12-03-2025 4:02 PM - edited 12-03-2025 4:11 PM
Ebay (yes I put the capital at the start of the word because I use correct English, it is not eBay!!) suggestions are beyond annoying. You can remove them by using ublock origin, an extension for your browser. It lets you pick any element of a page (eg an advert or these stupid suggestions [I know what I want to buy and search for it, I don't want something else mildly related to the thing I decided to buy]) and make it vanish forever.
Ebay should have allowed you to disable this yourself! What about a little X on it offering the function "don't show again" like Opera do with their "features"? I wonder how many hours and dollars Ebay workers spend thinking up new "useful" features.... Stop it now. Use the money to reduce fees, compete better against that horrid can't-see-postage-cost-before-buying @m@z0n (misspelt so the stupid forum doesn't censor it!)
Oh and thanks Ebay/Opera for finally listening to me and letting Opera's spellcheck underline in red spelling errors instead of me having to remember to click your own superfluous one.
All this stuff may seem trivial, but added together I never get anything useful achieved.
Oh by the way, I tried to reply to other similar complaint from January, not long ago but some idiot has closed it after only two months! Why do you do that?!?!?! Now I have to pollute the forum with another post, and people searching for how to fix it may just find the old unanswered one!!
Watch this space for me getting banned from the forum for criticising it....
And here is how it looks when you block it (yes I could now block the titles too) - but this shows you just how many of this SPAM appeared on the page below the purchase page:
12-03-2025 6:06 PM
They are telling people my shop is sold out and sending them to other people. It's not sold out it's moved somewhere else where bots don't run the show real people do and it's not full of all this spam rubbish while nothing else is working any more.
12-03-2025 7:27 PM - edited 12-03-2025 7:29 PM
I see you're a fellow parrot owner 🙂 Feel free to discuss parrots privately.
Where did you get all those postcards from?!
Where did you move to? I found @maz0n way too expensive on fees and eb1d had no buyers.
13-03-2025 10:37 AM
I've gone to Facebook and ebid - the second is slow but you do make sales. It's ideal for stamps, postcards and there are lots of other things but needs more buyers - the number of new obey arrivals and listings is growing daily. Worth a try as its inexpensive. and you can divert sales in through facebook groups
13-03-2025 6:08 PM - edited 13-03-2025 6:09 PM
F@cebook is for chatting, not selling. There's no payment system or anything set up, ridiculous in the 21st century to arrange with each buyer manually. FAIL.
I tried Eb1d, I had 15 items on sale on Ebay, I copied them to Eb1d, reduced them by the amount I save in fees, and sold zero in the time Ebay sold me 20. FAIL.
I tried Am@zon, didn't get started, fees DOUBLE Ebay. FAIL.
Ebay may be excrement, but it's less so than everything else.
15-03-2025 12:46 PM
For postcards I'd recommend Delcampe (a French site but also available in English) - they have millions of cards for sale, plus millions of paper/ephemera/stamp type listings too.