2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

The only thing I have organised is the shopping order for the 23rd,  I have 3 presents for one person and 2 small gifts for far away friends and that is it.  I spent 2 hours on one website last night trying to order a pair of expensive trainers for my son, and it wouldn't accept our postcode, I tried all different ways of entering it and still no joy, live chat was closed and the telephone had a rather abrupt message, lines are busy try later, beeep.


So son will have to have something else,  Aunt would like a birds nesting box, see been trawling garden centres trying to find one that is woodpecker proof, as that is what did for the last one, no joy.


OH is dragging his heals taking the Christmas tree down from the garage loft, even though I want to put it up over the weekend.


2 presents I posted last Saturday by 1st class post still haven't got to their destination,


I haven't finished my secret Santa and I am panicking about that.



Message 1 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

Oh I know how you feel. We had to get step-daughter, husband and kids sorted by early Nov because they came to visit and we won't see them again till  after christmas. We rushed around doing that, heaved a sigh of relief when it was done, and then had to start all over again for the rest of the family. Nearly done - just a few last minute things to get.


What I'm looking forward to is 6pm on christmas eve.......................when the shops are shut.


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 2 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

All sorted - everything just needs wrapping . We have an arrangement, I do the planning, the choosing, the shopping and pay for everything, he does ALL the wrapping.


Online shopping is set up, with a skeleton shopping list so that it can be amended .


I have to be organised and do everything when I am well, just in case I am not well enough later.

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Some days I pray for silence
Some days I pray for soul
Some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock 'n' roll
Message 3 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

I have posted a shed load of packages today, and the gifts for here are wrapped. I've just done our weeks shop and stuff for Christmas I have in a box. I sound organised don't I but somehow I don't feel it. I'm sure I've forgotten someone.....


and the guys just sit there looking tired out!!erm smiley.gif


Message 4 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

I've got all of my presents.  I've got to wrap my dad's pressie up later as I'll be seeing him tomorrow.  I think that we'll be doing our Christmas food shop next week sometime.

Message 5 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

I am so disorganised this year that I think it will be mid February before I am ready for Christmas!!! Really beginning to panic now as have family coming to stay, they don't know when they will be arriving yet, don't know how long they are staying for yet, I'm getting in a right state!!

Message 6 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

I'm in run round like headless chick mode, not organised at all and only have 2 dys off now before the big day and one of those is o/h's buffday,

Not like me at all so am really stresed out plus we are really short of cash this year which doesn't help as don't like feeling that I've not sent as peeps might think I've forgotten them or am being mean but just not nough o go round 😞

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 7 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

we all have Christmases like that Stan, if people love you then they'll understand.

I forgive you for not sending me that diamond bracelet....maybe next year!!!giggly smiley.gif


Message 8 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

Same story here - shortage of brass, no enthusiasm, air of panic and also mutinous desire to sit in the corner with arms folded, saying "Don't wanna play".


Message 9 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

The rotten thing is, I DO so want to play!  I want to get my sisters and friends things to tell them how much I appreciate them.  I want to put on a lovely, welcoming spread for my sister on the day.  I don't want another penniless Christmas with gifts from the pound shop and Tesco Value food

Message 10 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

Mouse, if I were you I would make gifts for your family.

You may not be able to sew or knit, but there are loads of tutorials online that just involve simple things that are glued or folded.


Wrap them artistically in newspaper, with a little bit of ribbon and tell everyone you're having a Handmade Christmas!


A clean house is the sign of a broken computer!
Message 11 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

Mouse - you have mail.

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 12 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

I am quite organised this year, just one or two cards to send.  No decorations up yet - will do that over the weekend.


Oh Mouse, Mags is right - you can only do/give what you have, as someone else said, if the people involved love you it won't matter and perhaps Christmas 2015 will be better. heart

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 13 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

Mouse you will get used to it we did and feel so much better for putting more effort into gift giving.

We cut out cards for a start, big expense and when RM put stamps up that finally made us decide we would stop, of course we told everyone why and most agreed.

The last 10 years we have worked more on home made gifts, some made during the year so that we are ready. 

It is the thought that counts and im sure if you think more about the person the gift is for then an idea will come to mind. I would sooner receive a cheap useful gift I could use each day rather than an 'X' label brand that is still at the back of the cupboard and has cost the sender no end of money.

You have a lovely time with family and friends while you have them round you, you are hosting and we find basic brands as good as well known speciality ones, its all in the preparation.

Im sure if we didnt have TV to keep reminding us we would be none the wiser and things would still be on the table no matter what you pay.....xx you can do it just be positive.

Message 14 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

You're all right.  I'm sorry I got frazzled.  There's me always banging on to others about how we lose sight of what's important and I'm the worst.  Mind you, today we found B&M and got lots of stuff reduced, fun stuff and useful stuff and stuff I'll be glad to give the girls because it represents good value for money!  Three cheers for B&M! 


Having said which.... one year I made Butter Tablet for everyone and it was easily the most popular of the gifts.


Message 15 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

Mouse - I am thinking of you.


I think a hand-made gift is often appreciated, as it shows thought and effort. Besides butter tablet, how about peppermint creams (add pepperment essence to ready to roll fondant icing), marshmallows, truffles or marzipan shapes dipped in chocolate.


You can make gift tokens for things that you can do for folks in the coming months - babysitting, cleaning, shopping - anything that you can do easily, but costs almost nothing except time.

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Some days I pray for silence
Some days I pray for soul
Some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock 'n' roll
Message 16 of 17
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Re: 2 weeks and 14 sleeps 'til Christmas, where did that time go.

Mouse - try these - either sprayed or left natural they look good. 

Ikea or Clas Olsen catalogues are free and make these brilliantly.






A clean house is the sign of a broken computer!
Message 17 of 17
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