted your account

You need to first log out of this UK site,  and log in to your homesite to ask your question here:


eBay tracking is sometimes slow to update,  if you have tracking showing delivery to the buyer or to the GSP hub,  contact eBay Customer services on . com and give them those facts.


Hopefully,  then they will readress the restriction issue.



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Re: MC011 We restricted your account

If you are using a UK Registered account to sell from Slovakia ?, you will continue to have Default EU/UK transaction difficulties on Cross Border sales.

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