Messages ignored by sellers

One thing that really is getting worse is seller communication, not responding to messages and basically treating buyers as a nuisance!

 I find this very odd and now will not buy from someone who can't be bothered to respond or interact even if I want the item.

I have messaged a few sellers numerous times and no reply, rude, unprofessional and disrespectful.

Your thoughts please!

Message 1 of 123
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122 REPLIES 122

Re: Messages ignored by sellers

when you see the red box try refreshing the page, this normally clears it and you get to see the message

Message 21 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

Will try but have done everything possible to view messages from buyers but nothing has worked.I had a message that I had just received and caught it in time to answer but the second message I was too late.Not sure how long the messages are viewable for but I had just got that second message and red box came up that message was over 90 days even though I had just got it that day.

Message 22 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

Buying to sell is a "badge of trading", even if you don't consider yourself a business, other people - especially HMRC - might not see it that way.  Quite a common pitfall on this site!

Message 23 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

I have just encountered this, I messaged the seller and asked them to sell the item for cheaper and they agreed, however they then removed the listing and did not respond to anything after. Fast forward two weeks, they relist the item, I message once again to find out what went wrong, when I would receive it if I buy today etc no response, they then respond with "if I want to buy it then buy it and not Harass them with messages or they will block me and have my account banned" I was confused and threatened for trying to verify wether or not this item will actually be sent to me this time and I don't know what to do about it as I believe it's not fair for them to threaten me like this. 

Message 24 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

@neiwheat wrote:

Your thoughts please!

speaking as a seller I would say buyers can be a nuisance, e.g.:

1. item doesn't arrive within 2 working days on a 2nd Class shipment, they send a message, send another the next day to let me know it *still* isn't there, another the next day, two the next day, and so on. I send replacements, same thing happens, buyer nagging me about something I can't do anything about. eventually they open a case and get refunded, so I lost 2x items. lesson learned, refund immediately and block them

2. messages like "my item hasn't arrived yet?" as if putting a question mark at the end of a statement converts it to a question? if you want an answer, ask a question

3. buyers giving you a paradox almost every time: "my item hasn't come yet" or similar -- well, if it is *your* item, then how am I responsible for it? title of goods does not pass until delivery, otherwise if it went lost the seller wouldn't be liable, now would they


overall the biggest problem is that eBay has set up lots of features for buyers to communicate these things to sellers (cases, requests, returns, offers) or have their questions answered without seller input (FAQs, reading listing descriptions, reading seller's terms of sale, reading eBay's terms of sale) -- so when buyers just can't be bothered using any of this and ask moronic questions I don't prioritise replying to them


I know, bad customer service, right? well, they're not my customer, are they? this is a marketplace, and if an item was a penny cheaper on a 'similar items' link on my listing's page most buyers would click it, at least that's my presumption -- there is hardly any loyalty in consumers even in the high street anymore and even less on eBay -- there is a difference if it's a repeat buyer who needs stuff you sell, or if the items are faulty or broken, then of course I reply promptly, but all the time-wasting messages must be sifted through or deleted first, which is an irritating timesuck.

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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

Not really when ebay dont let them see the messages for long, when I receive a message unless i look at it asap it disappears from the potential buyer.Theyre not being ignored ebay are stopping messages from being viewed.Nothing in my inbox either, been trying for couple years now to get it sorted but nothing.Lose sales all the time because the messages arent being kept in my inbox.The only messages I receive are from ebay or an offer for an item nothing else.No communication from other members or anyone else whicch is all in my history for ebay to see but again no help.

Message 26 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

I'm sure the buyer was asking about failed communication not world issues. Why do people have to try and make others feel bad about something which has nothing to do with them! We all know the world is in a bad way, but it doesn't change the fact of being treated disrespectful by a seller. 

Message 27 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

I know how you feel, I bought an item 6 days ago, there are no Royal Mail strikes, still nothing. I messaged seller to ask if they had any updates regarding this, as the message on the item listing now read  "there is a problem " yet the seller hasn't responded. I'm not going to message every 5 minutes because if they have ignored my first message the likelihood of them responding is slim. If I don't receive then I'll just get a refund. Very inconvenient to be honest, but hey ho what can we do. 

Message 28 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

At the moment eBay messaging is best described as a bug ridden mess with as a rep said no time scale on a fix.


Many users can't see if they have any new emails unless they actually click and enter the email section.

Message 29 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

@mothertrucker2021 wrote:

I know how you feel, I bought an item 6 days ago, there are no Royal Mail strikes, still nothing. I messaged seller to ask if they had any updates regarding this, as the message on the item listing now read  "there is a problem " yet the seller hasn't responded. I'm not going to message every 5 minutes because if they have ignored my first message the likelihood of them responding is slim. If I don't receive then I'll just get a refund. Very inconvenient to be honest, but hey ho what can we do. 

six days ago. and you're going to message them every five minutes until they respond. how long ago did you message the seller for the first time? give it two days maybe. if you use the eBay messaging system for spam you will likely face repercussions via eBay's abusive buyer policy: I recommend that you just be patient or make a new order in the meantime from another seller or from the same seller. you don't have to wait for one order to be refunded in order to make a new order - that of course depends on how much discretionary income you have available and the cost of the order

Message 30 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

I found that using the eBay app on my phone is the only way I can communicate with potential buyers , all messages in my inbox for the last couple years are from eBay nothing and I mean nothing from any sellers or buyers no questions can be viewed.Message comes up saying more than 90 days old and no message to read .Getting some sales now that I'm on the phone app God knows how many I've missed.

Message 31 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

Please read my post before commenting! 

Message 32 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

okay I see it now, sorry... how can I have missed it!!!

Message 33 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

so did you get the refund already then? or did the item arrive?

Message 34 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

I am surrised top see that nobody is making much of what kind of item it is. If it is a quantity of steemball-bearings, advertised as being to a particular British standard, what is there to ask? People often don't like being asked if they are telling the truth or will do what they say they will. That example is one almost incapable of being damaged in transit, and questions, especially pre-purchase ones, often come from people whose only need is a little human contact.


If, however, the item is something like an antique in which condition are important, almost any question, even a late-noticed feature of a picture which might lead to a cancellation request, is a legitimate  reason for a message, and for expecting an answer.


In the case of lateness it makes sense, in times like these, to wait a couple of days beyond a non-pessimistic delivery estimate. But a case opened after one unanswered message doesn't seem excessive. If the item arrives the case will close, and the only way the seller could be harmed is if he is accumulating a lot of them.

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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

If the seller does not reply in a reasonable time I am sometimes left wondering if i should take a chance and buy what otherwise looks like the best/only item out there that might meet my criteria. 

Message 36 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

I hear you! I also really don't understand why some sellers don't bother to reply to messages asking for details on an item.  They list am item with such scant information you need to message them (several times over the listing period) to ask for details and then they don't bother to respond, which is ignorant and lazy.  SMH! 🤦‍♀️ 

Message 37 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

I answer questions as soon as they come  in.

However, its easy for me with about 20 items.

If a seller has a 100, 1000, 10000+  items then how do they find the timne ?


Message 38 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

@nigel_paul_wright7557 wrote:

I answer questions as soon as they come  in.

However, its easy for me with about 20 items.

If a seller has a 100, 1000, 10000+  items then how do they find the timne ?


Can be up to 2 in the morning answering messages, that's how.

Used to work shifts then reply to messages after end of the shift. Sometimes could take a couple of hours - 20 or 30 messages (around 10,000 items some of which we stored locally and some we didn't) a day in busy times.

Then packing... 

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 39 of 123
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Re: Messages ignored by sellers

If you are a seller,  whether full time or not, you have a duty to answer questions quickly and courteously.  Sales queries are part of the selling process. I can't believe how many sellers make excuses for not doing this. If you have time to list 1000 products then you have time to reply to messages.  Personally I refuse to buy from any seller who won't talk to me. After all, they can't be trusted to respond to any post-sale issue which crops up. Do something properly or not at all.

Message 40 of 123
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