07-12-2024 8:51 AM
i've got 2 cases - one i thought was resolved about a month ago, GSP shipment that took forever to reach the customer but finally got delivered. still open even though the customer has stated they are happy.
the other is an item that is showing as delivered on the tracking details, ebay even confirmed this is the case yet continue to send out the default "please remember to resolve this case" emails.
there was a time when you'd talk to eBay customer service and they would see the item was delivered and just close the case, is this just not a thing that happens anymore?
07-12-2024 9:20 AM - edited 07-12-2024 9:22 AM
eBay cases close automatically after 21 business days (or usually 36 calendar days) of inactivity
07-12-2024 9:21 AM
Call them and ask them to close both cases.
07-12-2024 9:43 AM
heres the thing - i have spoken to ebay on multiple occasions about the cases. they seem to side with me on the issues yet don't want to manual close the cases. i have no clue why.
07-12-2024 9:48 AM
You need to get the right CS person. Are they holding any money?
07-12-2024 10:01 AM
Having it learnt the hard way, during each phone conversation we ask ebay for the reference number and to sent an email after with a confirmation of what they have committed to. Otherwise you might find yourself with nothing done and being questioned 'who said that?'.
07-12-2024 10:16 AM
If the customer has since got back to you and stated that he/she has received the item and is happy with it, could you not try sending the customer another message and ask him/her to close the case down manually? If the customer was willing to do as you had asked then it would remove the need to have to try to point out to eBay that the tracking proves that the item has been successfully delivered to the address provided by the buyer at Checkout and then spend an age trying to persuade eBay to close the case in your favour.
07-12-2024 6:48 PM
I have never had any luck asking buyers to close cases. They either ignore the request or say they don't know how. Weird how they can always find a way to open a case, but can't find a way to close it. Even if I send the instructions, they still don't close it.
There should be a special place in Hell reserved for buyers that open cases. Hell only has to look on my BBL to find out who they are - Hell should keep a list.
The case does close eventually, but I've had them take 40+ days before close.
07-12-2024 6:56 PM
It is weird given that we see many posts where buyers close them and then wish they hadn't!
07-12-2024 7:25 PM
Buyers that close cases when they shouldn't are obviously susceptible to the pleadings of dodgy sellers.
My buyers are just idle whatsits.
08-12-2024 11:11 AM
I think the issue is that some buyers do not even realise they are opening a case due to the way that eBay leads them into doing it. Most buyers just want to know where the item is but instead of being directed into messaging the seller eBay opens the case and this is why some buyers either do not realise that they have an open case or do not have any idea how to close it EBay make this process much harder than it should be I have had cases open where the buyer emails me to confirm receipt and then the open case just sits there. Personally I don’t bother asking eBay to close them unless funds are being held
08-12-2024 11:53 AM
On Etsy, buyers ask for 'Help with my order'. This opens a message pane to the seller. The seller sees a heading that the message is regarding a late order, whether the buyer wants a refund or a replacement, and any other details the buyer wants to add.
If the seller hasn't responded within 48 hours and the date is beyond the latest EDD, Etsy messages the buyer to ask 'Still need help?'. The buyer is then given the option to open a case. The buyer cannot open a case without messaging the seller and waiting 48 hours. I guess the buyer can also open a case if the seller responds but the buyer doesn't like the response. However, the Help is silent on this - Etsy obviously doesn't encourage cases to be opened - less work for them.
This seems like a much more sensible way of handling INR queries. Also, some orders qualify for purchase protection, which means that Etsy refunds the customer and the seller doesn't receive a strike. This seems a good way to monitor serial INR raisers - if it's costing Etsy money, they're going to crack down on them.
Something new I've learned from the Help page - buyers can open a case up to 100 days after the EDD. I don't like the sound of that. The upside is that buyers may have to provide photographs, measurements, third party evaluations and anything else Etsy wants to know to progress their case. I reckon that would put off a lot of scammers.