eBay is officially dead



17,000 listing across 13 eBay countries = no sales


200 listings on Vinted (same prices) = 10 sales


1,000 listings on Depop (same prices) = 6 sales


Shall I give up 🙂 

Message 1 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

I see you wrote this in January, it would be interesting to see if the trend / performance has continued ?

Message 41 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

Hey 100% agree eBay is becoming dead. All my buying for clothes makeup perfumes toys is done on Vinted now unless it's things that can't be bought on Vinted but Vinted pro would change that . My search alerts over the years have also become dead before so many new listings now very little 

Message 42 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

I have already gave up a short while ago as sales been quite poor latly and what i don't sell by next year some time i might have a clear out and throw away into garbage bin what i don't want to keep to save space like.

Message 43 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

Hi I was looking on ebay for an item.

I found a list of items for sale, with prices.

When I clicked through on individual listings the price was 30 to 40 dollars higher on the actual listing page.

There was no way for me to report the listings or contact ebay to complain or bring this to their attention.

Ebay is dead to me.


Message 44 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

Ebay now have to compete with Amazon who have a massive market.

I have seen sales get worse over the years.

At one time i made good money on ebay then the competition arrived and killed it.


Message 45 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

Don't know what to do myself have sold 4 things yesterday have masses of listings that have built up. They are all going to make the buyer pay, Delchampe has just changed to that format i've listed a few there but it's collectors things which i sell. They do show the buyer price properly and the buyer fee is 10% + 30p, which is better for small value items and shop is cheaper and you can close your own postage options. I want to stay here and probably will unless they force us to use their payment decision as i can only use Royal Mail. I've been selling for 20 years and think i know the best way to post by now and how to teat buyers fairly

Message 46 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

Give up - you are hardly selling anything over the last year in comparison to your volume of listing  and you are walking a tight rope  with descriptions that include 


Great sellers on Vinted and Depop as well as car boot/market or eBay




Message 47 of 48
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Re: eBay is officially dead

I expected January to be quiet but this is bad!


All it is now on here is constant low ball offers because they think its no fees for everyone on here, all from private buyers.



Message 48 of 48
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