I recently sold my first two items on eBay. As it was my first time selling I had no idea how to do this properly.
When it came to getting a label I could only see the option for a "printed" label which was frustrating as i don't have a printer.
When I went to the post office they said I could print the label there but it would be cheaper for me to just buy two 2nd class stamps instead. In a bit of a fluster already I took their advice and posted with stamps instead.
What I realized is that this meant my parcels were now not tracked and how would the item be marked as delivered? I have been in touch with the buyers who have both received their items but cannot confirm their side that it is received.
What should I now do to ensure that I receive the funds for my sold items? I find it impossible to get in touch with an actual person on this app, and all of their "help" articles are useless for my situation.
Somebody please advise how I can solve this issue