03-09-2024 11:35 AM
Hi everybody!
The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible.
Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!
Our eBay Community Team is made up of kat@ebay, marco@ebay and dave@ebay. Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support.
To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order, and will quote the original question in each answer.
Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards.
If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat!
Many thanks,
Your eBay Community Team
04-09-2024 2:58 PM
@pg_kicks wrote:
Are you able to ask whichever team it refers to and get a reply why eBay think personal sellers require shops? This instantly makes the buyer think they are buying from a business with all the legal safety net of buying from a business. No person selling unwanted items really require a shop and it is basically just an option to confuse buyers.
Hi @pg_kicks,
I'll sent this to the relevant team to review. I cant guarantee I'll be able to come back to you with a response though.
04-09-2024 2:59 PM
Thanks. I've got very few and they may not be listed anyway but as most collectors find, when you buy collections you can end up with all sorts of coins that aren't wanted.
There seems to be a difference depending on era, eg with the Syrian coins a Roman era one looks to be fine to list on eBay.
04-09-2024 3:03 PM
@ak_craft_crazy wrote:
Please can you advise why eBay is allowing buyers to keep items and get a refund when they open a item not received case?
A buyer opened a case on the day after the last estimated delivery date (3rd working day since order was sent) they said they had not received the item. I explained they had selected standard post which usually takes 3-5 working days but can take up to 10 working days (as advised by Royal Mail).
They did not respond to my message but then 3 days later, so only 6 days since the order was sent, they escalated the case and were refunded by yourselves. The day after they received the refund they then left feedback saying "problem with delivey but all sorted now" so confirmed the item had been received.
I contacted them in order to retrieve payment or return the item and they have ignored me. An eBay asociate basically said tough send it tracked. It was a £3 item and the choice was there for the buyer to purchase tracked delivery but this is £3.70 more than the item.
I have reported them but i doubt enaything will be done, but why do you allow them to keep the item and get a refund?
I cant comment as to what happened that case as I haven't seen the details.
In some cases we will refund the buyers so you don't have to. The team may decide for example that you were not at fault and the best way to resolve the case for both parties is to issue a refund.
04-09-2024 3:05 PM
@plumtreecottagecrafts wrote:
Hi Marco,
I wasn't able to open a return request as the item said the seller did not accept returns.
I have written evidence from the seller about the refund as he wrote it in ebay messages. Does that count?
Hi plumtreecottagecrafts, thanks for your reply.
If that happened when you tried to open the return, it probably is because you didn't select "not as described" as the reason of the return. Please try again with that and only that reason, and it should let you open the return no problem.
Please note that this chat is now closed, so won't be able to reply here again. However, if you need further assistance on this, please feel free to create a new thread in one of our boards, and tag us there, and we will be happy to help from there. 👍
Thank you,
04-09-2024 3:10 PM
@bojangled wrote:
Given this private/business seller thing going on, may I suggest registered businesses get a small logo on their listings in the search, very much like the big river do.
I know I've suggested before but it feels even more appropriate at the moment.
It's certainly something that sways my purchasing habits when I know I'm supporting a small business.
Hi bojangled, thanks for your suggestion.
Absolutely, that's no problem, we will pass on that for you now. Anything else, please feel free to let us know, as always. 👍
Thank you,
04-09-2024 3:14 PM
@technthread wrote:
Thanks. I've got very few and they may not be listed anyway but as most collectors find, when you buy collections you can end up with all sorts of coins that aren't wanted.
There seems to be a difference depending on era, eg with the Syrian coins a Roman era one looks to be fine to list on eBay.
Absolutely understandable, technthread.
If you want, you can private message me a couple of pictures of the item in question, just to be safe, and I will check that for you.
Thank you,
04-09-2024 3:22 PM
@pg_kicks wrote:
Thanks Dave, I obviously didnt know there was no plans to get different managers onto the weekly chat as like you have just said they dont tell us loyal customers anything, I spoke to James who said it sounded like a good idea but then radio silence. Not being customer facing is why the feedback should be passed to us other ways, it doesnt mean they cant just seem to be ignoring feedback surely? Theres a huge difference between not being customer facing and seemingly ignoring any communication.
I will again obviously bring this up at the roadshow and open events but to my shock they (each any every manager) comments this is a great idea and its the first time they have heard about it then as they are not customer facing we cant do much after. If I gave the level of customer service I'd not last long, we are basically ignored once the feedback has been passed over, general politeness would mean a reponse.
We update customers through different channels. For example the Announcements board here, the emails to both the eBay messages and the through email. We also post announcements banners across different places on the main site. Many of these changes and improvements come from the feedback we receive from all the different channels.
Its not possible to reply to all the individual suggestions as the same suggestion may have come from a number of different people. This is not in any way the suggestions being ignored but there are many different ways these suggestions are processed and it could be some time till an actioned response is available.
Ive also passed the above on to one of the team running the open.
04-09-2024 3:26 PM
@krafty-kreations wrote:
Talking of shop fees
Any chance of a shop tier in between basic and featured?
There is a big jump between the 250 listings on a basic shop and 1500 for a featured
or maybe they could give us as many shop listings as the US sellers get 🙂
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll forward this on to the site team for review. It may be something they bring in as an improvement further down the road.
04-09-2024 4:27 PM
@lord_and_lady_m wrote:
I opted in to an advertising promotion. i've paused it as I cannot finnd any information on how and when the amount will be credited. I've just had the august invoice through and there are no credits there. Is this based on that date below, implying credits will be in October and therefore maybe Novembers invoice? There is nothing in the T&C's to tell anyone how and when and I don't wish to be misled into having to wait a lengthy amount of time for credits when it may produce zero ROI.
The credits for this have already been processed, they actually credit on an item level rather than a bulk total.
Ive sent you a PM with an example.
05-09-2024 3:21 PM
@williabaxte7 wrote:
Good afternoon. Is there problem with notifications and measges . As both don’t appear to be working on app or laptop. . Not received either for about a week now .
It looks like there is an issue with notifications on the app but I'm not sure if its the same as you're getting.
There are some reports of the notification bell showing there are some notifications but nothing on the page when you click to view them. It may be connected so Ive added your account to the tech ticket to be reviewed.
Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.
Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.
If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.