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No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !



Sales are less than half compared to last year


Ebay wants us to pay for advertising, when we are already paying shop fees, final value fees , and transaction fees ! If yoy don't promote theres no sales


Also they are bieng very cheeky and don't show the organic version of the itmes, only the sponsered one!


I am also thinking of downgrading my listings, and shop and sell just minimal itmes which actually can make money, rest it seems I am working for ebay and Royal Mail.

Message 1 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

Same here. 50% this year of what we were doing last year. EBay is finished and we are closing our shop focussing on our other online platforms. It's not worth the hassle or cost. The fees are extortionate.

Message 2 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

You have to add the promoted listing cost onto the price of the item, ultimately the consumer pays for this as it drives prices up on eBay. Promoted listings was a desparate short term money grab for shareholders without considering the long term effect it would have. Customers are shopping elsewhere now because eBay is no longer a good place for finding deals. If you aren't doing so already I would recommend investing in your own website.

Message 3 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

We have added promoted listings (the ones where you pay per sale) but looking at the traffic and page views there's no way we are doing paying per click, as it's just a licence to print money for eBay, the other day we had back to back days of 1831 page views which was about 100% up on the day before (most days the total number of views is all over the place so 100% up isn't a rare thing), I'm not convinced their figures are true to be honest, how they have managed to basically kill off a monster like eBay by making stupid changes and getting greedy chasing money is beyond me but hey we're just the little guys 

Message 4 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

yes thats thw way of the platform now. If you dont promote then your sales will suffer. I wouldn't promote everything though as this will reduce the key statitstic of sales conversion %. You need to get this high as this will then lead to your other listings also then selling as the AI on the platform will push your items more. I try to keep my Sales conversion figure in the teens which then keeps a steady flow coming in. 

Message 5 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

Is that something eBay have told you? Our % rate over the last 90 days is only 1.7% 

Message 6 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

All of the above, was to be expected, the business that ius ebay peaked in 2010, and has been in decline eversince, All ebay can do now, is milk it's existing customer base (the sellers) for all they might be worth. They know there time is long since up. goodluck

Message 7 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

If you are using the avg sales conversion rate mine is currently 0.5% and its been the best 30 days for about 18 months, if I got a 13% sales conversion I'd need to be doing 70 hour weeks with buying, listing and shipping. I might enjoy the money but my god I'd be ran off my feet.

Message 8 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

I've sold so little and it's November 


The greed of eBay has upset every small business seller 


I have 3 accounts with eBay  and we are at nearly 40% fees 


What more do the want for a site that doesn't work 

And then we have customer service 🤔😂😂😂


If I have 2 views on my items and then they want me to pay 12% promotion fee for an extra  100% visibility so get 4 view or £5 a day for 200% 6 views 


Who ever bright idea this was the CEO needs to sack them before eBay looses everything including us small businesses 


3 shop fees 




Multi buy 


Still no customers  eBay is now a desert for sales 


Such a depressing place 




Message 9 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

Why would their figures be true? Where it the accountability or oversight? 

Message 10 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

on one of my sites today the messages have massive symbols going down the page 



so all the listings that i did yesterday in my opinion will have no visibility waste of a day 


it is now the 7th nov since june they have been updating the site and my sales have nose dived 



i mean mind blowing why they would still be making changes this close to xmas 


its impossible to grow on ebay since cassini 

Message 11 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

My sales conversion rate is 31.2%.  It's mainly from repeat orders, because eBay don't show my listings (except in the 'Click here to see more') because I don't promote.

I get repeat orders because the buyers really like my products.  Just imagine - if eBay showed my listings on the search, then I'd get more orders and more repeat orders - which would mean more fees for eBay.

But eBay don't see it that way.  If I won't pay an additional 13.5% to promote, then I'm invisible.

Message 12 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

Its a very strange business decision they've taken, I dont promote anywhere near 13.5% or the % eBay recommend but as my repeat business is so low (so many private accounts doing what I do) I stll have to promote. I'd love to have a conversaion with somebody at eBay as to why they dont have a working site thats succesful that promotes accounts that are doing well, dispatching quickly and good feedback with a proven track record over an account who is willing to just give them money and be risky and possibly breaking the law. I know the real answer will be it brings more money in this way and the old way meant we needed a constant working site and staff who know the law/polocies but it could be interesting to hear how eBay spun it.

Message 13 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !


I have tried all aspects of promotions the end result I took my shop to the lowest setting and have gone elsewhere. To many fees, to many rules. How can I be responsible for late delivery? I am not Evri or the Post Office. Buyers returning things used and Ebay siding with them. Just not worth it. Certainly not investing. I promote Ebay puts other peoples advertisong on my listing. HELL NO

Message 14 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

Ebay started to go down when Amazon came along and took the largest part of the market.


Message 15 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

I pay for a shop subscription, I pay fees, I pay to list.

If I did promoted listings too, but the time I sold anything I might as well just have given it away.

There is no way I am paying to promote listings, I pay enough, I shouldn't have to pay more just to be seen

Message 16 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !

I have  promoted listings on some items that get zero views in a month. Just posted in the other thread, for the first time ever I have had zero sales this weekend.

Message 17 of 18
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Re: No advertising NO sales is Ebay POLICY now !


I have this co.e up on my ebay the other day.


They don't listen to what business sellers really want.  I too tried promoting before, done nothing, just drained even more money from me.

As above, enough is given to ebay with listing fee,.shop fee, final return we get low or no sales, a platform with so many problems and ebay not willing to accept issues or resolve anything!


Raised many points in weekly chat and now posts just get deleted by ebay.

Time to explore other options....

Message 18 of 18
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