Little Princess Trust fundraising

So, way back in September I decided that I didn't want a party to celebrate my 40th birthday in March, I wanted to do something else to mark the occasion.  I read an interesting post on Facebook that a friend had shared and thought, yeah, I could do this.  The post was about donating hair to a charity called Little Princess Trust who use the hair to make wigs for kids & teens who have lost their own hair through Cancer treatment.  I initially decided to donate just the minimum of 7" and my hair would still be long but then decided that it was time for a much needed change and major overhaul.  I'd always had long hair and had worn it in the same style for the past 9 years or so I found a style that I loved as soon as I saw it and so as my 40th birthday was in March, I have recently had it all cut off and donated it.  I got 3 ponytails cut off, 2 were 8-9" long from the front/sides and the main one from the back was 12" - going from almost waist length to chin length and I feel amazing.


I have hit my initial fundraising target, which was to cover the cost of making one wig, but quite a lot of people donate their hair to the charity but fundraise for other charities instead so I would like to try to increase the amount of money I raise to help with any shortfalls.  The minimum donation online is £2 so if anyone is feeling remotely generous I would appreciate any help at all in increasing the amount raised for them so that they can help more young Cancer sufferers.  You can also see before, during and after photos on this page 

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Little Princess Trust fundraising

disney........... a wee donation sent........kathleen 0'

Message 2 of 7
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Little Princess Trust fundraising

Thank you Kathleen, but I'm not sure it's gone through as its not showing on the page. x

Message 3 of 7
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Little Princess Trust fundraising

oh thats strange......just looked on my paypal and no payment sent........ off to try again:-x

Message 4 of 7
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Little Princess Trust fundraising

disney should be there now

Message 5 of 7
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Little Princess Trust fundraising

Just added a wee drop from me!


Well done!

Message 6 of 7
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Little Princess Trust fundraising

Thank you both.  Hubby also said that it's took years off


About 12 months ago



Two weeks ago


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