Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

el Reg has the story:


As far as I can see, holders of free accounts will no longer be able to link to their images on Photobucket when using other sites, such as eBay.


Free to $400 a year in one go? That's not messing around.


Sad, really, as an awful lot of older posts on all sorts of forums will now lose their pictorial content.


More from Photobucket itself here:


with a bit more detail here:



Message 1 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

There's already been some discussion about it. Here's an RT link :-


There's more on the gif thread too, ftom #25,019


Here's the PB blog too:-

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Have a read of this link:-

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

The PB blog (see #2) is now up to 8 pages, have a read?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Goodbye PB, I got the email about 3rd party hosting today.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Strange, I got the email again?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Even more strange, I got another a few minutes ago!

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

I stopped using PB after their last major change several years ago, I now upload to Imgur for sharing pictures on forums.


However - and it's a big HOWEVER - I don't want to lose the pics saved on there, lots of them are of sentimental value.  I wonder what will happen if I do nothing?


New email offers me 6 months free if I upgrade now, but I don't want to.

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Luckily I didn't have anything on there that I haven't got somewhere else.


I had read some reports that they weren't allowing people to download their libraries, which I though was probably down to user error. My plan just for convenience was to download to my desktop and sort through just to double check, but every time I tried to download it hung with a different error. I left it a few days and tried in the early hours as often that is the quietest time but just got the same with different random error messages.


In the end I deleted everything (not without a struggle) and closed it down. When you close it you get a message to say it wouldn't be completely closed for 48 hours I think. I suppose I'd better go back to check that images I deleted have remained deleted.


I'm guessing if you cant download something you haven't got a copy of, you could at least take a screenshot, but that would be heavy going for more than a few pictures.


I think theyve shot themselves in the foot. Some will have had to roll over but I bet by the time it comes up for renewal they will have an alternative in place. It was the no notice bit that really got to me, if they'd announced a few months earlier that free low use account were going to be something like £5 a year I would probably have paid it to save finding my way around another system. Most I know who were using it have closed accounts.

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

I've left mine to see what happens. Just testing, does this pic show up?:-



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 10 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Yes, CeeDee.  What is it? 🙂

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

@angrydrag0n wrote:




I think theyve shot themselves in the foot. Some will have had to roll over but I bet by the time it comes up for renewal they will have an alternative in place. It was the no notice bit that really got to me, if they'd announced a few months earlier that free low use account were going to be something like £5 a year I would probably have paid it to save finding my way around another system. Most I know who were using it have closed accounts.

I think they shot themselves in the foot at the last change, they seemed to go in for prints etc 😕


I did pay a long time ago when they told me I needed extra storage, then found that I was only using a tiny fraction of the available free space 😠

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Scylla, it's a pic of a pulley on a longcase clock.


A pulley was missing and that's the one I made. (the pic is larger than actual size)

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Clever you 🙂

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Wow thats a wonderful skill to have. 🙂 


Message 15 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Original pullies were made from Brass castings. I made that one from soft yellow Brass castings too but I used some modern techniques to make them easier to turn (in a lathe).


For the actual pully wheel, on my pattern I left one of the "bosses" long so it could be held in a chuck while I turned the line groove. The long boss was shortened when I turned the wheel round to turn the other side.


The pulley "hanger"..... Instead of casting each one separately, I made my pattern for a number of them. It was two long round ends with a flat piece in the middle. When cast, I simply sawed each one off and finished them as seen then bent the middle to the shape you can see.


The wheel turns on a steel "axle" which has each end riveted (peened over) in to the hanger.


It now looks like an original "London pattern" pulley made 200 (or more) years ago. Later and provincial ones used an iron hanger.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 16 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

Do you ever video the process?


I love watching someone make something from scratch, I have done right from an early age. It would keep me quiet for hours.  I had my own stool and small tools in Dad's work room.

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

No, it would take too long and editing it to make it shorter would gloss over the job like a lot of those "how they do it" documentaries.


Doing the same job making the three parts for pullies the "old" way, the way they did it a hundred and fifty years back was a lot of hard work.


What most people don't realise is, the clockmakers of old didn't make all the parts themselves. The ones that did really did work hard, most bought in parts from people who either only made one part or just made a few. Some parts were bought partly made to be fitted and finished by the "maker" who put his name on the finished article.


"Production" as such today had its origins in watchmaking, clockmaking and gunmaking and specialists were branching out as such over 300 years ago.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

I think they've finally nobbled me. I went to look and I see the log-in has changed. My pic above is still showing to me but I reckon that as soon as I log in, any pics I've linked to will be replaced with that big horrible Black thing!

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 19 of 21
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Re: Photobucket now $400 PA if you want to link to images from 3rd party sites eg this one...

That was very interesting CD. You dont really think of them buying in parts, but logically someone would  be able to make many of the same item cheaper even back then. Its all good business.


I hope you dont have anything on the account that you haven't got copies of. 😞 


I just couldn't get any of it to download,  and got various failure messages, which I suppose could have been from the numbers of users doing the same thing, though at my time of night its usually quiet. Most of the pictures would have originated either on my computer or from friends and family so its all available. Just a nuisance really as I had some grouped into albums.


In the end I just deleted the lot while I could. I was starting to think they wouldn't allow that and at that point I really didnt trust them with the photos.



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