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Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postage

It's time to come together and get these crooks off eBay. This issue is effecting hundreds of innocent eBayers and many business sellers too - okay, for transparency, I have to state that I am a stamp dealer, meaning this issue also has a detrimental effect on my business. But it also kills confidence in the market and I, for one, can't compete with the criminals offering stamps for postage at a price I can't even buy in the trade or at auction.  
Take a deep breath - this is long explanation!
But make no mistake, the market is flooded with Chinese counterfeits normally offered by sellers who actually sell kitchen and bathroom products or collectibles, when suddenly they stumbled upon £100,000 of stamps! Unfortunately buying them and using them in the postal service is a crime.  It is possible the only problem you will experience is that Royal Mail charge your customer £5 to receive your packet (still embarrassing) but the consequences could be much worse, as Royal Mail really want to 'stamp' this out. 
To explain the market, stamp dealers often buy in bulk at auction or from estates. They take out what they need for stock and other items of interest but are sometimes left with hundreds of first and second class stamps in booklets and the like. There aren't enough collectors to 'soak them all up', so for cash flow or to realise a profit on a box lot, it is necessary to offer valid stamps, under face value to help liquidity and in truth get and an overall profit - no one is going to buy stamps online for postage at full price (although that is going on sometimes on Amazon!). 
Having been in the business for 50 years, I can tell you that an auction, if you're willing to buy large lots of modern GB you will be paying anything between 50% and 60% of the face value for them and sometimes more and that's before adding a buyer's premium of between 18-25%. You cannot buy the material at 35% of face unless occasionally, when the auction house hasn't done their job and no one else has bothered to view the lot. So when eBay sellers of shampoo and little craft animals, start aggressively selling postage on eBay, they are selling counterfeit stamps imported from China. And I'd be lying if I told you that the latest batch of fakes that have come in aren't pretty amazing but do you want to be sucked into criminal activity? If so, fill your boots! 
It is not viable to sell stamps for postage on eBay at 35% or less. Even if, which they never do, get to pick up a small parcel of decimal stamp at 25% of's the mathematics. If a £1 stamp costs 25p (which it doesn't and, if it did, I would buy up a million of them for £250,000) and you put 100 of them on eBay at £35...all these crooks are pay the highest promotion rates to be at the top of 13% plus normal fees, 12% + listing fees 12p and a transaction fee of 30p and they all offer free p&p, which I guess costs them nothing because they have the counterfeit stamps to use. Anyway 100 x £1 stamps has a face value of £100 - offered for £35. £35 less 13%  (£4.55) + 12% £4.20 leaves £26.25 less 42p for listing and transaction leaves £25.83. Not much of a margin on tens of thousands of stamps. So they have to be coming in at 10p (absolutely impossible for anyone in the trade to do), unless, of course, they're robbing post offices in their spare time.
Royal Mail have been horribly slow in getting to grips with this and have now set up a fraud department, as it is costing them millions. When something looks to be good to be is!  And it's not just the barcoded stamps, its commemoratives too - mainly 2022 self-adhesives, e.g. Wallace & Gromit, Cats, Fruit and Veg (2003) and Cats and Dogs (2002) booklets etc.
I would like to sell stamps for postage on eBay but unfortunately at this time it is impossible because the first three pages of listings in that category are 90% counterfeit and being offered at between 35-45% of face. eBay don't care although they have made a few of the sellers remove the words 'good for postage', as they're clearly not and that is another separate offence under trading standards. 
If stamps are being offered for postage, you also need to avoid 'unfranked' material. These have already gone through the post once and cannot be re-used (again quite hard for Royal Mail to spot and it's their poor working standards that mean masses of letters arrive without a post mark or, if they can be bothered, have been struck through with a felt tip. An elderly couple selling unfranked stamps on eBay were sent to prison last year but not before they'd soaked off £600,000 worth of stamps, which they sold for just under £350,000.
So even if it's not me, it's always best to buy your discounted stamps for postage on eBay from a stamp dealer. You can sometimes pick them up at a great rate on eBay auctions. At fixed price, however, it is unlikely anyone in the trade can offer them for much less than 75% of face, that nets down to 59% after eBay's fees and that's what they would have cost at auction in the current market, although advertised buying prices from the big postage dealers are often nearer to 40%, rising to 65% for second class barcoded and they mainly supply other businesses direct rather than sell on eBay.
Thank you to anyone who has got down to the bottom of this description - you deserve a medal but these crooks are killing an already shrinking market.
Message 1 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

There was a case years ago eBay sellers selling postage stamps - think they were sent to prison 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 2 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

Dave Waldie - philatelink is a good place to buy genuine postage. 


There is a horrible trend with buying GB face at the moment with prices when we buy at auction being anywhere between 30-50% (plus premium) There is one dealer who I know has just bought a substantial amount of face and only paid 27% of face due to the volume.....


However OP back to your post yes ebay are complicit in the sale of illegal stamps, which is a criminal offence.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

I managed to buy some a few months ago. They were close but obviously fake. I contacted the seller who was 'horrified' and he 'bought them in good faith' and acted all shocked.


What he didn't know is that I'd recommended him to several eBay friends who also bought stamps from him and he was equally 'shocked' when they also contacted him.

Fortunately we all got refunds. But I reported the seller to eBay who did absolutely nothing. I reported the seller to Royal Mail and they told me to report it to eBay.

I haven't checked but I imagine he's still doing it now.

A reminder of the old adage - if it looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Message 4 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

I have been fooled by these for a lot of money and now hoping I can charge back via CC. 

Message 5 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

I have been caught out for a lot of money from these individuals.  

Message 6 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

Experienced Mentor

Indeed a large % of buyers who complain never bother to leave feedback.

Message 7 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

like I said about the court case. My sister bought fake stamps as they were cheaper than post office. This was around 8-9 years ago. She had to testify against them but did it with a written statement. I believe the couple got jail term.

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 8 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

.. I guess costs them nothing because they have the counterfeit stamps to use. 

Surely not.  It would be just too embarrassing if the batch of absolutely genuine stamps, sold at a fraction of RM's price, were surcharged on delivery.

I expect they trot down to the PO and pay top dollar for real stamps.  That must hurt.


Message 9 of 10
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Re: Please be careful - sellers on eBay are selling 1000's of fake and counterfeit stamps for postag

Good for her - the old couple who both went to prison had been selling 'unfranked stamps' rather than counterfeit. So they'd been sitting for months, soaking stamps off paper and then re-selling them for postage. If Royal Mail bothered to frank or cancel all the stamps going through the mail service then they would never have even been able to do it. They had sold over £300,000  worth (at their price, so probably near a £1 million in face value) and eBay allowed that to happen for a few years, in the same way they aren't cracking down now on sellers offering counterfeit modern stamps to unsuspecting buyers.  Fantastic though that your sister stood up and was counted - brilliant, brave and decent. 

Message 10 of 10
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