12-12-2023 3:04 PM - edited 13-12-2023 3:00 PM
Hi everybody!
The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible.
Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!
Our eBay Community Team is made up of marco@ebay, katie@ebay and anita@ebay. Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support.
To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order, and will quote the original question in each answer. Some questions may not be suitable for this weekly chat, as it closes after 1 hour. If you have a long question or one that requires a lot of investigation please write a discussion post on the boards and tag our team members.
Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards.
If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat!
Many thanks,
Your eBay Community Team
13-12-2023 2:01 PM
Hello - This issue was discussed in the past, but the problem still persists:
The eBay item page views are applying a grey color (white level crush) filter to the photos and misrepresenting the item appearance. Below is an example screen shot with the red area highlighting the original photo and intended color as uploaded onto ebay. The original, correct photo can still be seen if users right-click and open the image in a new window, but users are unlikely to do that.
This is detrimental when listing near-white colored items. Already, we have received item-not-as-described claims that items do not match the color shown in photos.
This error occurs on desktop and mobile Chrome and EDGE browsers. Does not occur on the eBAY app.
13-12-2023 2:04 PM - edited 13-12-2023 2:07 PM
I have posted my last 2023 sale today and set my time away from today until 5th January 2024.
If I have a dispute opened by a buyer (INAD or INR) while I am on time away what will happen? Are sellers given any extra time to respond when they are, essentially, on holiday or is it just the usual respond in 3 days or Ebay can step in?
13-12-2023 2:05 PM
Some feedback, have left using the tools, but adding here
Finding the new 'Best Practices' time consuming, 1500+ listings, Relist/Sell Similar, review performance, price matching, it takes a lot of time, but understand we have to do it, its the current system. We find reviewing approx 40/50 listings a day, easier to manage and use 'Bulk Editing Tool' Its great, but could be improved. We view 'active listings' choose 50 for the day and have/can choose the information I want with 'Customise Columns' tool to make inventory decisions, columns like Views/Watchers/Sales History/Promotion Rates, important information to see how our inventory is performing and the 'Tools' given are performing.
However if I go to bulk edit all the helpful information disappears? and is not a 'column choice'. Having 'Views', 'Watchers' and PL Standard Promtions Rates (ideally editing/changing Promotion Rates) visible in 'Bulk editing' would enable sellers to make nearly all bulk editing decisions in one place. Increase PL rate, review price against competitors, look at listing quality. Currently has to be done individually
These important decisions cant currently be made in the Bulk Editing screen, yes I can carry out 'Sell Similar/Relist practices, change photo's/words/ but not able to review performance. This is a manual time consuming process and the Bulk Editing Tool I really find very good but could make life even easier. It really is a good tool. May seem picky but with 1500 listings the new Ebay way of selling is time consuming
The following has come up recently on the Weekly Chats – just to give another voice
CS Phone calls. As long as I have been selling on Ebay (20 years) there has always been Ebays CS failure to return calls, or a business get called after 10pm GMT, or have ghost calls, heres an email, Its always been an issue.
Business Policies – Again, there are issues. If I change my dispatch time to go away for a day or 2 so go from 1 day to 3 day the majority (1400+) of my inventory gets moved to a new system postage policy. If I end and relist (an ebay best practice) a random quantity will get moved to a system created. Katie investigated Oct 2022 without success, I have learnt to housekeep this problem, but again it is a problem.
Sorry this last ones at the Mods, no offence meant but you need to step up to the plate on some issues. Example - throughout this year a regular posting topic has been posts with concerns of their selling performance, using words like desperate, livelyhood, no income, just my opinion but they need help, not silence, before a blink of an eye there are enough voices condemning this platform and they've not been able to get the help they need, There are important issues especially for small/lifestyle businesses you could quiet easily resolve with a copy and paste reply, guide to the correct places for information, not everyone knows or wants to help when they post (That must be apparent to you) Could your help be done anonymously?
Thankfully for me some top posters on here have helped turn things around (hopefully), I was lucky but they cant be here all the time.
13-12-2023 2:09 PM
@jckl1957 wrote:
I have posted my last 2023 sale today and set my time away from today until 5th January 2024.
If I have a dispute opened by a buyer (INAD or INR) while I am on time away what will happen? Are sellers given any extra time to respond when they are, essentially, on holiday or is it just the usual respon in 3 days or Ebay can step in?
Hi jckl1957, thanks for your post.
The time frames for actioning a case will not change while you're away. Cases are between buyers and sellers, so while you're away, you are still responsible for any case that might come up.
Thank you,
13-12-2023 2:11 PM
Good afternoon
I am yet to hear back with regards an issue I raised on here and told to post on seller central by Marco with regards some of my listings now just saying Evri for economy delivery and Evri for next day. Not all my listings have defaulted to this, but many have. It use to be Evri, Yodel and DPD. No one from ebay has given me an explanation to this.
Please see another issue..................................
Buyer purchased item yesterday 12/12/23 1.20pm via standard 2 - 3 day delivery. Order# 11-10919-15056
Printed off postage label ready.
Looked on the buyers estimated delivery time, it states arrival 13th December - 14th December. This is impossible as the parcel will not be collected by the courier until 13th Dec as it was purchased after our dispatch cut off time 9am.
Looked further down on the page under "Delivery history "
Tuesday 12th December at 6.47am tracking provided. The buyer did not purchase the item until 1.20pm, so how can it state a postage label was created at 6.47am.
This means that ebay thinks we should of posted the item today and this is the issue. How can tracking be provided at 6.47am when the buyer did not purchase the item from us until 1.20pm on 12th December 2023.
Is this one of the reasons why we are all seeing totally unrealistic delivery times for buyers, as purchases made after the dispatch cut off time are actually being classed as purchases prior to the cut off time. Hence why the buyers delivery dates are incorrect?
This is happening with all my postage now, another example order# 05-10928-15259 order placed today 13/12/23 at 8.32am tracking number provided at 1.53am on 13/12/23. How can a tracking number and time be given BEFORE a purchase has been made.
This is why your ebay tracking is wrong and buyer think there parcels are late to arrive when in fact they are not.
Please advise what is happening about this issue.
Best wishes
Buyers purchase time and date
Made up printed label time
13-12-2023 2:11 PM
@moerugomi wrote:
Hello - This issue was discussed in the past, but the problem still persists:
The eBay item page views are applying a grey color (white level crush) filter to the photos and misrepresenting the item appearance. Below is an example screen shot with the red area highlighting the original photo and intended color as uploaded onto ebay. The original, correct photo can still be seen if users right-click and open the image in a new window, but users are unlikely to do that.
This is detrimental when listing near-white colored items. Already, we have received item-not-as-described claims that items do not match the color shown in photos.
This error occurs on desktop and mobile Chrome and EDGE browsers. Does not occur on the eBAY app.
Hi @moerugomi, thanks for your post and sharing your experience.
This is something that we already addressed to the relevant team in the past, and were advised it is a test (about 10% of eBay traffic is involved). They are making changes to the overall look of item page, and this is included in that. I will make sure to pass on additional feedback to the team.
13-12-2023 2:12 PM
For orders awaiting dispatch we use custom sku, print off the order list for product picking and download the csv and update this for uploading into Royal Mail Click and Drop. However the orders listed in the csv and not in sme sequence as the printed order list so we have to go through the csv file and adjust the order position. Before the latest eBay updates this was never a problem.
13-12-2023 2:14 PM
@fatbobfan wrote:
Some feedback, have left using the tools, but adding here
Finding the new 'Best Practices' time consuming, 1500+ listings, Relist/Sell Similar, review performance, price matching, it takes a lot of time, but understand we have to do it, its the current system. We find reviewing approx 40/50 listings a day, easier to manage and use 'Bulk Editing Tool' Its great, but could be improved. We view 'active listings' choose 50 for the day and have/can choose the information I want with 'Customise Columns' tool to make inventory decisions, columns like Views/Watchers/Sales History/Promotion Rates, important information to see how our inventory is performing and the 'Tools' given are performing.
However if I go to bulk edit all the helpful information disappears? and is not a 'column choice'. Having 'Views', 'Watchers' and PL Standard Promtions Rates (ideally editing/changing Promotion Rates) visible in 'Bulk editing' would enable sellers to make nearly all bulk editing decisions in one place. Increase PL rate, review price against competitors, look at listing quality. Currently has to be done individually
These important decisions cant currently be made in the Bulk Editing screen, yes I can carry out 'Sell Similar/Relist practices, change photo's/words/ but not able to review performance. This is a manual time consuming process and the Bulk Editing Tool I really find very good but could make life even easier. It really is a good tool. May seem picky but with 1500 listings the new Ebay way of selling is time consuming
The following has come up recently on the Weekly Chats – just to give another voice
CS Phone calls. As long as I have been selling on Ebay (20 years) there has always been Ebays CS failure to return calls, or a business get called after 10pm GMT, or have ghost calls, heres an email, Its always been an issue.
Business Policies – Again, there are issues. If I change my dispatch time to go away for a day or 2 so go from 1 day to 3 day the majority (1400+) of my inventory gets moved to a new system postage policy. If I end and relist (an ebay best practice) a random quantity will get moved to a system created. Katie investigated Oct 2022 without success, I have learnt to housekeep this problem, but again it is a problem.
Sorry this last ones at the Mods, no offence meant but you need to step up to the plate on some issues. Example - throughout this year a regular posting topic has been posts with concerns of their selling performance, using words like desperate, livelyhood, no income, just my opinion but they need help, not silence, before a blink of an eye there are enough voices condemning this platform and they've not been able to get the help they need, There are important issues especially for small/lifestyle businesses you could quiet easily resolve with a copy and paste reply, guide to the correct places for information, not everyone knows or wants to help when they post (That must be apparent to you) Could your help be done anonymously?
Thankfully for me some top posters on here have helped turn things around (hopefully), I was lucky but they cant be here all the time.
Hi fatbobfan, thanks for your post.
We appreciate your input, so I will make sure to take your feedback onboard and pass it on, so this can be taken into consideration. Any feedback you may have in the future, please do let us know.
Thank you,
13-12-2023 2:14 PM
Useful to know,
Thank you marco@ebay
13-12-2023 2:15 PM
Would it be possible to have a themed Wednesday chat once a month or something with an eBay team specialist?
For example: Marketing, reports, listings tools,...
Thank you
13-12-2023 2:16 PM
Can someone at eBay explain why we are paying for sponsored listings?
I ask this, as our sales have gone tumbleweed quiet on our other shop and if we hadn't been working our behinds off on this account and the other, then we'd have probably had virtually no sales.
I also ask this as when searching eBay on a PC, we have it set to 60 results per page.
Searching for items as buyer's would and then also searching as a seller would, with part numbers and such shows around the same results. We are showing results as a best match, which is where promoted listings should do the most work for us.
Almost every single time, eBay says, "did you mean (random gobbledygook)" instead of what you searched for.
So I click to say use what I searched for and look down the list.
Hardly any of the top are sponsored, which seems odd.
Then you scroll down and see easily 40 or more in a row that are not sponsored, often with poor feedback, poor photos, terrible descriptions and long delivery times.
Then there is us at position 59 our of 60, with our paid extra for sponsored listing, better feedback, fully populated vehicle fitment too, better photos, full description and offering the full TRS premium service.
So how come we are demoted to the bottom?
How come we are getting no views on our items?
How come we are getting no sales?
How can the items even be promoted when more than 40 not promoted appear above it?
Do eBay seriously expect us to pay the extra fees if we do sell something when they are obviously not been promoted and it would be more accurate to say we are paying to be demoted?
Is it really, really, really broken?
Or are eBay proving that sponsored listings are a 100% waste of money, as we are paying extra for exactly nothing whatsoever?
Please tell us the truth, actually answer the questions and for the love of god, please, please, please do not just put a cut and paste answer!!
Thank you
13-12-2023 2:17 PM
This weeks glitch/error involved selling an item to someone in the postcode AB54. (Most couriers have AB53-AB56 as part of Highlands and Islnds). I use a rate table for surcharges to these areas, so that should have kicked in. Unfortunately it didn't so the buyer only paid the standard postage - so about £3 short of the postage needed to include the surcharge.
I am awaiting an email from ebay as to why this happened (given past experiences, I doubt I will ever get this!). However, in chat, the agent told me I could inform the buyer and ask them for the difference in postage. I said this would be against ebay rules, but they said again that I could do this.
So, has something changed? If ebay don't automatically use the rate table as I have set out, can I charge the buyer the extra, and will ebay have my back if I do so?
13-12-2023 2:20 PM
@lincolnshiremarine wrote:
Good afternoon
I am yet to hear back with regards an issue I raised on here and told to post on seller central by Marco with regards some of my listings now just saying Evri for economy delivery and Evri for next day. Not all my listings have defaulted to this, but many have. It use to be Evri, Yodel and DPD. No one from ebay has given me an explanation to this.
Please see another issue..................................
Buyer purchased item yesterday 12/12/23 1.20pm via standard 2 - 3 day delivery. Order# 11-10919-15056
Printed off postage label ready.
Looked on the buyers estimated delivery time, it states arrival 13th December - 14th December. This is impossible as the parcel will not be collected by the courier until 13th Dec as it was purchased after our dispatch cut off time 9am.
Looked further down on the page under "Delivery history "
Tuesday 12th December at 6.47am tracking provided. The buyer did not purchase the item until 1.20pm, so how can it state a postage label was created at 6.47am.
This means that ebay thinks we should of posted the item today and this is the issue. How can tracking be provided at 6.47am when the buyer did not purchase the item from us until 1.20pm on 12th December 2023.
Is this one of the reasons why we are all seeing totally unrealistic delivery times for buyers, as purchases made after the dispatch cut off time are actually being classed as purchases prior to the cut off time. Hence why the buyers delivery dates are incorrect?
This is happening with all my postage now, another example order# 05-10928-15259 order placed today 13/12/23 at 8.32am tracking number provided at 1.53am on 13/12/23. How can a tracking number and time be given BEFORE a purchase has been made.
This is why your ebay tracking is wrong and buyer think there parcels are late to arrive when in fact they are not.
Please advise what is happening about this issue.
Best wishes
Buyers purchase time and date
Made up printed label time
Hi @lincolnshiremarine, thanks for your post.
Marco is going to address this concern to you in the original post.
Thank for the wait,
13-12-2023 2:20 PM
Hi There,
i recently received the MC011 restriction and have followed advice given, all items posted with tracking added. I'm not too sure why this happened as i have no open cases and buy all my labels through ebay, which always automatically uploads the tracking number / delivery confirmation code.
What is the best way to proceed? Should i wait for ebay to contact me after all items delivered?
13-12-2023 2:21 PM
Are these 2 items duplicates according to eBay's polices:
404462608293 and 335006915771
Yes, or no?
13-12-2023 2:21 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
For orders awaiting dispatch we use custom sku, print off the order list for product picking and download the csv and update this for uploading into Royal Mail Click and Drop. However the orders listed in the csv and not in sme sequence as the printed order list so we have to go through the csv file and adjust the order position. Before the latest eBay updates this was never a problem.
Hi s2s-shopdirect, thanks for your post.
Just to make sure we are on the same page, the issue is that now you are not able to sort the order of your awaiting dispatch orders?
Thank you,
13-12-2023 2:24 PM
Thank you.
Please also see the other issue.
Best wishes
13-12-2023 2:25 PM
@eshopforce01 wrote:
Would it be possible to have a themed Wednesday chat once a month or something with an eBay team specialist?
For example: Marketing, reports, listings tools,...
Thank you
Hi @eshopforce01, thanks for your post.
This isn’t possible at the moment I'm afraid. However, we do represent those teams, and if there is anything related to marketing, reporting or any other topic, please let us know and we’ll do our best to help you. We can also share the feedback to those teams if needed.
13-12-2023 2:25 PM
In last week's chat, more than one eBay team member suggested to make another thread on here, so the discussion could continue after the hour weekly chat was up.
I read those posts and thought it strange, as I have tagged all of the community team in posts on this discussion board and no one from eBay has replied?
Why not?
I have also noticed other members tagging some of the eBay team into posts and they don't often get a reply either.
Why not?
I have also had some discussions with some eBay colleagues in private messages on here and asked them for some more information, yet they do not reply.
Why not?
Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.
Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.
If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.