Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

We were bought out by an American set-up and, of course, some bright spark thought what a good idea it would be if everybody "Dressed Down" in the office on a Friday so as not to create a "Them and us" attitude between master and serf..  Personally I didn't go for it.  I'd never be seen dead in the City (London) without a shirt and tie, and I despaired at one of the middle-management team sporti9ng an obviously just bought pair of Levis.  To me there's nothing worse than a boss trying to be "one of the lads"  It just doesn't work.  They should set - and maintain certain standards.

What thinkest thou?

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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

Hmmm! Interesting, I wear a dress & jacket or pencil skirt , blouse& jacket Both worn with court shoes to work, but in my locker always at the ready are jeans , TShirt & pumps for when I have to go out on a job & believe me I've been caught out many a time & not had time to change, all the guys wear suits & ties & also have working gear in their lockers, I've often felt very sorry for them especially in this hot weather.

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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

I work within finance and whether it be the big boss or the new temp we are all suited and booted everyone is expected to wear buisness attire ,or for cleaners,reception,security the uniform provided.


All sounds great till it's like a sauna within the office and people are dropping like flies in full suit

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 3 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

Yes I agree! They look smart but it's not practical at all in the summer& very uncomfortable it's not so bad for us we are fairly relaxed & unless we have a pretty high flying meeting we shed the jackets etc.

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

My grandson is in the first year at high school. The uniform is polo shirt and sweatshirt and they're not allowed to take the sweatshirt off all year round!

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

I can never understand that, how do they expect them to concentrate when their hot , sticky & uncomfortable absolute madness.

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

Oh how I wish we had a dress code - the outfits considered suitable work attire by some of the staff at our place would make your hair curl. Makes me cringe to see low-cut see through tops, flip flops, bermuda shorts, T shirts with offensive slogans etc.


We no longer have a Chief Exec, but the old one used to turn up wearing the weirdest outfits. He even turned up with tartan hair, and I wont mention the tatoos!


I have been known to go to work in my nightie and bath robe, but only outside office hours when I have the building to myself.

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Some days I pray for silence
Some days I pray for soul
Some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock 'n' roll
Message 7 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

How on earth do you do tartan hair?  I want some!

Message 8 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

Wherever I've worked, there's never been a uniform but everyone was expected to look smart especially as clients were in and out all day long.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

We don't have a dress code, and it's the scruffiest place I've ever worked!  Senior Management go for the media suit and no tie look (I hate that: you don't want to wear a tie, fine - but don't wear a suit!) and for the rest of us, anything goes.  I have a personal rule that I only wear jeans and T shirt in the holidays, and I always wear a skirt and suitable top if I'm in class or seeing students - but I have colleagues who think tight little tops and tighter jeans is the way to go *shudder*  I have one or two male colleagues who are quite snappy dressers, and if they ever dare to come in in anything other than jeans and a shirt, people make snide comments and ask if they've got a job interview.


An odd set-up - we tell the students they must behave professionally towards their studies, but we're the least professional of the lot!  On the plus side, I do like not having to wear a) heels or b) make up!

Message 10 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

We have to wear a uniform, which is fine as it hopefully has us all looking smart,  sady this weather it is horrendous as the trousers are made of polyester, it was my first day back today and boy was I hot, after wearing sandals and cropped trousers for 2 weeks.

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

I have had a lot of jobs where i have had a uniform. I think its nice the typical Suit for men and Dress or Blouse and Skirt for ladies but one day would not hurt!!!. Maybe management should remain in Suits ect though as they maybe have more meetings and clients to liase with?. Yes. Well thats my view.Woman Happy

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

I work in finance.  We have dress down Fridays.  We don't have a specific dress code (just advice) but the people in my department ususally dress pretty well, some other departments well..... not quite so!

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

@chickengrandma-2008 wrote:

My grandson is in the first year at high school. The uniform is polo shirt and sweatshirt and they're not allowed to take the sweatshirt off all year round!

Pity my son is all grown up I could have sent him along for a visit and cured that idea.


When he gets too hot he projectile vomits.  Used to tell his teachers to instruct him to shed jumpers etc when it got hot.  They being teachers always told me he was old enough to know when he was too hot.  Him having Aspergers and a couple of other issues(all at that stage undiagnosed!!!) didn't realise he was too hot.  Lads in his class loved it - they used to queue up to tell me how far it went.  Funny it only happened once each year - teachers do catch on eventually.  Some of them must have wished they had listened to a lowly parent LOL..  


Message 14 of 15
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Re: Dress Down Days in the City - good idea to see "the Guvnor" in T-shirt and trainers?

Dress down Fridays?  Helping relationships between staff and bosses.  Hmm.


I am old enough to remember "drink up and have another" Fridays. So much more fun.

Message 15 of 15
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