02-01-2024 10:48 PM
I've just dropped off some parcels at my Morrisons local and they have been told by their Yodel collection driver that they can't accept large parcels any more
I asked her to explain how big a larger parcel was and she said that one that was like a large shoe box was about as big as they could take.
I asked her to find out the dimensions of the largest they could accept and where it come from.
Apparently it is the manager at the Yodel depot that has fed it downstream through the collection driver, as they are complaining they can't make any money out of it (welcome to the club)
She said that we should be told that we could still use Yodel, but we have to sort a collection instead and shouldn't be more than about a fiver a time to have them collected.
Had an issue last week where they were told me no more than 2 large parcels a day, but they didn't know if that was 2 total for the shop or 2 per customer. They are now saying no large parcels at all??
This is when we are buying labels through Packlink integrated into eBay.
Anyone else has this issue yet?
03-01-2024 1:43 PM
Hi @ducatimondo, thanks for your post.
They should not be refusing the parcels. I will look into this for you. Can you please share the item numbers for orders that you attempted to hand over, but were refused? What was their weight/dimensions?
Thank you,
03-01-2024 3:17 PM - edited 03-01-2024 3:17 PM
Hi Anita,
Thank you for your reply.
They have not refused any parcels as yet, but said the biggest parcel I had yesterday was about the largest they would accept.
That was 31x24x15cm, so not that big really.
I just posted the give the heads up to other members that there may be some push back from Yodel when dropping parcels off.
The Packlink integration with eBay does not ask for sizes or have any size limits given when you pay for a parcel, it only shows you weight.
I tried to book a larger parcel on at Yodel Direct last night and had not issue with a parcel 7kg and size 60x40x40cm
So if Yodel will take a parcel that size on what I thought was their own site, then it should not be a problem through Packlink either.
IF they have to have size restrictions on there, then fair enough, it is their business and if they want to limit that, then it should say a size limit on Packlink when you book one on.
I am usually dropping parcels off there most days, so can keep an eye on what they say and see if they do actually try to ring me too.
03-01-2024 7:48 PM
Have you tried another parcel shop?
I had this issue with a different carrier. The shop didn't want to take a parcel 45x35x16cm because it would take up too much space in their storeroom. Also, the driver didn't like big parcels because it took longer to load the van, and he complained loudly and upset their staff.
04-01-2024 10:21 AM
Hi @ducatimondo, thank you for clarifying.
They should definitely not be rejecting any items. I have flagged this to the relevant team. Packlink have spoken to Yodel and they are picking this up, so hopefully shouldn't be happening going further, however please do let me know if any parcels get refused and I'll reach back to the team.
04-01-2024 10:34 AM
@the-nutwood-collection wrote:Have you tried another parcel shop?
The shop told me they have no issue with the parcel sizes, it is a pretty big shop tbh.
They said it was the Yodel driver that was telling them and he'd been told by his manager to tell all of the shops he was collecting from, so changing shops in this case wouldn't have helped.
Thank you for following up anita@ebay I really do appreciate it.
I dropped off some more last night, but the staff in the shop were all different to the other night and they never said anything, plus they were all small items anyway.
I will post straight back up if I get any more push back though, but hopefully it might be solved.
08-01-2024 10:42 AM
I've had the same problem both stores nearest me are refusing 'large' (over shoe box size) parcels for yodel
19-01-2024 3:19 PM
I've just had three Yodel stores refuse to take a large parcel. And there seems to be no way to find out if any store will accept them. Any thoughts?
19-01-2024 5:22 PM
I have had the same problem. It seems to be a Morrisons thing not a Yodel thing so try another parcel shop. Why do they advertise themselves as a parcel drop off point if they don't actually want to receive any parcels? I was so frustrated with this I even complained to Morrisons head office but their reply was an absolute joke so I gave up and won't use Yodel any more.
20-01-2024 5:31 PM
That's odd. None of mine were Morrisons.
25-01-2024 5:03 PM
Hi, I've had the same problem 5 drop off stores nearest me are refusing 'large' (over shoe box size) parcels for yodel. The last one was real helpful and said leave with me and I'll talk to the driver when he comes. Whne tte driver came he refused to tale the parcel. @Anne, do not think Yodal is going to work and I have my buyer waiting! could you please let me know how I can get this refunded in ebay and then maybe use DPD?
5:57 PM
- last edited on
10:18 AM
I have just had the same issue with Yodel. I paid for the item at the size and they accepted my money so why will they not accept the parcel??
I visited three different Yodel outlets - two said it was a problem on their system affecting all Yodel (however there is not record of this issue on their website) and one said Yodel are no longer acceptuing large boxes but since they will not let you send anything other than a boxed item I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do
I do not have time to drive round any more Yodel outlets and I've already wasted more time and fuel than the package is worse. I will not be usingf them ever again if it is tru that theyu won't accept a box that I have already paid for.
Sender ref: 7013395846
Collect+ number: *****18K
20-02-2024 10:18 PM
Ebay sold me this service with Yodel so I hold them responsible for failures of the 3rd party not honouring the service that I have paid for. I am very disappointed that when I contacted eBay I was told to go to Packlink who in turn told me there was nothing they could do.
In that case there's nothing I can do to get this item to the seller if that's everybody's attitude. I can't believe the sheer dismissive nature of everybody concerned.
16-03-2024 4:59 PM
I just tried 3 shops in my local area who all refused Yodel collect plus for a large/ oversized parcel. They all said this was because the drivers are refusing parcels greater than 40cm in largest dimension. I also tried taking it to the local Yodel depot, but it was refused as it has a collect plus label.
The dimensions of my parcel are 90x40x40cm approximately. Weight around 5kg. When I purchased the label through eBay, I selected maximum dimensions 120x50x40cm and weight 5-10kg, so this should be covered.
The item number is 256440088262.
Repurchasing another label with a different courier is not a satisfactory answer as I would then be paying for the postage out of my own pocket.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
16-03-2024 8:12 PM
I dont think anita works for eBay or in this team anymore.
Are the only 2 i see around and the mod who sends you a message when you upset the board but I dont think you can tag them, hope to get it sorted for you though.
26-03-2024 7:09 PM
This has happened to me in the Hertford Yodel shop today. Same excuse as given to @nuttynutmore the store owner says it's the drivers refusing to take them off him.
Please can someone from ebay assist?
06-04-2024 5:28 PM
Hi anita@ebay
I have just tried to drop of 2 parcels and had them refused as too big by:
Shell Marlborough Road
Marlborough Road, SWINDON, SN3 1NP
Morrisons Daily
73 Marlowe Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 3HQ
Order numbers and sizes
87RNI8826973A064 Roof bars
120x30x30cm 5Kg
87RLI8826439A028 Roof ladder hooks
110x50x20cm 2Kg
Please advise where I can drop of this size pracel
06-04-2024 9:29 PM
09-04-2024 2:09 PM
Yodel dont accept them over 60 according to their web site but eBay are still advertising 120 - come on eBay, update your Packlink services!!
17-04-2024 1:40 PM
I have also now had the same issue. I've tried 3 shops around central/east London and all have refused to take a 110cm long item, each saying "the drivers won't take that". I've paid for Yodel via eBay and the package is within the weight/size limits. Ridiculous. Anyone know how I get a refund so I can pay for alternative shipping?