Unsolicited offers received from sellers

How can I stop unsolicited offers being received? Ebay are using my site browsing history or selling listing to inform sellers of 'interest' and then send me offers I don't want. Unlike offers which I might initiate myself, these automated offers are dangerous because they sit alongside genuine offers I may have made. I cannot tag and delete them, or open the offer and decline or to remove it.


I've looked at my account settings and cannot see the option to stop them as has previously been posted on the forum? For now I am thwarting Ebay AI tracking whilst signed in to my account by not signing in and only signing in to my account if I specifically want to buy or sell something.

Message 1 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Clearing cookies and history is always a good thing to do, but won't help for online sites like Ebay which you log into. Once logged in you are tracked against your account profile, name address, past purchases, payment details etc etc.


That may change with future data privacy laws which may require sites collecting information from you to offer the option to track or not track. The definition of 'essential cookies' is also still very vague.  Tracking may be necessary for smooth checkout and payment, but that doesn't mean the session data has to be kept stored, used later, or sold on to 3rd parties.  I haven't yet found or tried a browser addon that blocks tracking, finger printing and cookies in real time or spoofs them? But I suspect site navigation would be affected. 

Message 21 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Use incognito browsing to search eBay, then only log in when 100% sure you're going to act 👍

Message 22 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

I started messing the sellers telling them no thank you. Got now to the point I reported them directly to Ebay I hope it stops just dome first report today 

Message 23 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Lost for words 

Message 24 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

@samanthawhiteharwich wrote:

I started messing the sellers telling them no thank you. Got now to the point I reported them directly to Ebay I hope it stops just dome first report today 

I think that's extremely unfair. 


Sellers have no way of knowing whether or not you are actually interested in an item you have viewed, so there is really nothing to report them for.


EBay won't take any notice of your report either, so you are wasting your time. 

Message 25 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Ebay isn't quite temu the 25-50 flood of nonsense per day but they do want to interrupt your dinner the same I feel. I checked a price on a bike earlier just for reference, now ebay is emailing me to place a bid. It's all very desperate but that's what you get when the place has no soul left. 


It hasn't had one for years. 

If I can see something with a matching price on ebay and another site, I skip ebay every time. That's what happens when you alienate people who have a heart. 

You say it and they don't care. There are people looking at this comment and would love to delete it. 

Message 26 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

I DONT WANT TO GET AS FAR AS HAVING TO SCROLL DOWN AND DECLINE OFFER sEH TWICE i DO NOT WANT IT TO HAPPEN AT ALL just because I look at something AND eBAY ARE DENYING THIS FACT and I shouted deliberately. The app is worse ans is going to be disabled.

Message 27 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Reporting sellers for something ebay has done, and they have no clue about is really out of line.

Message 28 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Contact customer service they will block the seller for you it's what I did complained about it 

Message 29 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

I doubt very much that eBay will do anything of the sort as the seller isn't doing anything wrong.  They may well tell you that though to get you off the phone. 

Message 30 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Checking g preferences - it makes no difference.  You still get unwanted messages eg. Price drops on products you have only looked at.l (not watched).

Message 31 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

I’m hating this new thing eBay does so much.  Lots of messages of price drops on items I am not interested in.  

Perhaos the incognito thing is the only way to go.


The desperation/no soul thing me too ed by previous posters may be the hardest truth.  I am going to make a formal complaint t to eBay though.

Message 32 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Same here I viewed rag dolls but didn’t choose to add any to my watch.  Now I’m inundated with offers and can’t find a way to delete them.  It’s very annoying

Message 33 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Since this thread was started eBay still have not implemented a means for buyers to set their preferences that would allow them to opt out of receiving offers from sellers - and I doubt if eBay ever will make such an option available, as from eBay's perspective it probably seems like a good idea in that it may convince people to buy something they had initially decided not to bother with, even though they do not appear to have considered the fact that many people will have deliberately clicked off of the listing as a result of reading or seeing something in the ad that put them off of the item - but as with many other aspects of this site, I've just had to adapt to these ever frustrating changes in order to continue using the site.


Although there is currently no way to block unwanted offers from sellers, what I've now started to do is to try to use the system in such a way that it actually works against itself.  What I've noticed since this thread was started is that the vast majority of offers I receive from sellers are for items I've only looked at, but have decided not to add to my Watch List.  Therefore, if there's an item that I might be interested in buying if the asking price was a bit cheaper, nowadays I usually just view the item but deliberately hold off of placing the item on my Watch List.  If the item subsequently shows up on the My eBay page, showing me that I've received an offer from the seller, then so long as the drop in price is acceptable, as opposed to marginal, I sometimes end up buying the item.


If you use this method properly you can, in some cases, get even more money off of the item that might otherwise have been the case.  I recently saw an item that I was interested in but it looked to be slightly too expensive for my liking, so I clicked off of the listing without adding it to my Watch List.  Sure enough, less than a week later I received an offer from the seller, the price having been reduced to an acceptable amount.  In that instance eBay were also running a discount offer on items from certain sellers, so I decided to review the offer and see whether the option came up to apply the discount code.  It did, so I applied the discount code before checking out, and ended up getting a further discount on the seller's discount offer!


At the end of the day I can understand the frustration that people may feel with receiving unwanted offers, but rather than allowing it to stress you out, try to do as I've explained above and find ways to use the system against itself.  The only other alternatives at present are to:  A) decline the unwanted offers in the manner that I described when I previously posted on this thread, B) ignore the unwanted offers until such time as they expire and then delete them, or C) stop using eBay and buy items from other sources, such as other online selling platforms or from High Street retailers.

Message 34 of 35
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Unsolicited offers received from sellers

Thanks very much. I think going to “look” at eBay less. It’s an annoying
trend but what can you do? This push for “sales” everywhere is a drag.
Luckily I don’t buy that much off eBay but if I did it would be even more
Best wishes.

PS. It’s weird what you say that “watched” items are not sent out with
reduced prices; you would think that would be where they would do this, not
random items you have momentarily looked at.
Message 35 of 35
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