
Sexual Jealousy
A lot of people get jealous and possessive in relationships. They don’t like their partner talking with someone else, or hanging out with members of the opposite sex without them. Some people get even crazier. They get jealous about things that happened before they met their partner. They get jealous about things that might happen in the future. Hell, they get jealous about things that didn’t happen but could have happened.
Sexual jealousy is a waste of energy and toxic for your relationship.
It’s really simple: either you trust your partner or you don’t.
If you trust your partner, then shut your mouth. If you don’t trust your partner, do everyone a favor and dump them.
“Well, what if I trust them but they lie to me anyway?”
Then trust that one day you will find out. Dishonest people cannot hide their dishonesty forever. Eventually it will surface and be obvious. And on that day, dump them.
The worst part of sexual jealousy is that it drives your partner to commit the exact actions in which you’re trying to prevent them from doing in the first place. Imagine you’re dating somebody and this person is insanely jealous. Everything you do they accuse you of lying to them or sneaking around behind their back. Every person of the opposite sex you speak to they accuse you of flirting or freak out that you’re sleeping with 10 other people.
What’s stopping you from actually cheating then? I mean, you’re going to get yelled at whether you’re honest or not. Apparently they believe you’re a dishonest person anyway, so you may as well get the benefits from being dishonest, right? What’s stopping you from cheating? Not much.

......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
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Re: Jealousy

I've answered this before Tommy! But I'll answer again just to get the ball rolling.
I never suffered from jealousy or mistrust, that is until I had cause too! I then acted as you said I ended it. I have forgiven but not forgotten the trust once broken can never be regained IMO. Well not in my case anyway. It doesn't mean I don't care of course I do, but in my case I am not prepared to live a lie.

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Jealousy

Jealousy can be a negative and very destructive emotion, but I believe sometimes depending on the cause and reasons for it there is room for sympathy, mercy and forgiveness. It doesn't always have to end with rejection. In my case things ended (or continued) on a positive. xx

Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Jealousy

I'm glad for you ! Every case is different of course& no one apart from the people involved know what has gone on to cause the separation, in my case I do know but I'm afraid it wasn't enough for me!.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Jealousy

Sexual fidelity isn't the be all and end all.


Love is more important.

soft as velvet but comes with needle sharp claws

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Jealousy

Have you got half an hour?????. LOL. I have answered this before aswell. I have spent a lot of time in my life being horribly jealous, but now i have got to a wiser age i dont bother any more. If someone wants to be with you they will be with you!!!,. If they want someone else then go and have them!!!!!!. Thats my motto now. Im not losing any more sleep,, or any more tears,, beating my pillow at night and cursing all the male species!!!!. Id rather be alone than be with anyone who is going to cause me traumatic feelings!!!!!!.


So thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. LOL.heart

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