Losing teeth

Just a question. The ladies on here like myself who are in the Menopause or Perimenopause,,,. Have you noticed you have been losing more teeth in this stage in your life?. Im wondering as i have another bad toothwhich is infected and i only had my last one out three months ago. Im thinking it could be another side effect of Menopause. Just wondered if this has happened to others?. Woman Frustrated

Message 1 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

I have been through the menopause Rose & my teeth are just as strong as they have ever been. At 67 I have good teeth with two crowns just for cosmetic reasons, not for problem teeth. Quite a few fillings though from when I was younger! It's more likely to be hereditary perhaps?

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 2 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

I'm afraid Rose it could be receding gums, have a word with your dentist about the type of brush & also the way you clean your teeth, do they bleed when you clean them?
I had no problem with mine & apart from having my wisdom teeth removed because they were to big for my mouth & pushing against my other ones, I still have all mine & only one filling, so I would agree with i love to patch ^^^^^ !.
Do you smoke? That also can damage teeth as we grow older, it sounds to me that your tooth is perhaps not as firm & that's why infection is setting in?

Message 3 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

Dont think it is the menopause Rose I have had rubbish teeth forever I have very thin enamel.
Message 4 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

rose did you have your wisdom teeth out?

Take a breath, then count to ten, then breatheeeeeeeeeeeee out
Message 5 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

I've had one tooth out since the menopause and that was because I was in complete agony with it.  I've also got one of my back teeth crowned which I had done about 20 years ago plus.  

Message 6 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

I have lost several teeth this last 3 years and now have top and bottom plates.mine is mainly down to my ME as when I get really down I get abcesses and they are normally in my weekest point which is my teeth.hence loosing them and added to that my diabetes is helping my gums recede and there is nothing I can do to stop it.in a way I will be glad when they have all been taken out..

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 7 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

I am scared to death of losing all mine, because I am put right off as my OH had all his taken out when he was in his 50's due to bad gums, I reckon because he was never taught to clean them every day when he was a child. I hate his false teeth and what he is like without them in. I am terrified of getting like it.


Some information came out a while back about unscrupulous dentists giving NHS patience fillings when not needed just to get paid for the jobs, I reckon on was at 21 and post natal one of those, my dentist took advantage of me and gutted all my back teeth and filled them, the fillings only last about 25 years and I think that is why I am having a few problems now. At 55 I have lost 3 back ones, thankfully dotted about so I can eat OK but I think the will be a couple more to go fairly soon.


I think I am a victim because when I left school at 17-18 my teeth were perfect no filings and I always visited the school dentist twice a year. Good teeth like that wouldn't go bad as quick as a couple of yeas, as they were supposed to have done to warrant the treatment I got, I took advantage of the free dental treatment for post natal patience and bloomin well wish I hadn't.  I did look into doing something about it late on in my life but by then it was too late, and no dentist would even talk to me about it.


I am suffering for it now, but I certainly don't think problem teeth are because of the menopause, I think it is more down to how your whole health and well being has been throughout your life.




Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 8 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

@**towery** wrote:

rose did you have your wisdom teeth out?

I had the one in front out. I know that can happen if you have a tooth out the one next to it can get infected too!.Woman Sad

Message 9 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

It could be hereditary as my mum and dad had to have all of their teeth removed straight off and falsies put in. Thats why im scared!!. The dentist asked me about smoking and drinking and i dont do either. Ive cut out a lot of sweet things and improved my intake of fruit and vegetables aswell. My gums dont bleed at all. They used to be terrible when i was younger but i clean them scrupulously!!!. I was wondering about the Amitriptyline im taking as ive heard it makes some peoples teeth go bad but i think thats as it can make you hungry for sweet stuff!!. I also heard it can lower your immune system but it cant affect you that badly surely?. I was looking it up online and the Menopause it says can affect your teeth like it can affect your bones!. I dont know its worrying though.Woman Indifferent

Message 10 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

When you say scrupulously do you been you give em a really hard scrub, cos that can damage your gums, as to your tablets going bad is different from coming loose or infection setting up in the gums via the root canal, it certainly sounds as though it could be an inherited trait, have a word with your Dentist.

Message 11 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

Ohhh no not hard,,just the right pressure as i know that can hurt them yes if you do it too hardWoman LOL,,,,,oooops that sounded a bit risque!!!!.


I think its probably hereditary but im going to speak with my dentist when i go back next week to ask if she has any ideas. I suppose i will have to succumb to her pliers again!!!!. Ive only just got the one in front healed,,its a B****R!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It really was roaring last night worse than ive ever known a pain. The dentist told me to go to A&E if i could not get on top of the pain but what are they going to do???. Not a lot!!. I cant feel the pain in the morning as my Migraine medication keeps it away i think, then in the evening it starts hurting just before its time to take the Amitriptyline!!. Last night i got out of bed and did a salt wash and the pain gradually dissapeared!!!.Woman Happy

Message 12 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

Oooooh nasty! Trouble is all those nerve endings are connected the pain can go all over your mouth into the ear neck and cheeks so I do sympathise !.(((())))

Message 13 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

Thank you Saasher!!!!.Woman Happy

Message 14 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

i asked about the wisdom teeth as i didnt have mine out - a dentist told me when i was about 27 that i needed to get them out soon or not to come crying to  him when they came through


i didnt really understand what he meant but now i do,  my teeth have slowly been pushed out of position, wheree i had gaps they disappeared , where i didnt have gaps they have had to be removed when they turned bad ,


the pain was horrendous at times

Take a breath, then count to ten, then breatheeeeeeeeeeeee out
Message 15 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

Yes wisdom teeth are nasty if you don't have room for them, some don't even get them at all, ( lucky beggers) my last one took nearly four months to come through& I had an abscess when it burst the relief was magical, after I had them removed, I'd got bruising around my cheeks for weeks, basically I looked like a full pouched hamster, but it was well worth it!. & touch wood no trouble since, both my brothers also had theirs removed. Having said that some people don't have problems with them.

Message 16 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

Obviously nothing to do with the menopause in my case but I've lost a number of teeth that just became loose due to receding gums.


One front tooth was literally ejected, the socket filling up at the root during the process. Smiley Sad

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Message 17 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

I reckon its been affected by having an infection in the one in front. Then i had that out. Its probably upset the Wisdom tooth. Ive had one out at the top and they have plenty of room so hopefully it wont be a difficulty to get it out. The one in front was cracked so maybe this extraction will be less trouble. I may be able to have Root canal the dentist said but that takes a long faddly old time to sit though, what with them putting that clip thing around the tooth which can pinch!!. I dont pay for treatment so i dont really know what i will do at the moment!.Woman Happy

Message 18 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

It beggers yer whistling I'll bet? I think we are all falling apart in one way or another, me I can't remember what day it is most days.lol.

Message 19 of 34
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Re: Losing teeth

Bless ya Saasher!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((())):womanlol:

Message 20 of 34
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