Who watched the debate?

Come on people - lets engage.  Wouldn't have missed it for the world, though did miss a bit 'cos son wasn't well(oh the stress LOL).


It was, in my opinion, probably the most entertaining and interesting thing on TV this week.  Immediate, interaction between opposites, debate - hopefully it will get a few people interested in our political system, especially Europe.


I am sick and tired of living under both UK Governments elected by a tiny minority of the electorate who neither listen nor care what anybody wants from them and the EU who affect our lives so much and where we basically have no say at all.  


Not saying we should be in or out just that we should engage enough to be given a say!.Man Tongue

Message 1 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

I missed it but can catch up with it on i Player.


My own personal view is that we should stay in the EU as we're no longer such a big nation with influence that we once had and together I do think we're stronger overall. Having said that there are serious issue that need addressing for continued membership and Mr Cameron needs to fight hard for our corner if he wants us to stay in.


We pay £50million a DAY to the EU and it just staggers me that proper accounting of monies has not been made in the last 18 years... Any company or self employed individual in this country not submitting their accounts would be hauled into the Tower!

It's a really outrageous state of affairs. 


Secondly, we need to address the immigrations issues more robustly. It isn't just people from other EU countries coming here, it's people from all over the world. After years of immigration we still don't have strict border controls and can't support figures for entry or for people who have fallen foul of the laws here. If we don't have the correct figures to work on then how do we "police" a system? The answer is we don't because we can't. I am not anti immigration per se but I am anti the ineffective record keeping.


We get the government we vote for and it's largely because people can't be bothered to vote - that's democracy in action for you!

Actually the sad reality is that half the population (I guess) don't think politics is about them when in actual fact it's all about them. You get who you either vote for or don't vote for, so may as well vote...


The only way to change that is to make voting mandatory both for UK elections and also for the EU Referendum. 





Message 2 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

I agree.   Don't moan you don't like what the government do if you haven't voted, you have no right to moan, but you have a right to vote use it.

Message 3 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

I think our voting slips should have a 'none of the above option' so people who don't want to vote for any of the candidates can still express their opinion.

still sig
Message 4 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

That's a bloomin good idea, I second that.

Message 5 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

@brynteg11 wrote:

I think our voting slips should have a 'none of the above option' so people who don't want to vote for any of the candidates can still express their opinion.

Yes, good idea but... if that box gets the maximum results, who gets to run the country?! 



Message 6 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

@lhasa.one wrote:

@brynteg11 wrote:

I think our voting slips should have a 'none of the above option' so people who don't want to vote for any of the candidates can still express their opinion.

Yes, good idea but... if that box gets the maximum results, who gets to run the country?! 



Maybe it would concentrate the minds of the political classes on what the people want,who they want and what they are prepared to "put up with"..


Can jusr imagine the chaos.


As far as I am aware the Civil Service would quite happily carry on running the country in their own inimitable way. Aaaarrgghhh!

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

It doesn't seem to matter who you vote for , you like the look of the agenda & think " yes" I like the way you put that across, but you always end up disappointed , they very rarely carry it through. But you keep on voting in the hope that the party you choose will one day actually do what they promise!.

Message 8 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

@guardpig wrote:

@lhasa.one wrote:

@brynteg11 wrote:

I think our voting slips should have a 'none of the above option' so people who don't want to vote for any of the candidates can still express their opinion.

Yes, good idea but... if that box gets the maximum results, who gets to run the country?! 



Maybe it would concentrate the minds of the political classes on what the people want,who they want and what they are prepared to "put up with"..


Can jusr imagine the chaos.


As far as I am aware the Civil Service would quite happily carry on running the country in their own inimitable way. Aaaarrgghhh!

Nail on head! 

Of course the Civil Service would carry on running the country, nothing new there except that these days the Civil Servants all seem to be about  twenty years old with the life experience of knat! Don't get me started on "Think Tanks" or "Statistics" either...  Aaaaaaarrrggghhh indeed!



Message 9 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

Civil Servants just got me thinking...


In Victorian times when we had an Empire - that's nearly half the world - there were 4,000 CS's managing it all.

Now, there are approximately 340,000. Is it any wonder the right foot doesn't know what the left foot is doing, even though they are computerised. Smiley Frustrated


Quotes from "Yes Minister" If it wasn't so funny it would be tragic - sorry make that: it is tragic...




Message 10 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

@lhasa.one wrote:

@guardpig wrote:

@lhasa.one wrote:

@brynteg11 wrote:

I think our voting slips should have a 'none of the above option' so people who don't want to vote for any of the candidates can still express their opinion.

Yes, good idea but... if that box gets the maximum results, who gets to run the country?! 



Maybe it would concentrate the minds of the political classes on what the people want,who they want and what they are prepared to "put up with"..


Can jusr imagine the chaos.


As far as I am aware the Civil Service would quite happily carry on running the country in their own inimitable way. Aaaarrgghhh!

Nail on head! 

Of course the Civil Service would carry on running the country, nothing new there except that these days the Civil Servants all seem to be about  twenty years old with the life experience of knat! Don't get me started on "Think Tanks" or "Statistics" either...  Aaaaaaarrrggghhh indeed!



Ah yes, the public sector. They certainly inspire one with confidence.  Have a job vacancy - still waiting for the millions of unemployed to ring.  However I did have the poor soul on who lives in the next town over, does not have a driving licence(listed as ESSENTIAL), would have an expensive 2 hour journey on bus and train to us(and we start at 7.30) and very little relevant experience.  Why is he trying to apply? - because his advisor told him he HAD TO!!!!!!!!!!! Now I have a hacking cough, can hardly speak and am struggling to cope so I told him to tell her that it would be nice imo if she learnt to read, write and think before she wastes anybody else's time.  I am waiting with bated breath(or would be if I had any) for the irate phone call!!!!!!


Second debate on tonight.  Hoping it will be as entertaining as the last one. Probably more so than Man U and Bayeern whatever that I was treated to last night!.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

It's on again tonight on BBC Two, another one 😛 🙂
Message 12 of 13
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Re: Who watched the debate?

Tonight's is on Sky News first at 6-30, on BBC 2 later. As far as I know the later one is a repeat.

I'm siding with Nigel. He's saying what most people are thinking and the other politicians are so very afraid to say.


I don't care who you are, stop walking on the water while I'm fishing. --------------------------------------------------
Message 13 of 13
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