Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

As the title. Zero sales today. First time in 25 years selling on here. Something is seriously wrong on here. Anyone else? Will eBay ever come clean and tell sellers what actually gone wrong?

Message 1 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

And there is that word  " masquerading"  - I have seen it myself ,  with different items,  clothes, shoes, decanting perfumes ( a huge no no)  with pages and pages of listings,  as a " private seller" ... clearly that is business and ebay do nothing about it. Why? 

Message 41 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

What is Temu? 

Message 42 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

"Why?", that can be subjective or objective, i presume ebay have a reason. The points on here are that it undercuts real businesses and is breaking a few UK laws.

Message 43 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

@vintique*violet I’m going a bit O/T here but I do agree with you on the rude comment.

Since covid I’ve found people disrespectful, entitled and selfish. General rudeness has been normalised.  (Worked in retail through the whole thing and just ugh!)

However I do have some really interesting conversations with some buyers. Particularly about gigs or events they’ve attended and bought a poster or advert of the event to create something.  

What happens from here on though who knows. Given up trying to work it out.




Message 44 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

Thank you - for a minute there I thought I was the only one experiencing this. 

Agreed since 2020. My son has said the very same ( manager in hospitality)  people are just " abusive" and expect something for nothing.  He is wonderful with people, but in the end it got to him , as it was feeding into his work colleagues and found he could no longer accept this " new normal " and disrespect ; so took the plunge to change direction, found a new position  ( not hospitality) and is much happier , whilst still experiencing " rudeness" from some people , it is very few - we have chats about how people seem to have changed the past 4 years noticing the " self- absorption etc" even with his friends... he blames social media & influencers  😉 .. I feel it is a bit more " in depth" than that. 


Oh I have engaged in some lovely communications with either a buyer or a seller , just little brief chats and it restores my faith in humanity and reminds me of ebay in the " old days".... sadly very few and far between now. 

Message 45 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

Repaired my washing machine this morning, then cut wood, finally looked on ebay 16.30pm, to see how much i've taken on here...................................£ goes LL, FVF 56p......anyway i made 31p
 to the Pub to but a quarter of a bag of nuts.

Message 46 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

@exponential_developments wrote:

Repaired my washing machine this morning, then cut wood, finally looked on ebay 16.30pm, to see how much i've taken on here...................................£ goes LL, FVF 56p......anyway i made 31p
 to the Pub to but a quarter of a bag of nuts.

Pork scratchings are nicer!

Message 47 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

You think i'm made of money, i'll share you at half a bag.......  😁

Message 48 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

I got up early, made some new items, got them photographed and listed.  You made 31p more than I did.  Some people don't know they're born lol 🙂 

Message 49 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

Hey, i'm on a roll......................bread roll.............Well at least the washer is repaired and i did a couple of dumpy bags of wood so it's not all negative.


There are more important things in life than ebay, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Message 50 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

Replying to my own post (too late to edit).  I put in 9 hours today plus all the work I've done over the years.  At the time of writing I'm on 0 pence per hour.  I love what I do but financially, this is sheer madness. 🙂

Message 51 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

I'm struggling to think of anything less important than ebay.  They should have looked after their sellers (business).  They did not.  Have a good weekend too 🙂

Message 52 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

No orders from eBay, but I've been busy-busy-busy. 

I've ended a load of eBay listings that didn't yield much, and what they did yield was so pitiful in value that it wasn't worth my while packing it.  Also, there's the added benefit of time saved by not having to reply to stupid messages asking where their 20g of fibre is, and when it's going to arrive.

The listings were carrying a lot of stock, so the GMV's taken a hit.  Ho-Ho-Ho.  Merry Xmas eBay, you'll need a lot of private seller tat to make up for what you've just lost.

Buyers seem to be keen on bundles at the moment, so I've created lots more discounted bundles on my website.  I can fly through creating listings for the website, takes no time at all - unlike eBay.  

What a busy little bee I've been.

Message 53 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

No orders for me today but I had 7 parcels to pack today so I’ve been busy to on a dark and rainy Saturday 


tomorrow I’m planning to tidy the stock room  ( after the Las Vegas GP)  but I would welcome the opportunity to pack some more parcels 🙏

Message 54 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

Day eight & no sales again.

A few drinks & the USA GP for me to tomorrow.

Message 55 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

seems there are an endless supply of sellers prepared to leap off the promoted listing cliff like lemmings,

its become unsustainable to sell on ebay even if you sell nothing it costs, then to sell anything you need to work for nothing 

Message 56 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here


Message 57 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

Gone very quiet this week, last week was good..

Message 58 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here

It has been quiet.  My analytics show impressions down compared to last week and, when 'buyers' click, they're just browsing around and spending a very limited time on a page - not considering purchase, not evaluating items, not putting items on the wish list,  just click-click-click, seeing what's there.

I blame Rachel from accounts.

Message 59 of 63
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Zero sales today. Anyone else. Totally unheard of in 25 years of selling on here


Yes, just as bad here. What’s alarming is that everyone will have been paid by now but it’s still dead…!
Agree that Rachel from accounts has a lot to answer for and everything they do to boost the economy has so far had the opposite effect.
They need to reverse the employer NIC contribution increase otherwise unemployment will rise and the economy will shrink.
Where on earth they think businesses can absorb those costs from I don’t know?

Message 60 of 63
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