Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scenario, took the dog to the vet on Thursday. Parked the car and went in, dog seen and just as I came out the door a woman in a BMW X5 reversed into the side of my car denting the rear passenger door badly enough to need quite a costly repair.

Now my car being 13 years old it very well might be written off because of costings even though it is well maintained and looked after, so I might need to get another car.

All because of one door being dented !


Message 1 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would it not be easier to go to the scrap yard and get another door, you may be lucky and even colour match but if not at least only the door needs a quick spray of paint

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 2 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stan, the woman phoned her insurance company and reported it. Phoned her later to tell her I could get a door and if she was willing to pay for that and the painting that would keep the insurance out of it.

When I told her £200 all in she said "oh no I cannot pay out that sort of money so insurance can deal with it " !

So I am left with no choice as I am not paying out £200 for something that was not my fault.

Unless she has protected no claims bonus it will probably cost her that on next years insurance.

Message 3 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some peeps just don't think do they, like you I'd of steered clear of the insurance company so as not to lose my no claims and paid for your work to be done.

Did you know that if they write your car off you are entitled to buy it back at a knock down price so depending on how much you like the car and cost of getting work done might be worth considering with the insurance money.

Depending on size of said dent good panel beater and door re-spray round here would cost about £100

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 4 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Better than that stan ! She was going to drive away and say nothing but I had seen it happen and stopped her ! Her reply " I hardly touched it so why should I need to stop " ! Oh yeah a BMW X5 reversing right into the centre of a Nissan Almera door is not going to cause any damage.

Message 5 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was quoted £500 stan because the door skin is caved in and it is metallic and will need to be washed out over front door and quarter panel.

Not sure how hard it will be to insure it if it is written off category D but I could easily get a door and with the colour it is might even get same colour.

Like you I was wondering how much I could buy the car back for and might even make a bit out of it.

Message 6 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Might be worth a quick call to your insurance for a quote , plus if you have a local motor /rally club give them a ring as they will always now the best peeps with lowest prices for work like that if you can't do it yourself

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 7 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can remove the door and replace it stan but not having the facilities to spray it (even though I can) I need to rely on someone else to do that.

Makes you think "why did I ever leave the trade" even though it was for health reasons and fed up having holidays and only getting your hands right clean just before it was time to go back  Smiley Very Happy.

Message 8 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

too right there DC , and all that lying on cold floors , being stuck in the pit damp and breathing in 2pack all week for years on end can really take its toil.

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 9 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ah now I remember why I chucked it !  Smiley LOL oh the joys  Smiley LOL.

The most annoying thing about it is, she is running around in an X5, private plate, lives in quite a big house on a small estate and cannot afford £200.

Likely uses credit card for vet plus other things so paying that, house mortgaged so paying that and car on finance so paying that !

As we say up here "fur coat no knickers", because it is all show.

Going to the supermarket now stan as my better half is not long out of hospital and not allowed to carry anything.

Message 10 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a horrible attitude she has Dark Castle, for somebody who's fault it was.  I'd rather be poor and nice

than rich and horrible!


I know how you feel, having a 20 yr old car - anything that would be worth the insurance paying out for on

a newer one they won't consider on mine, even though it is quite roadworthy and I am very fond of it.  I'm

afraid it's all about money with them - they are very happy to relieve you of it but not so happy to pay

out for stuff like this, even though that's what insurance is for - they've no time for sentimentality and

common sense.


Hope you get it sorted, I don't see why you should have to get a new car just 'cos some twerp ran into

you and I bet your insurance won't pay out the cost of a new one.

Message 11 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When my 15 year old car was stolen the little darlings stopped it using a brick wall. There wasn't that much damage probably about 500 quids worth but the insurance wrote it off. And I received the grand sum of £127.15. We were absolutely gutted. BIL owned his own car repair service so we could have had it fixed. Insurance sent it straight to scrap yard and as it was 60 miles away we didn't have a lot if choice. Didnt catch the little darlings and the yard it was taken too denied there being anything in the car. I.e. cds car rug travel stool hi vis jacket all sorts of stuff of no value.
Insurance companies are fast enough taking our money. I wonder her much BMW womans excess is, she could end up paying for it anyway.
Message 12 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's awful Blackaddeer, I'd be proper gutted too.


It comes down to basic respect for others and their belongings - and too many people

don't seem to possess that nowadays.  If some of this stuff happened to them they'd be

the first to kick off about it but they consider it perfectly acceptable to do it to others.


I wouldn't dream of messing with others' things and, if I borrow something from someone,

I give it back in the same condition it came to me in or certainly own up and offer to pay

if accidentally I damamged it. 

Message 13 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As stated you might be able to buy your car back from the insurers and have it repaired yourself .

My husband recently drove into a barrier and damaged the front bumper of his car above and below the headlight . As it is only a year old he took it back to the main dealers who took lots of photos and sent them off to the workshop to be assessed . The quote came back at £860.

Whilst waiting for the quote to return he took it to the garage that has done some work on my car (an old fashioned garage that does panel beating etc ) and the quote was £30 ...absolutely staggering ...

Needless to say we chose the cheaper option and the garage owner was delighted when my husband gave him £50 ...
Message 14 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well still no contact from the womans insurance company so have no idea yet what the outcome is going to be !

Hate insurance companies because they are quick enough at taking money off you but not so quick when they have to pay out.

Have even contacted srcapyards around here and it is £50 for a door ! I can remove and fit myself and might even be lucky enough to get the same colour and if not have lined up someone to spray it for me.

Message 15 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will at least have the satisfaction that even if that idiot has a protected no claims bonus, that will not stop the insurance company from putting a hefty rise on the underlying premiums.  She'll still get her big discount, yes, but she will soon find out that she will still be paying quite a bit more anyway.

Message 16 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I do not understand Peter is ! that she will have an excess on her policy and will need to pay that and I could have likely repaired it for her excess if she had let me and just gave me that money. That would have kept the insurance well away from it.

Message 17 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you haven't already done it, why not phone the woman's insurance company direct and speak to the claims department? They will know if she has yet filed a claim and if she hasn't they will rattle her cage for you. Most insurers' claims lines are open seven days a week.


I don't care who you are, stop walking on the water while I'm fishing. --------------------------------------------------
Message 18 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will try that must. Did not know someone elses insurance company would speak to someone that was making a claim on someone elses policy.

Message 19 of 28
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Absolutely Pig Sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She did the damage to your car so you can contact her insurance to check if she has been in contact.  I take it you have got her registration.

Message 20 of 28
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