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chucky eggs.....

why is it sometimes when you've hard boiled an egg you can't get the shell off, as the skin has adhered to the eggy too tightly? am I boiling them for too long????..... I put them in warm water bring them the boil and boil for 7 do you do ...


So, who thinks we will be getting a summer this year? apart from the odd day, it's been relatively cold here. I sooooo want to sit out on my swing and admire all my hard work in the garden


A quick heads up to you all. If any of you have booked a holiday to Tunisia in the next 3 months get hold of your travel agent NOW as the FCO have just placed Tunisia off limits and the insurance companies are now saying that no travel insurance will...

an idea from Twishy

something she said got me thinking.... if you were eating a lovely squidgy cake, who would you love to be the plate? I think I'd have to be boring and pick George Clooney..... Over to you...........................

din dins everyone.....

I think that jasmine of Ed's has her by the throat tonight, no sign of her and she said it needed chopping..... so we are having Pembrokeshire new spuddies, a pork loin chop & salad. Then lovely non norty choc mousse and you d...

Recycling plastics

Hi all, so we have a box of food trays, mostly black ready meal type, seems like our local council doesn't accept them in with the blue recycling bin, as I am reluctant to throw them as I hate plastics going to landfill, does any one know of faciliti...

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A video for the cat lovers (both of you)

Presumably there at least one or two people here who like cats - they might enjoy this: Don't worry, nothing deserved bad happens to the cat. It has a pretty expressive face, I must ...

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Long Time No See :)

Yoohooo! I hope you are all fine!! I rarely pop in now but really need to find time to find out what you've all been upto.... I've been thinking about you guys recently..... about all the support you gave me when I needed it. I am pleased to say that...

advice re bank account

Now are you sitting comfortably - this could be a long saga. Son, in early 30's has ASD, lives in a supported living scheme with 24hours support. He operates at about the 5 year level, has almost no language (the only word he uses regularly is NO). H...

Whatever Next

I cannot believe the news, 2 stowaways on a BA flight, hiding in the landing gear, one fell out onto the roof of a building at Heathrow and died, the other is critically ill in hospital. I am surprised either of them survived the 11 hours or whatever...

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