new buyer protection fees

Buyers wont be interested in my small items. They were paying between £2.69 - £3.00. Now they will pay over £4.00. My ebay days are over 😞

Message 1 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

"This will not effect businesses so your safe"


Wouldn't bother getting a tattoo to that effect

Message 21 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

I am a private seller.
Message 22 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

"I am a private seller."


Sorry did I say that you weren't?

Message 23 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

I upgraded to business on Monday

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Message 24 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

That's great katie but really it has nothing to do with me & I haven't commented on your status either way.

Good luck with your new business

Message 25 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

Many Thanks 😁

Sent from Samsung Mobile on O2
Message 26 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

I upgraded to a business account on Monday. Many thanks.

Sent from Samsung Mobile on O2
Message 27 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

Great news! 



Message 28 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

Its the Private sellers who are suffering which in turn means buyers from private sellers are also affected as such sellers will no longer use ebay or the cost to the buyer will increase, so less choice and higher cost. This is a bad decision of ebay, they obviously no longer want private sellers to use their platform, they should go back to doing things the way that has worked well for many years.

Message 29 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

This is so annoying that I sought out a thread to type this post. Setting a price then finding out they add an annoying figure to it. The difference is enough for someone not to buy. Then have to go lower it and work out what weird amount is going to be added to get a reasonable figure. Grrrr

Message 30 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

I'm with you.
I sell my unwanted records for as little as 10p (+ reasonably P+P).

This new levy makes them 85p. Buy several and it soon escalates.
Who's going to pay that?
I was going to advertise 150 this month, but when I viewed the listing and saw the tax had been added, I deleted the whole lot.
Facebook Marketplace or ebuygumm here I come.

I believe this tax only applies to UK private sellers.
Presumably ebay only wants UK Business sellers who pay at least £27 a month for the service(?)

bye bye ebay

Message 31 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

Ive just been directed to this official announcement page for the Buyer Protection by one of the Community Managers.

Seller paid after delivery

Payment to private sellers is only sent after your order has been successfully delivered.


Do i read this as tempting buyers with a 'get item , then pay 

If ive mis-read this, then how can this be a benefit to the Buyer? - which leaves just CS contact based 'somewhere' for the lay out of the new fee.


Just a thought, have they sacked a load of developers and gone to AI to make up these insane ambiguous mutings ?


Message 32 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

Pretty much ALL comms from Ebay around Buyer Protection Fees providing some kind of benefit to buyers have been completely disingenuous.

Almost as if to distract from Ebay's complete failure to notify them of the massive price hikes we're now seeing?

Message 33 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

No, the buyer pays at checkout, just like before


eBay hold the money


The buyer doesn't get to "pay later"


The benefit for sellers is that you don't have to refund if the item is lost in the post or damaged in transit. eBay refunds the buyer and you keep the money.


So It's not all bad



Message 34 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

No, the buyer pays at checkout, just like before


Sorry yes i know that , but a quick read at what ebay posted, does lead to a suggestion of  'Get Now , Pay Later' kinda for a buyer.


Im thinking its been years and years if ever since ive had a lost item , but obviously i would never use evri


Wow the Paypal days of funds in your bank and being told by ebay not to ship until you have the funds. Doesnt time and greed change attitudes.

Message 35 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

Well they have finally done it. Stopped private sellers of low valued items. 


You will find very little understanding in this community.


I am housebound with multiple health issues. On occasions I sell CDs and vinyl records on eBay. Approximately 50 items a year. 


Around 18 months ago I contacted the community on a different selling issue. This was virtually ignored as I wasn't a business seller. Many of the responses were both illogical and confrontational.


So with this in mind private sellers of small items are unlikely to receive help here.


The new buyer protection fees end the selling of low value items for private sellers. This is not debatable. However it is greedy in many ways. On one hand eBay are saying it's ok to sell low value items but on the other hand make it impossible to do so. The 75p fee takes care of that. 


Why not just stop private sellers altogether? You can't sell low valued items on eBay.


Definition of a business -


Business is the practice of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).


There are certainly many private sellers on eBay that fit the above criteria. For these sellers it would probably make far more sense to become a business seller. For others, like myself, it has no logic or reason. 





Message 36 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

What is this scam? Some of my products are expensive now they really expensive and the tracking new system funds on hold that doesn’t work i have over £1000 on hold, been with ebay over 12 years!! Who’s bright idea was this?? I can only see it as bullying to go business seller

Message 37 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

Did eBay ask the buyers if they wanted this? 

I wasn't ( I must also have missed a email communication (?) 0n this.
Do eBay really think that sales will increase? 
Do they care.. about other than their profits, (rhetorical).
Are eBay another Poshmark?
Are eBay misleading its " customers" with what the BPF really is? 
I now feel so; as a buyer I already had protection, so what is this 'mandatory' ' addition'!? I'm not interested in calling ebay at 02:00 in the morning, I was quite happy with the previous (free) service, etc.
Another -1 to ebay, isnt there already another site called Piratebay.

Have eBay discriminated against private sellers? 

Well perhaps not as a grouping that can legally (note thats not the same as ethically or morally..) be discrimitated against, but will of course apply to any business buying from a private seller?
Are buyers encouraged by eBays New  FEE to part with their hard earned money even more?

Nope, and it had better appear in the costs at checkout had it not?
Are buyers  clear of what it actually covers and  happy with the " benefits" it provides?

Not I, what is the real value add to me as a buyer. being of a certain aage, knowledge and experience, cynically this is just a shift of free seller fees to buyers, another after thought or a macheavellian catch up...
Are private sellers disappointed at them being singled out and penalised by having funds held for  something which really does not exist...?

DWell, presumeably they get away with selling fees, just at the buyers expense, for things that were already coverd by 'protection' , just another cororate because we can not that we should. If ebay were in any way equitable; given all their tv advertising of 'free selling', where has all the advertising of buyer fees been? Or even the no doubt incredibally small print associted with the 'free selling' (only untill we start charging the buyers) !? Hipocracy or what.

Message 38 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

This is all incredibly complicated. I've been using eBay as a private seller (and buyer) for over 20 years. I don't really understand how it can work and for both auction sales and buy it now. I'm trying to list a CD for £7.99. The revised price with the buyer protection fee is £9.03. So I try to revise the price so it at least says £8.99. That's too high to expect a sale but it's actually impossible. If I drop the price 4p on my listing it comes out as £8.98 to buyers. If I drop the price 3p to £7.96 the price displayed to the buyer is £9.00. There is now no way to sell an item for £8.99. Try it. 


Auction selling is just as complex. If I bid £20 on an item sold by a private seller, then what am I really bidding? Shouldn't be a mathematical quandary. 


eBay will surely just revert to FVFs for private sellers. It's just way too complicated. Even if I get a lucky sale the funds are not available until 2 days after delivery. The buyer is fully covered anyway. 


Why make everything so complicated. Back to final value fees please then at least I can sell for the price which is set.



Message 39 of 86
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Re: new buyer protection fees

What extra protection as a buyer do I receive if a item is collection only ? what is the point of the charge if no postage option is available, I get no benefit from the extra charge.

Message 40 of 86
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