oooo me hooves!!!

did my 6hr shift at work, all that walking, then my friend wanted me to go and decorate her tree for her, so I went over there had lunch and then started on the tree..took me ages, so there I was standing there doing the tree...I had to ask her for some painkillers!!!

we had a good laugh though and the tree looked really nice. So I guess it was worth it.


is your tree up yet?


Message 1 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

How are your hooves now CB?  We put our tree up on Tuesday but it's only a small one and not as good as yours.

Message 2 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

I can feel your pain capt.


Mine's not up yet.  It's actually up, but it's stood there naked for three days now!!  All the branches need opening out and there are hundreds of them.  I can only stand doing it for half an hour at a time, then I've had it for the day!!


Everything else is on track though, so once it's up I'll be more or less done.

Message 3 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

Nope its still in the garage. OH has hurt his back so I might have to wait a couple of days. Sadly going into the loft isnt one job I can do. Have got half the decs out though.
Message 4 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

Get those hooves up CB. You have an email too.:)

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 5 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

As we are going away for Xmas this year my husband has refused to go up into the loft or assemble the tree ....even though in reality we will be away for only a few days.

So I have bought a large wicker reindeer and wrapped fairly lights around it and hung bells and a big wired bow around its neck . I have some lit up boxes that I have put on the floor underneath it . It looks very seasonal ....although maybe a bit Garden Centre " ish " ....

The fun will start when I ask hubby to go up the loft ladder to put said reindeer in the loft does have a largish hatch to accomodate the folding ladder but it sure will be interesting to watch .....
Message 6 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

well I was up in the night with lower back pain, but my sciatica has nearly gone!!!suprised fainting smiley.gif I took some painkillers and sat up for a while and read, and hey presto today so much better.


I can now carry on with my Christmas list and get things done. Next year if she asks me, I will decorate her tree but on my day off.


Message 7 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

I'm glad that you're feeling better CB.  At least this year you'll be at home for Christmas.   

Message 8 of 9
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oooo me hooves!!!

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Sciatica can be a real nuisance can't it. Not the word I would pick but I am not allowed to say rude words.
Message 9 of 9
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