That cat question again

How long shall I keep my cat in when we move?


Yes I know it's been discussed before but I don't know if it would be 2 weeks of 4 weeks etc.


When I first got him back in 2009 he wandered off 2 or three times  and it was hell, even the shorter 'lost' times.  He's not wandered off for 3 years now, but I can't go through that again :_|


So what is your advice guys?

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That cat question again

When I moved I tried to keep the cat in but he got out after about three days....and by the evening he was back again hungry so in my opinion just a couple of days.....if they are going to wander off they will do so no matter what. I have moved about 10 times since owning cats and never lost one yet. Hope this helps Streety

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Message 2 of 8
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That cat question again

is it true about buttering their paws keeps them from wandering?


Message 3 of 8
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That cat question again

Nah!  You just get a lot of sticky footprints on everything and a pile of cat puke in the hall after he's licked all that fat off.:|

Message 4 of 8
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That cat question again

within 3 hours of moving my cat climbed out of a wee window wandered round garden and sat crying to get back in:-D

Message 5 of 8
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That cat question again

When we moved here, my 2 cats had a wee explore round, & came right back in.


It wasn't a problem for us:-x

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That cat question again

My cat goes off on long walks!  I've seen him out and about quite a distance from home..
I might get a cat lead and show him around his new garden..! 
He's going to hate being shut in, but I'd hate to lose him.

I believe he will try and get back 'home' to his other cat friends

Message 7 of 8
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That cat question again

Maybe you could do the sheet on the line and the hoover bits in a heap on the lawn, so he recognises smells from his old home?


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