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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I gave negative feedback to a seller for what he/she  claimed i have not checked the parts comparrison chart !! I had done a comparrison check and the photo on the listing was what i wanted . I recieved a item that was poor quality and was not the item i ordered . They said i was in the wrong and would have to pay postage . lol.... My issue is how has my feedback dissapeared and if they have managed to get Ebay to remove it and have done this for other neg feedback how does that give a true representation of a company selling **bleep** !! how does that protect buyers or should i say how does it help a buyer to make up their mind whether to buy from them . If ebay has removed it then they should be giving the buyer the oppertunity to have it reinstated for good reason otherwise ebay are covering up bad sales practices. 

Message 1 of 321
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320 REPLIES 320

Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I sent 2 ebay messages to the seller with photos of the faulty part which nwas of poor quality and failed within 5 weeks, it was outside the 30 day ebay gurrantee, seller totally ignored my messages, contacted ebay and they advised i should contact seller and couldnt do anything else which is fair enough. Naturally i decided to leave genuine honest negative feedback, the feedback was.

"lasted all of 5 weeks and then started to leak at joint, sent 2 ebay messages which seller completely ignored and have now asked ebay for help in resolving

From my experience it's as clear as day that this seller cannot be trusted when customers have items that become faulty after the 30 day ebay money back gurrantee  and will simply ignore any responsibiltty in dealing with genuine refund/replacement claims, The feedback system on ebay cannot be trusted and is being manipulated by ebay to protect their top sellers and fee payers


Message 141 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

@totti2018 wrote:
 and have now asked ebay for help in resolving...

There's the reason it was removed - you mentioned involving eBay.

When it comes to negative feedback, in reality, very few people will bother trawling through, and reading the details. However, they WILL notice a big red blob, and the number in the box. So, I'd suggest keeping negs short and sweet, and irreproachable from eBay's perspective; something as simple as "Negative buyer experience" should do. No need to give chapter and verse, as you're just asking for seller/eBay to find a reason for removal.

Over promise, then under deliver = negative buyer experience, INR cases, unhappy buyers and sellers.
Under promise, then over deliver = Positive buyer experience, joy and happiness all round. 
If only eBay could get their heads round this basic concept, this would be a happier place for all.
Message 142 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

cannot see why that would be an issue, it's fact and relevant and nothing more and have seen it mentiobned in many negative feedbacks, just complete poppycock for ebay to use such an excuse and to ultimately protect a rogue seller  

Message 143 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

my feedback could of helped many other potential buyers in deciding whether to buy that particular part because it became evident eventually that it was poorly manufactured and would fail in a few weeks

Message 144 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Ebay do not remove negative feedback lightly often a buyer will make a false claim  and the seller must  show evidence of that claim.The buyers who dont have free returns often tell lies to avoid  having to pay the return fee of the item.Not as described is a favourite one ,receive wrong item Etc .There are many buyers not playing fair more buyers  are rogues than sellers always looking for a freebie .TRY BEING A  SELLER

Remember when you buy and say its a  mistake and send it back the seller loses his outgoing  postage and its not there fault  but he has to soak it up  !!

The seller already payed the outgoing post.Many buyers are quick to leave bad feedback and  never leave positive feedback .

Message 145 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I don't disagree with anything you say; I'm merely pointing out the reality, i.e. that eBay WILL remove feedback if it contravenes their criteria. Many negs are in place that could have been removed, had the sellers asked. Presumably they didn't.

I agree that it's not right, but which is better - to have genuine, detailed feedback removed, or to have a bland negative remain in place?

Over promise, then under deliver = negative buyer experience, INR cases, unhappy buyers and sellers.
Under promise, then over deliver = Positive buyer experience, joy and happiness all round. 
If only eBay could get their heads round this basic concept, this would be a happier place for all.
Message 146 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

You seem to be an eBay warrior, but let me assure you that if eBay is
removing the negatives I've seen and have evidence of, then all the
criticisms on here about eBay are well founded! If the idea is to leave a
comment about your experience, then you can't remove them because someone
misspelt "the", and give something silly as an excuse for removal
Message 147 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Please stop replying to elite, he has no clue what he's saying!!!! The only
thing on his mind is that he will defend eBay no matter what is our before
Message 148 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Negtive feedback is removed only when ebay find the buyer has not been honest in the problem and that occurs in many more cases than you can imagine.I had one removed because the buyer say the item was broke on arrival.He send it back and it was his  old item obviously weather beaten and aged and with  many dirty deposits on the item  and broken in 4 places .He kept my new one fitted it to his car and sent back his old one.Then he gave a negative to add insult to injury.It was sent back with no outer box  or packaging and stuffed in an old jiffy bag.I produced the evidence to ebay  and they removed the negative that was fair  of them.They know all the buyers tricks !

The buyer had left 4 negative feedbacks and no positive feedbacks !!

Ebay actully refunded him and me also so the buyer finish up with his freebie and not satisfied with that left a negative .Now is that fair!! NOT IN MY EYES 

Message 149 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

i have been with ebay for 14 years now and have spent a considerable amount of money buying items and paying fees when selling something on the odd occassion.  i have had broken and/or faulty items in the past and  the sellers have always  been very helpful and with excellent custonmer service,  therefore , i have always left positive feedback to reflect that,  however, this particular seller was clearly a rogue and ebay simply exasterbates the situation by then rewmoving genuine negative feedback, i dont normally complain like this but this really cheesed me off  and thought i would mention it when i came across this community site this morning, just venting 

Message 150 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

@caremblemsuk wrote:

Negtive feedback is removed only when ebay find the buyer has not been honest 

Simply untrue.

EBay will remove FB for a variety of reasons, many obvious ones, like mentioning ebay disputes or being abusive.

Dishonesty probably IS a reason, if it can be proved, but to say that that is the ONLY reason is incorrect.

Over promise, then under deliver = negative buyer experience, INR cases, unhappy buyers and sellers.
Under promise, then over deliver = Positive buyer experience, joy and happiness all round. 
If only eBay could get their heads round this basic concept, this would be a happier place for all.
Message 151 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Did you go to the person who fitted it? Could it not of been there fault  these are things that should be taken into consideration  and was it fitted by a proffesional .Whats the sellers other feedbacks like do they  have low feedback or  high .You must also remember that you see the sellers feedbacks  say for instance 1000 good  5 negatives  out of every 4 sales  only 1 buyer leaves a positive   feedback  The others  are satisfied with there item but leave no feedback .I actully had a bad feedback cos the item was delayed in customs now was that my fault?

Much of the negative fedback is left by the buyer as they are annoyed at the time as something did not suit them (THEY DONT READ THE WHOLE ADD) and they take it out on the seller before thinking.On reflection many buyers will remove the negative after having a good explanation

I think the feedback system has no real relevance unless every sale and every purchase has feedback attached 

Message 152 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

It's not eBay using that as an excuse, it's the eBay justice warriors using
it as an excuse as they have no real clue why negatives are being removed.
All they know is that they must defend eBay!!!
Message 153 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

While I agree that there are bad buyers out there, the seller I was looking
into removed up 6 negatives per week and has a reputation even on trust
pilot for blaming their suppliers and taking no responsibility for having
sold the item. They can't all be rogue buyers
Message 154 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Trust me when I say this seller is a rogue and being protected by ebay as a top seller paying them good fees,  i dont need to be a rocket scientist to work that out especially  after spending some time on this with various conversation with ebay representatives  and messaging the seller. yes there are also rogue buyers and I understand that, however, i am an honest buyer and was providing honest and relevant feedback. The part was clearly faulty and badly manufactuerd, leaking from a joint in the part, absolutely nothing to do with how it was fitted whatsoever, 

Message 155 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

@awol1968 wrote:
It's not eBay using that as an excuse, it's the eBay justice warriors using
it as an excuse as they have no real clue why negatives are being removed.
All they know is that they must defend eBay!!!

We have ebay justice warriors on here????

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 156 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

@caremblemsuk wrote:

Negtive feedback is removed only when ebay find the buyer has not been honest in the problem and that occurs in many more cases than you can imagine.I had one removed because the buyer say the item was broke on arrival.He send it back and it was his  old item obviously weather beaten and aged and with  many dirty deposits on the item  and broken in 4 places .He kept my new one fitted it to his car and sent back his old one.Then he gave a negative to add insult to injury.It was sent back with no outer box  or packaging and stuffed in an old jiffy bag.I produced the evidence to ebay  and they removed the negative that was fair  of them.They know all the buyers tricks !

The buyer had left 4 negative feedbacks and no positive feedbacks !!

Ebay actully refunded him and me also so the buyer finish up with his freebie and not satisfied with that left a negative .Now is that fair!! NOT IN MY EYES 

No. Ebay remove feedback that breaches policy such as mentioning the case the buyer needed to open to get a refund. 

Fair doesn't come into it as people don't agree on a definition of fair. Companies are not people, they have policies. Generally policies are followed - or else complain to the company that they aren't following their own policy. 

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 157 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

@awol1968 wrote:
Please stop replying to elite, he has no clue what he's saying!!!! The only
thing on his mind is that he will defend eBay no matter what is our before


I'm usually the one having a go at them!


However if you want to ignore the empirical evidence of what has happened that is of course up to you.

I know ebay remove feedback that breaches policy. Have seen it many times. 

You may well have seen it too - common enough on the forums. 

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 158 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

@awol1968 wrote:
You seem to be an eBay warrior, but let me assure you that if eBay is
removing the negatives I've seen and have evidence of, then all the
criticisms on here about eBay are well founded! If the idea is to leave a
comment about your experience, then you can't remove them because someone
misspelt "the", and give something silly as an excuse for removal

No, merely a pragmatic person who has experience of ebay and some other sites.

I agree many of the criticisms of ebay we have between us all are well founded. I have a list, I daresay many others have a list, of stuff ebay should do but do not. 

Been years since I last had a negative I left removed. Generally because my negative feedback left is to the point and doesn't reference any claim. One or two words can work. 

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 159 of 321
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Re: Negative feedback given but has disappeared

@caremblemsuk wrote:

Ebay do not remove negative feedback lightly often a buyer will make a false claim  and the seller must  show evidence of that claim.The buyers who dont have free returns often tell lies to avoid  having to pay the return fee of the item.Not as described is a favourite one ,receive wrong item Etc .There are many buyers not playing fair more buyers  are rogues than sellers always looking for a freebie .TRY BEING A  SELLER

Remember when you buy and say its a  mistake and send it back the seller loses his outgoing  postage and its not there fault  but he has to soak it up  !!

The seller already payed the outgoing post.Many buyers are quick to leave bad feedback and  never leave positive feedback .

When you come across someone on the forums you see often leaves negs for sellers its worth adding them to your blocked buyer list. Some buyers you really don't want to have to deal with. 

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 160 of 321
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