Who's Jesus?

A thief breaks into a church.  While he is unloading all the silver, he hears a voice screech out:

"I can see you, so can Jesus!"  He drops everything in terror and is about the run when he sees a parrot, perched on one of the crosses by the altar, and heaves a sigh of relief before laughing.

"I can see you, so can Jesus!" it continues to squalk.  

"And what's your name?"  he asks it, as he reverts back to his sinful deeds..

"My name is Lucifer, my name is Lucifer."  It replies.

"That's a funny name for a parrrot."  He replies.

"What about Jesus for a rotweiller?  I can see you, so can Jesus..."

Message 1 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?


Who indeed?  A remarkable bloke, by all accounts.  If he did or said a quarter of what is attributed to him, he was still a very special visionary.  I do not accept him as the son of god, but a remarkable human being who preached then what people are now seeing is the way forward: tolerance, compassion and a turning away from violence.  I am not a Christian, but we can all learn a heck of a lot from Jesus.


Message 2 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

Thank you for your reply.  Before we stray into the field of philosophy though, and get involved in what could develope int a heavy debate, let me point out that in this case, Jesus was a dog - a Rotweiller, left there to guard the church treasures, and a parrot that warned him that not only had he (Lucifer) seen him carrying out his sinful acts, so too had Jesus, who was about to administer very earthly punishment.  It was a straight joke that fell a bit flat seeing as you were the only person to respond it it - I don't think I'll give up my day job!


In answer to your questiojn, he was more, much, much more than a visionary, for no normal man could have created such a following that two-thirds of the population of the rearth is now Christian-based.  Not everybody would have rejoiced at the name of Jesus.  Remember, shortly after his birth a lunatic, equally as evil as Hitler, decreed that all male children under the age of three were to be mutilated.  defenceless babes against three feet of steel.  No normal man would have been able to develope the sheer knowledge which Juses did, nor would they be able to create miracles.  He was only on this earth for thirty-three years, his main ministry lasting a little over three.  Miracles of the blind seeing, the deaf hearing epileptics being made whole - leprosy vanishing  - where these the makings of a great visionary?  Nay, thrice nay upon thee, I say - they could only have come from God.  He came into this world to give people a second chance.  The luckiest sinner ever to die had to be the one who died alongside Jesuson the cross.  He said Jesus, when you reach your paradise, remember me.  Lying there, naked and in unspeakable agony, Jesus didn't say: "It's a bit lat in the day for all that - you're a sinner etc."  Even then, full of compassion, and in the utmost sincerity He said: "Behold, I go to prepare a place for you."  Now if he was just a man of vision, if He was not the Son of God, and He knew He was dying, what would be the point of carrying on this charade to His final breath.  


Jesus is to me as real a person as you are,  and is with me 24/365 following my become a Born-again Christian following a breakdown in 2003.  PM me at your leisure if you want to know more on why I made such a personal decision.  Don't worry - I'm not an evangelist.  I'll not ram it down your throat.  We'll take things at your pace, away from the spotlight.  Anon, Fred heart

Message 3 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

Thanks, Fred.  I agree with every word.  Also... I liked your joke.  Very funny.

Message 4 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

Thank you.  I used to watch Dave Allan and laugh at his religious jokes, although one or two of them were a bit close to the mark.  You hear the name God often - usually blasphemously: we're all guilty of that one!  In pubs, abusively.  Most of us will have a laugh at the Dave Allan jokes in pubs and clubs and think no more about it, but when the tables are turned - when somebody's going down and you know there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, God is viewed from a very different perspective.  Omnipresent, omnipotent, God takes on a very different role.  I was a Christian of convenience until 2003.  Glad you like my joke, though.Smiley Happy

Message 5 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

Speaking of blasphemy, I recently saw a cafe called OMGS.  I could never use a place that so easily blasphemes the name of God.  I could go in and complain when I get the courage, but on this occasion we went into a Christian place that gives food etc. away to people in need and had a good cup of coffee and choccy biscuits for a donation.  God must be used to it after all these years but I'm afraid I don't have his patience!

Message 6 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

What did you 'assume' the OMGS stood for? Did you ask?

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 7 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?


"OMG may refer to:

  • Oh My God, Oh my Goodness, Oh my Gosh, or Oh my Golly, a common abbreviation used in SMS, instant messaging and other internet communication"

there are 4 possible interpretations, but hey ho, its infinitely quicker to jump to conclusions and judge blindly than it is to take the time and make an informed decisionSmiley Frustrated

Message 8 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

It's an American Diner I believe & OMGS are a line of American candy.

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 9 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

Sabrina Washington released a song, "OMG" and it was for "Oh my gosh"


sometimes it can be funny when people get abbreviations mixed up, sometimes not


like the woman who text her son "your grandma has died LOL"

he replied in shock, "do you know what LOL means?"

"yes, lots of love?"


Smiley Indifferent


Message 10 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

If I went into a shop or cafe or whatever and the name was OMGS I would wonder what it stood for, not make something up and then think, 'Fancy calling it that!'


If it was a cafe I'd think it stood for Order More Grub Soon!   Or could be,  Onions Make Great Soup?  Woman LOL

Message 11 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

I'm a life-long atheist, and a British expat...

For years, I lived in one of your typical American Bible-thumping towns, where everything is Christian related.

I was a frequent patron of the local Christian coffee shop, where religious music blared all day long, and everything in the shop was Christian related.

Did that bother me...not a jot..Smiley LOL

Their coffee & dough-nuts were the best in town...!!

I'm extremely non-judgemental...and religious folks have never bothered me, even the fanatics......live & let live I always say.

However, if the owners, and patrons of that coffee shop had been aware of an atheist in their midst..I'm sure I would have been 'ridden out of town on a rail car'...and the entire coffee shop including fixtures would have been quickly fumigated, and doused with holy water...Smiley LOL


It takes all sorts to make a world..!!


Message 12 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

They are a tad fanatical in the American Bible Belt arent they! lol 

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 13 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

I think it's generally accepted that OMG means Oh My God, and to try and say it's something else is being perverse or naive.

Message 14 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

Sorry just goes to show I always thought it meant oh my goodness, I'm obviously not very well versed in text speak.
Message 15 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

you are obviously not "perverse or naive" though edSmiley Very Happy


good grief i have been called many things, but never "perverse or naive"

if jumping to wild conclusions (which it seems to be) is being religious, i am glad i am not

Message 16 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

I've always thought that OMG meant Oh My God, but we're talking about OMGS................................or am I stupid as well as the other two adjectives?

Message 17 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

OMGS is a brand of American Candy. 

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 18 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

I just noticed the s on the end so does that mean oh my gods, so does that then encompass everybodys gods for there are many. Does that oh my god necessarily mean the Christian god, or maybe hindu gods, or muslim god or jewish god.

Now I'm really confused.

Have we looked on the Internet to see what it means or even asked on the cafe.
Message 19 of 56
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Re: Who's Jesus?

So then it has nothing to do with religion. Why does everything have to revert back to religion. What makes the pious think everything is about religion, with all the **bleep** going on in the world it makes me wonder why anyone bothers with religion. But I am sure I will be corrected.........

Watch this space.....

Message 20 of 56
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