Listing a companion product - only allow sale if with another item

I just wondered if it's possible to do this. I have a widget I sell, you buy one of these widgets and I want you to have the option to buy up to 5 companion widgets that plug into it. Is it possible to do this? The reason I don't just list the companion products separately and link to it is that unless I restrict how many a single person can buy, I'll be selling them probably at half the market rate and people will just buy them all and run me out of stock.  Even if I *could* restrict back to say 5 widgets, on another product is may be up to 7 widgets I want you to buy...


Make sense?

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Listing a companion product - only allow sale if with another item

You could use variations. The widget would be the main item and the companion widgets would be variation options. The companion widgets would not be available to purchase separately.

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
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Listing a companion product - only allow sale if with another item

I'd agree above that variations would be your only realistic solution - though given you want to offer up to 5 thats a LOT of varations so would be a lot of work.

Though you could build the following varaitions

Single Orginal Item
Single + 1 Additional Widget
Single + 2 Widgets etc...

But then you'd need to specifcy via personalisation how they should advise how to chose the widgets they want.

Unfortunately, ebay isn't really rigged for building personalisation in this way.

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