03-09-2024 11:35 AM
Hi everybody!
The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible.
Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!
Our eBay Community Team is made up of kat@ebay, marco@ebay and dave@ebay. Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support.
To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order, and will quote the original question in each answer.
Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards.
If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat!
Many thanks,
Your eBay Community Team
2:02 PM
- last edited on
2:07 PM
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me please.....
In messages prior to the sale, the seller and i agreed that if i bought two of his t-shirts, that he would only charge one postage. I bought the two items and asked him to refund the second postage as we discussed and he said 'U have just paid now for p and p I needed to change on the listing before you bought them. I thought u would text back so I could change it'.
I asked him to refund me the second postage amount and he said he didn't have the time and didnt know how to do it. So I sent him the link to the ebay page telling him how to do it. No response. I asked again for the postage cost. He said i had to request a return. I tried, but the item said 'the seller does not accept returns' and that i should contact the seller.
So i messaged him again. His response 'If still nit happy please resolve this yourself and I’m happy to refund but I have done it before and au get a request for a refund and I accept'. I'm not sure what this means?
I bought the item on 16th August and have requested the postage cost of £2.94 five times and sent him (cut and pasted the info so he didnt even have to click a link) the process to issue a refund (as written on an ebay help page for sellers) four times. His last message was 'Hi it’s best to go through eBay, as is was an error on your side, we don’t know how to do it ourselves, so please contact eBay thanks'.
Why was it an error on my side?!! We do know how to rectify the situation, he can issue a refund. I know it is a small amount of money in the grand scheme of things, but its the principle. He agreed i would pay one postage cost and he is refusing to action that.
Please help?
Best Wishes
04-09-2024 2:03 PM
Good afternoon. Is there problem with notifications and measges . As both don’t appear to be working on app or laptop. . Not received either for about a week now .
04-09-2024 2:04 PM
Is the message i just sent you, visible to the public?
If yes, please, please can you remove my name at the bottom?
04-09-2024 2:08 PM
@plumtreecottagecrafts wrote:
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me please.....
In messages prior to the sale, the seller and i agreed that if i bought two of his t-shirts, that he would only charge one postage. I bought the two items and asked him to refund the second postage as we discussed and he said 'U have just paid now for p and p I needed to change on the listing before you bought them. I thought u would text back so I could change it'.
I asked him to refund me the second postage amount and he said he didn't have the time and didnt know how to do it. So I sent him the link to the ebay page telling him how to do it. No response. I asked again for the postage cost. He said i had to request a return. I tried, but the item said 'the seller does not accept returns' and that i should contact the seller.
So i messaged him again. His response 'If still nit happy please resolve this yourself and I’m happy to refund but I have done it before and au get a request for a refund and I accept'. I'm not sure what this means?
I bought the item on 16th August and have requested the postage cost of £2.94 five times and sent him (cut and pasted the info so he didnt even have to click a link) the process to issue a refund (as written on an ebay help page for sellers) four times. His last message was 'Hi it’s best to go through eBay, as is was an error on your side, we don’t know how to do it ourselves, so please contact eBay thanks'.
Why was it an error on my side?!! We do know how to rectify the situation, he can issue a refund. I know it is a small amount of money in the grand scheme of things, but its the principle. He agreed i would pay one postage cost and he is refusing to action that.
Please help?
Best WishesHeidi
Hi plumtreecottagecrafts, thanks for your question.
Yes, this weekly chat is open to everyone, so other will be able to see anything you post in here. Regarding your query, did you open a return request? If you haven't I would suggest doing so, and then after 3 business days of opening the return request under the reason not as described, you can ask us to step in, and our team will review your case. Please note that if there is no evidence of the seller offering a refund, we might not be able to take further actions.
Thank you,
04-09-2024 2:09 PM
Good Afternoon Team,
We all have read the many posts on here from, may I add, all very disgruntled unhappy members re the changes to Collection items, divorcing the method of cash on collection.
May I ask, unless it's something eBay do not wish to divulge, why this has been introduced ?
It's a benefit yes to the buyer, as they are fully now covered by eBay's 30 day MBG, is this the sole reason?
Sellers are not happy bunnies.
The payment made, I understand is on hold until collection is Proved by a code, what if the seller does not own the app ? Can this code be manually entered without the app ?
Thanks 😊
04-09-2024 2:11 PM
@williabaxte7 wrote:
Good afternoon. Is there problem with notifications and measges . As both don’t appear to be working on app or laptop. . Not received either for about a week now .
There was an issue with messaging where it gave an error when sending a message. That was resolved last week is it still happening for you?
Im not aware of any issues with notifications though, Ill check with tech and come back to you on that.
04-09-2024 2:12 PM
Hi All,
The weekend was so frustrating with VAT being added incorrectly to selling prices and postage for a lot of non VAT sellers.
I called CS Saturday morning and they were aware of the issue and said it would be fixed within 24 hours. It wasn't.
It was payday weekend and sales were unusually slow due to the inflated prices. It was only corrected on Monday morning when a member on the boards posted to edit all listings and save. This worked and prices went back to normal ( why didn't CS know this?) Surely due to the severity of this glitch, it should have been a priority for Tech support to fix.
So, my question is, will we be credited for 2 days shop fees due to this glitch?
04-09-2024 2:15 PM
Hi Dave . No I am not getting any error messages . Just don’t seem to getting any notifications regarding items sold or messages from sellers !
04-09-2024 2:15 PM
@cobwebcottage wrote:
Hi All,
The weekend was so frustrating with VAT being added incorrectly to selling prices and postage for a lot of non VAT sellers.
I called CS Saturday morning and they were aware of the issue and said it would be fixed within 24 hours. It wasn't.
It was payday weekend and sales were unusually slow due to the inflated prices. It was only corrected on Monday morning when a member on the boards posted to edit all listings and save. This worked and prices went back to normal ( why didn't CS know this?) Surely due to the severity of this glitch, it should have been a priority for Tech support to fix.
So, my question is, will we be credited for 2 days shop fees due to this glitch?
Hi cobwebcottage, thanks for your question.
We understand this is not ideal for sellers, and we appreciate your patience on this issue. However, as far as we are concerned, there is nothing in place at the moment in terms of credits. If this changes, we will let you know in the usual way, so affected/impacted sellers can be aware of it.
Thank you,
04-09-2024 2:22 PM
Good Afternoon team
I have asked before, trying again.
Could we please have a wider range of eBay packaging to spend our voucher on, and an increase in the value of the voucher?
I use it maybe 2-3 times a year, because the products available are extremely limited, and have increased in price with everything else, except the voucher.....
04-09-2024 2:22 PM
Thanks for sending the complaints/issues back to the relevant teams, as a member for over 14 years who is thanked for this loyalty every time I contact customer services, do those teams have any reply to the feedback with regards to the rewards for accounts that are breaking policies and trading illegally and the option for backend team managers (who we can never contact) to come into these weekly chats? I'm sure eBay management won't have just taken this feedback/complaints and ignored them surely they have responded with a reply that we could see?
04-09-2024 2:23 PM
Good afternoon!
I have some questions about the reduction in listings for private sellers and the rise in the International fee, also for private sellers.
Firstly, I have had no message, no email and there has been no announcement about this. It is only from reading the boards, and apparently it is referred to (with no clarification of anything) on the private sellers fees page, but I never look at that. I know what the fees are, and I read the announcements, so find out about changes there.
Why wasn't every private seller messaged?
04-09-2024 2:23 PM
Secondly, re the reduced amount of listings. This is for clarity when I am replying to posts, as I don't think it will affect me.
If a private seller opens a shop for £19.99 a month, will they still get 1,000 listings that come with the shop, PLUS their 300 monthly allowance? How will this work if the items are left GTC? If there are 1000 listings in the shop, when they roll over at the end of the first period, will they come out of the next month 1,000 limit - or will they just roll over at no cost and leave the seller free to list another 1000 listings?
04-09-2024 2:23 PM
Hi @tressygirl
The decision was made for a number of reason amongst others to make paying for purchases safer and better experience.
I'm not 100% on the pin so I'll follow up with you after this chat.
04-09-2024 2:24 PM
Thirdly, why is it only private sellers who get the International fee increased to 3%? Surely the exchange rate/any extra charges apply equally to private and business sellrs?
I am just getting rid of stuff, and some of it leaves me with very little after fees and postage, but it's a few coppers more to help toward bills etc. This rise will make it less worth selling low cost items, as, although I have all blocked international sales, I do still get some where the seller is abroad, but using a UK address - is there any way I can block these?
04-09-2024 2:26 PM
@williabaxte7 wrote:
Hi Dave . No I am not getting any error messages . Just don’t seem to getting any notifications regarding items sold or messages from sellers !
Leave this with me I'll reach out tech to see if its a known issue.
04-09-2024 2:26 PM
I know Kat mentioned we didnt need to book anything for the Open show for seminars but as its happening in just over a week many of us still have not had any confirmation we are on the list to attend or how to book a 1 to 1, surely these arent just first come first served as that would be a nightmare? Also with regards to parking for it to be free we need to show confirmation we are at the eBay event, an email would do according to the NEC staff, but we dont have anything, can you possibly ask the team why they have been so silent and how we can book a 1 to 1 and get parking sorted.
04-09-2024 2:27 PM
@bojangled wrote:
Good Afternoon team
I have asked before, trying again.
Could we please have a wider range of eBay packaging to spend our voucher on, and an increase in the value of the voucher?
I use it maybe 2-3 times a year, because the products available are extremely limited, and have increased in price with everything else, except the voucher.....Regards
Hi bojangled, thanks for your question.
We will forward your suggestion again, so this can be taken into consideration. Please note that when we pass on your feedback, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be onboarded, but we will definitely flag that for you.
Thank you,
04-09-2024 2:29 PM
I opted in to an advertising promotion. i've paused it as I cannot finnd any information on how and when the amount will be credited. I've just had the august invoice through and there are no credits there. Is this based on that date below, implying credits will be in October and therefore maybe Novembers invoice? There is nothing in the T&C's to tell anyone how and when and I don't wish to be misled into having to wait a lengthy amount of time for credits when it may produce zero ROI.
Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.
Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.
If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.