Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

We live in a quiet cul de sac, we have a cat, and most of the neighbours have either one or two each, so we are all pretty cat friendly. There is a new cat which has been hanging around for the past couple of weeks, I have only seen it a few times, it seems very frightened but the other cats all seem to tolerate her quite well. None of the neighbours know if it belongs to anyone. It only has 3 feet and the way it walks makes me think it has not always been like that, like it is still getting used to it, I know that sounds a bit daft.


It never comes near any people, if you go to it , it runs. It does not look skinny, but you cant really tell. Yesterday, it came close enough for me to see there is something seriously wrong with its eye, it looks ulcerated and really swollen.  She let me give her some food in a bowl yesterday, but would not go near it until I backed off, then ran as soon as I tried to get a bit closer. She has been out in that rain all day today and I noticed her under the neighbours car and again, she let me give her some food but would not let me near her. I think if I call the RSPCA they will not get hold of her and will spook her off completely. I thought if I could get a hold of her I could take her to the PDSA vets but I dont know if I can get close enought to her.


I dont really know what to do , any suggestions?

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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do


The pdsa will loan you a cat trap which you bait with food.I had a similar thing..the cat was in dire straits and the local vet put it down free of charge as should the pdsa.

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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

cat protection league may also help ?  probably at least lend you a cat trap.


unlikely the rspca will bother trying to catch an injured / ill cat, but they may bother to turn up once the cat is in a cat carrier.

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

I know the cat rescuers have special hooks or nets that grip the cat without hurting it,,so dont worry about that. Please, Please call someone out the RSPCA or cats protection. This cat sounds like it needs to be looked over and given medical aid!!!. I know some cats are very skittish especially if it is a true stray. If the rescue people really care and are doing their job they will catch the cat and take it back to their location. Thats what their supposed to do if you call them out. Keep us informed,, awww you sound like a kind person.heart

Message 4 of 11
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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

Hope you catch her soon, poor thing; she might be in pain with her eye. Please keep us updated.

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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

RSPCA, if they bother to come out at all, are most likely to PTS.


Try to borrow a trap from Cats Protection and ask them how to use it. Poor cat may have been dumped or be lost.

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." - Immanual Kant
Message 6 of 11
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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

I second that!. The Cats Protection only PTS if nothing can be done but they at least will try in the best interests of the cat alone!!!!!!!.

Message 7 of 11
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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

From your description, its possible that it has been very cruelly treated, which would explain its reluctance to let you near it. Possibly the only thing to be done is put it to sleep.

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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

Ahh, poor little cat.  If you can get hold of Sara or anyone from Yorkshire Cat Rescue on here

she/they will be able to offer good advice as they are very experienced in dealing with all

things cat-related.


Meanwhile, you will need time to gain the little cat's trust, and that is something you haven't

really got if he/she is injured, so the best move would probably be to borrow a trap from

Cats Potection, bait it and wait.


Alternatively, if cat's injuries don't look severe, it is sadly possible that it's been neglected or

treated cruelly in which case it'll take patience to gain its trust.  Just keep persevering, firstly

just talking gently to it without looking directly at it constantly, just a glance now and again.

Do this as you are leaving morsels for it to eat so it sees you put them there, then leave and

watch from somewhere so cat can take the treat freely and without consequence.  Whn you've

done that for a few days, maybe go a step or two closer to cat, extend your hand with the treat

and put it down near cat, talking gently to it.  Gradually he/she will know you mean no harm

and will be comfortable close to you and then with you touching him.


It can take weeks though, bless him, especially if all he's seen from humans is cruelty/neglect.


Good luck, he'll eventually thank you for caring.

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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

Hope we hear good news about the little cat soon,,,,awwww Bless.heart

Message 10 of 11
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Re: Injured cat, but she keeps running away, not sure what to do

Hi, I have not seen him at all since I did the last posting. I dont know if that is good or bad news. There are that many cats round here , if I just set a cat trap, I have no doubt I would be removing one every ten mintes, just not the one I want to get hold of. If I spot him again I will try to feed him and hopefully get him to stay still long enough to get some help. Thanks for the advice.

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