Let's have a vote?

A question, now we've put up with this lot for a week. Which layout do you prefer, what we've got here in the UK or this one:-


Community Spirit - The eBay Community


Vote either "UK" or "Oz".

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?


Message 21 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?



Message 22 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?


Message 23 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

Not applicable


Message 24 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

Definitely Oz.  eBay UK have f**bleep**d the eBay Community Forums right up and continue to show absolutely no sign whatsoever that they're even willing to consider the possibility of reinstating the old version that they've done away with and replaced with the hideous new "improved" version that we've been lumbered with.  Whoever is responsible for implementing the new "improved" eBay Community Forums layout on the UK site ought to be sacked on the spot.

Message 25 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

Well that's about the strongest comment we've had yet 😁 All I can add to that is "Very well said".

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 26 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

I knew that was coming "I will now close this thread......."

So, the subject's closed, we're stuck with this layout = goodbye discussions!!!!

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 27 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

Oz all the way back to what it used to be.



Message 28 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

Well leaving aside the fact that we would have to look at links to find out what was mmeant, and that many users of eBay UK aren't first-language English speakers, and may believe Oz is somewhere over the rainbow... 


Oz it has to be. Did anybody see this thread and imagine for a moment that one preference for the new system would show up It? It goes far, far beyond the temporary resentment of the new which online changes often bring. Those who announced and explained this must know that. I imagine them like Uriah the Hittite in scripture, who was set in the forefront of the battle  to take the fall when King David fancied having his way with Mrs. Uriah.

Message 29 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

@cee-dee wrote:

I knew that was coming "I will now close this thread......."

So, the subject's closed, we're stuck with this layout = goodbye discussions!!!!

In other words, that's eBay's way of saying "Look, I'm sick of hearing about this now and I really don't want to listen to anything else in relation to this subject.  Now get lost!"  I suppose that's typical of eBay though - they only respond favourably if you say something that they actually agree with.  Whenever the general consensus of opinion goes heavily against them eBay withdraw from the conversation and close the thread down to in order to prevent further discussion on the topic.


In some ways eBay's reaction to the discussion regarding the new forum layout reminds me a bit of a corrupt country where they refuse to accept the public's vote.  Imagine that a general election had just taken place - the opposition had just achieved a landslide victory, yet the party in power (in this case, eBay Management) refused to accept the result and carried on regardless in undemocratic defiance of what the public had actually voted for.  I know that we weren't exactly given a vote on the matter, but we sure as hell made our opinions known, and given the fact that eBay didn't like what they heard they subsequently decided to lock the thread!  In my opinion that's a clear admission by eBay that they've lost the argument and have decided to throw in the towel on the subject, even though they stubbornly refuse to give us what we've asked for and reinstate the old layout that they shouldn't have done away with in the first place.

Message 30 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

I wonder who told Katie to close the thread .


And have you see what Tamebay says about it .

Message 31 of 32
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Re: Let's have a vote?

@cee-dee wrote:


Community Spirit - The eBay Community


Vote either "UK" or "Oz".

Ah, nostalgia! You chose a chit-chat and zaniness board. ==, in which the leading thread is one on whether it is illegal to pay for sex. There is very little unclarity about doing it on eBay. But this board is very like Buyer Central as it used to be:




If you feel you need to see the first part of the thread, you can do it by hovering the mouse over the title. It also has a lot we  need far more, and have lost. Austrians  can see at a glance which threads are still running, and still getting attention which suggests that the original problem as not been solved (as we possibly thought, or even were told) or that new issues have arisen.


We have often seen an OP receiving useful information, but going on to make some important mistake, or mentioned one made before posting. As things stand, threads are slipping down that long white page to be opened no more. Who is to say who has been talked into closing a case on the strength or promises, or to send a courier, or  to put a return item in a mailbox as "not known here", or not knowing that attempted delivery will win a return case?


The various minor modifications of the new system just don't and won't do what is needed. Members in trouble  will be left to suffer unless we have the ready  monitoring of what is going on in a thread, which Australia, for the moment, has been able to keep.


As to the closure of the long community update thread, let us hope that whoever ordered that has noticed the total lack of support for the new system. This goes far beyond the degree of aversion, usually short-lived, which we usually see to any changes in the system. This hasn't, of course been a poll scientifically designed for statistical validity. But if it was, and on a topic as simple as how many legs a horse has, odd numb ers would find a small degree of support. Let us hope they notice that nothing of the kind has emerged here. Claims of doing this to help m,embers must be wearing pretty thin by now.

Message 32 of 32
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