Item delivered to wrong house. Fed up with eBay

Disgusted beyond belief ,item delivered to a house that isn't mine. Told to open a case with resolver ,told that eBay will side with the seller as status shows delivered . This means any driver can take a picture of your item anywhere and you will potentially not get a replacement or a refund this is really,really not good pic 1 where it's delivered 2 what I think is the same wall at my house , 3 bins behind locked gate that the courier would have to get through ,you couldn't write this farce.  One thing I don't get sorted I'm never using eBay again I suggest ppl do the same if it happens to them  unfortunately can only add 1 pic 

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Item delivered to wrong house. Fed up with eBay

I am not sure how eBay is responsible for a carrier not delivering to the correct place. Surely the issue is with the carrier themselves for being incompetent? If you have tracking number you could contact them and ask where it is, you may need to complete a denial of receipt form. You need to work with your seller to resolve this and ask them also to contact the carrier as to why they delivered to the wrong address.

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