Purchases arrivng via Amazon

A couple of times now I have bought stuff on ebay and it has arrived from Amazon. It's obvious that the sellers are placing the ad on ebay, when a purchase is made they buy from Geoff, use buyers address for the delivery and trouser the difference. The problem I have with this is that I conciously avoid using Amazon for all sorts of reasons which is why I am buying on ebay. I've been giving sellers that undermine my principle neutral feedback because I really can't see what else I could do. Discuss.

Message 1 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

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Message 41 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

As a seller, you'd list on as many platforms as possible to get your product in front of as many potential customers as possible. And eBay and Amazon customers are different demographics (not mutually exclusive, of course, but different enough to warrant listing on both). 

Message 42 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

@ssilverpolo wrote:

As a seller, you'd list on as many platforms as possible to get your product in front of as many potential customers as possible. And eBay and Amazon customers are different demographics (not mutually exclusive, of course, but different enough to warrant listing on both). 

They are united, the seller would hope, in what they want to buy. With either site, the person looking for tropical fish isn't in the market for Hittite cylinder seals. Bit I believe the two sites are for the most part aiming for the same markets.


A prudent seller wouldn't adertise on more selling platforms than he can handle efficiently. Booksellers seem particularly bad for this, as some seem to keep  ttheir stock on shelves accessible to the public, and are uneven at  best in getting cash sales onto the computer record or of the sales sites. Plus the odd opne that leaves the shop stuffed up the jumper of someone who believes in the redistribution of wealth.


eBay and i imagine the others require the seller to have stock available to satisfy their buyers.If it runs out, the listing must disappear. I believe eBay still permit a time and money saving suspension of a listing, which doesn't then appear in searches, but remains in the watch list of anybody who has already put it there. Bids are blocked, but he can watch for the time when stock becomes available again.

Message 43 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

Under eBay rules it's not allowed !!

"However, listing an item on eBay and then purchasing the item from another retailer or marketplace that ships directly to your customer is not allowed on eBay." 

Message 44 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

@yattyyak wrote:

Under eBay rules it's not allowed !!

"However, listing an item on eBay and then purchasing the item from another retailer or marketplace that ships directly to your customer is not allowed on eBay." 

Whereas storing your stock with another company for shipment is allowed. 

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 45 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

The clue is in the wording

"another retailer or marketplace" 

Message 46 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

Just had to (again) return an item sent by Amazon. If I wanted to buy from them (at a cheaper price) I would.


Is this allowed by either companies' rules?


Why do I have to pay the return postage? Why isn't there a "order fulfilled by Amazon" option on the return's menu? I have to use 'Just don't like it' and wonder if I should start using 'item arrived damaged' instead?


Message 47 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon





















@rikkirutter wrote:

Just had to (again) return an item sent by Amazon. If I wanted to buy from them (at a cheaper price) I would.


Is this allowed by either companies' rules?


Why do I have to pay the return postage? Why isn't there a "order fulfilled by Amazon" option on the return's menu? I have to use 'Just don't like it' and wonder if I should start using 'item arrived damaged' instead?



i suppose the fact that this actually is something you just didn't like has to come into it anywhere.


I suppose that if you returned a few items to sellers, and a pattern arose of their claiming damage on receipt, the light of understanding would dawn on you. Quite quickly, I should think. The only valid reasons for invoking the MBG are non-delivery or delivery of an item which, in itself, wasn't as described.




If you report an Amazon Fulfilment delivery to ebay CS, they are likely to tell you, so tactfully that you may be unaware of it, to go away and not be so silly. If you report one bought from Amazon, by Prime or ordinary service, they are likely to take action.Understaning and explaining the difference would be useful.

Message 48 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

Sellers can have goods they sell on Amazon shipped from Amazon to their orders on other platforms. It's called 3rd party fillfilment i beleive.

Totally legit

The other option could be yes they have bought from Amazon as they dont have one in stock themselves. Be that honestly or dropshipping without permission of the amazon seller.


Message 49 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

I bought something from a firm a couple of days ago - they sell on their own website, ebay and Amazon.

Their own website had the cheapest price, then ebay ( a couple of pounds more), then Amazon (about £7 more than on their own website).


I ordered from their website, and this morning got the notification that the item will delivered today by Amazon.  There was a link in the message about Amazon delivering your order from ANY webiste - maybe those who think Amazon delivery always means dropshipping, would find it informative:


Amazon Shipping



Message 50 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

@moldosgifts wrote:

Sellers can have goods they sell on Amazon shipped from Amazon to their orders on other platforms. It's called 3rd party fillfilment i beleive.

Totally legit


Totally, as long as they have the quantity of stock to be sure that their ebay sales commitet wil be met. The only safe way is to have a block of staff allocated to his ebay sales alone, ad equalling or greater than stock number shown in the listing. He can't afford to have the same stock depleted by the unpredictable demands of his Amazon or other sales, market stall, shoplifters etc. Used booksellers, among the nicest of sellers in many respects, appear often to have one shopful of shelve for everything.


Totally illegitimate, or words to that effect, are sellers who rely on Amazon Prime or Amazon's private sellers still having the item available after you have bought. Mind you, it is difficult to have an altogether high opinion of people who get irate at the sight of an Amazon box, without caring that there are different ways an ebay purchase could have got into it.

Message 51 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

Not applicable

As long as I get the item I wanted within the quoted time frame I'm not really bothered where it came from.


And if the seller is making a few extra quid then good luck to him. 

Message 52 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

I know this post is a few months old now but for quite some time Amazon has been offering its shipping services not only to those selling on Amazon but to those with an eBay account, Etsy account, Shopify account, those selling on their own website etc etc etc.

This is a seperate service to buying something on Amazon, it is Amazon's own shipping service, just like Royal Mail or any other courier - it is offered to sellers both inside and outside the Amazon seller platform.

Futher information on this can be found here:


Many people automatically think that when they buy something on eBay and it gets delivered by Amazon that the seller is up to no good - either thinking the seller is dropshipping or doing a bit of Amazon/eBay arbitrage, but this is not necessarily the case!

The eBay, Etsy, Shopify seller, whatever the case may be, may simply be using the Amazon shipping service to fulfill the delivery of their items.

No doubt there will be the odd few doing the dropshipping and Amazon/eBay arbitrage but I would think this is a small minority compared to those who simply use the shipping service.

Although there is no specific choice to choose Amazon shipping in ones eBay listings delivery service. I would expect one would choose 'Other Courier' 1 day, 2day, 3day etc. This may be something eBay integrate into the listing delivery section in the future.

We have recently enquired about Amazon's shipping service for our eBay items so will create another post once we hear back from them.

Always a good idea to have lots of different couriers to choose from, especially as shipping anything lately is only going to get more expensive with the recent announcement of fuel rising to nearly £2 a litre.

Message 53 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

Why the problem with Amazon ?

You paid the price you agreed to.

You got the item you ordered.


"Pocket the difference"

Are you suggesting sellers shouldnt make a profit ?


Message 54 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

I'm bemused that this topic is still going and that some people don't get why people are unhappy about buying on eBay and getting their stuff delivered by Amazon.


I'm curious how they would feel if they bought a Waitrose pizza and when they got home, they found that there was an Asda label under the Waitrose label. Or perhaps (more pertinently given the ethical objection to Amazon) they were vegetarian and found bits of chicken on their veggie pizza.

Message 55 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

Not applicable

I normally get my cat food from Farmfoods but only when they have a special offer on, (3 boxes of 40 packets) so when there is no offers I come to ebay, I have found a seller who can supply 3 boxes to me for £31, they are delivered to me by Prime.


The next cheapest on ebay is £34.


The seller buys the food from prime for about £26, so they make a fiver on each order, as I am not signed up to Prime, and have no intention of doing so, the cheapest I can get it for is £34.


You don't have to be maths professor to work out why I am happy to buy my cat food off ebay and have it delivered by the Prime van.

Message 56 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

Not applicable

Interesting comparison.


Next time you see a food recall from a producer just have a look at how many supermarkets sell the products under there own brand.


But back on point. 


The buyer is getting the item they ordered.  The supplier not the product is the difference. 

Message 57 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

I also rather pay extra on eBay because I know that Amazon has more ties with China and I know that Amazon likes to treat employees like robots which Amazon will soon replace them with.


Technically what you are receiving is a gift so maybee you should have your money back. I've had enough of this 

Message 58 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

@xsi-wod wrote:

I also rather pay extra on eBay because I know that Amazon has more ties with China and I know that Amazon likes to treat employees like robots which Amazon will soon replace them with.


Technically what you are receiving is a gift so maybee you should have your money back. I've had enough of this 


So you won't care about where the item comes from.

Those of us using amazon fulfilment to store items appreciate those willing to pay higher prices on ebay. 

The item usually gets delivered by amazon logistics, can be any courier or even royal mail.

In an amazon box.


From stores owned by the seller. 


The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 59 of 121
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Re: Purchases arrivng via Amazon

I received a gift, gifts are not paid for. Yet I paid for this. This is just a guy using amazon on my behalf, I have my own amazon account and if I wanted to buy the item for cheaper I would have done it myself via amazon. End of story. 

Message 60 of 121
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