Help please confused


I understand there are new (confusing) tax laws regarding purchases from outside the UK.

But I have just bought a furniture item listed as Manchester seller....

And been charged tax?

I briefly remember as I was paying the invoice stated price then tax but it added up to £79.99  advertised so I took no notice.

Now on double checking I see £15.99 has been added on top of price??

Contacted seller who tells me he imports from china but supplies from manchester warehouse where it must have come from as came in couple days???

How the flip would I know that and is this right. Is no mention whatsoever in ad.....and how do you know if you choose and think you buying a UK item?

Am confused .


Thanks for any info

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Others are also being caught with  Brexit VAT changes since 1st. January ... this link may explain ... see >

1. 'Goods in the UK at the point of sale - sold by an overseas seller through an online marketplace'

2. 'Goods located outside the UK at point of sale'