Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any ideas for stopping pigoens roosting on a roof. It is my neighbours roof they are on but the mess they are making affects us too as we have a shared driveway between the properties.


This is a recent problem which we believe has been caused by a site opposite being cleared of old buildings and trees prior to it being built on. We've also had rats appear but have hopefully dealt with them ourselvesCat Mad


My neighbour has contacted the council but I don't think they will do anything as we are not council tennants. I know we could get it cleaned off, probably at great expense, but we still need to stop the little perishers sitting up there!


Thanks in advance for any useful tips Cat Happy2007_0210hogs0004.JPG2007_0210hogs0005.JPG

Message 1 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Yes, but sadly it's illegal, Smiley Sad


They can be a real pain can't they, maybe a decoy eagle owl or hawk,  sounds daft but we have friends who stuck one on their garage roof to deter seagulls, worked for quite a while until the seagulls attacked it.


I wish you luck, as for the roof, If you can get rid of them I am sure the winter rain will help to get rid of it.

Message 2 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Find your nearest friendly farmer with a gun licence ....................... sorry to those who'll think me cruel

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 3 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Depends where you are, shooting them in a 'public' place is frowned upon, my hubby has a shotgun (and licence) and has used it for getting rid of pidgeons on the local estate (stately home not housing) but I am sure you have to get permission in a residential area. He isn't here to ask am afraid.  I think there has to be a reason, i.e. eating crops etc. I will find out when he comes home.

Message 4 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Have a look on a site called rural sports it tells you what you can do, but shooting is a last resort, as you have to make every other effort to get rid and need to proove a risk to health or crops.


Another site suggests, putting a hosepipe to them when they come in to roost, also the decoy bird of prey idea.

Message 5 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

I live in a rural farming community and as such most peeps either own a shotgun or air-rifle


“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 6 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Me too Stan, but its not something I am too fond of though, I prefer more humane ways before taking drastic action.

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?



they used lots of the spikes in town to deter  gulls nest not long after we moved here

not pretty, but unless you know someone with a high power hose that can soak them everyday, or

someone who has a hawk - that will discourage all birds not just the bad ones

Take a breath, then count to ten, then breatheeeeeeeeeeeee out
Message 8 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Pigeons make a tasty meal Smiley

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

i didnt know pigeons knew how to cookSmiley Embarassed

Message 10 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Have you tried finding a falconer? they are used to clear birds from airports and markets . 


Message 11 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Thanks for the suggestions Cat Happy


As we are in a built up residential area and have a primary school and a childrens centre just down the road I'm not sure shooting them is a good idea! Also I don't know anyone with a gun (as far as I know Cat Wink)


Lady at the council suggested putting netting up there to deter them, but it wouldn't be very easy. Plastic bird of prey  may be a more practical solution, will look in to that.


I feel bad for my neighbour as she is in her late 80's and a real worrier. She told me earlier this will keep her awake, beginning to wish I'd said nothing but she knew the mess was in the driveway anyhow. In fact she keeps picking up the feathers that are constantly blowing around! I just leave them for the wind to take Cat Tongue the droppings are more of a worry to me with the diseases they spread.

Message 12 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

How about getting a cat or two?  The pigeons wouldn't like it and it would

help the many, many cat rescue places that are over-run with kitties this

time of year.


The cat would probably never succeed in catching a pigeon but its mere

presence would put them off and they'd find another room to do their business



Now that's put the cat among the pigeons!

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Lol fishie Cat LOL we have a cat and there are numerous others around too, just no way of them getting anywhere close enough to deal with the pests!


After a bit of trial and error we have , hopefully, moved them on. Waiting until they start settling in for the night and then banging the landing window, followed by shaking a carrier bag at them over and over has worked best.


Thanks again for all the suggestions, just hoping the mess will clear quite quickly Cat Frustrated My poor neighbour has been so upset over the whole business (and driving me nutty by pouncing on me to fuss about it every time I put my face out the door !)


Lets hope they like it in their new home and don't try to come back here.

Message 14 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

We had the same problem but got it sorted very easily.


The metal 'scare birds' only work for a short time until they realise that they are just decoys and then they come back in their thousands - I jest not.


Also the 'scare birds' scare everything from the area so no more bird song to wake up to, more bugs in the garden as the birds are not there to eat them etc.


The solution is in two stages:


First clean the roof/s of all bird doodoo - the smell acts as a magnet to other pigeons.


Now buy a couple of poles - about 6ft in length - and attach waterproof fabric in ribbons to the poles - about 8 8ft lengths.


Attach the poles to the roof, one either end and the pigeons will find somewhere else as the fluttering and noise of the ribbons means that they cannot settle.


Worked for us, in less than a week we where pigeon free and they have not come back after 3 years.  We change the ribbons every year as they tend to wear out with the weather but that is all.

Message 15 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Another great idea, thanks Cat Happy


Last night we had one "scout" who came several times to see if it was safe or not. Scared him off and no others turned up, yay!


Neighbour and I are very grateful for all help and suggestions, it really was making her ill worrying about them being up there.



Message 16 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

It might be worth putting a pole + flappy bits up there anyway - with an elderly neighbour, you don't want her trying to scare them away if you're not in one evening when a couple of birds try it...

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

Well what a bunch of choccy teapots our council really areCat Mad


We have been told it's probably caused by having fibreglass insulation in the loft, eh???


We could put a net over the entire roof at huge cost !!!


And the bit that really got me fuming, a chap called to speak to my neighbour today to reassure her that there is NO risk to health associated with pigeons and the droppings won't damage your property, both blatent lies as far as I can see Cat Surprised


Good job we seem to have sorted it for ourselves if you ask me!

Message 18 of 19
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Re: Nuisance Pigeons on roof, any suggestions for getting rid?

I have a crazy cat lady tennant beside me in semi detatched housing cul de sac area of Dublin. She has taken to encouraging neighbourhood cats by placing boxes and kennels outside the in the overgrown garden, now establishing well rooted trees, weeds, briars amounted over four years. Grass never mowed, even once in that time. Gunk growing out of the roof attatched to me. Every morning, day and evening, out she comes with food on pieces of kitchen roll to feed BOTH cats and PIDGEONS! I am awoken early in the morn to the sound of the no less rhan 20 pidgeons cooing on the roof. Dropping's splattered all over my deck and outdoor seating area. I have now had to cease feeding the small birds of which I had been feeding for years. Two years ago, I kindly and polietly requested the lady in question not to place ground feed as of the problems it can bring. This has been disrespecfully ignored. The damn cats come into my garden also to dig and spray. No point in contacting Landlord because he doesn't care. The house looks like a dump from the outside, the front drive nearly completely covered of weeds and even trees have taken 'root' between the cracks. This is a lovely area where all other houses are kept. I've resorted to leaving my window blinds permanently down because It's an eyesore from my property. Got mice a year ago for the first time in a decade, the tenants don't care as they have cats indoors also. They don't care with regard to pidgeons destroying neighbouring properties either because they don't have to fork out the finance for upkeep and repairs. I'm sick of it. Rant over.
Message 19 of 19
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