05-07-2023 8:32 PM
Can you please check if there is another problem with impressions? Another counting glitch? These stats can not be correct. Organic impressions promoted views down to under 3000 views today at time of writing. This time last week almost 73000 views. Please help. dave@ebay kat@ebay
Solved! Go to Solution.
19-07-2023 11:09 AM
Same issue on out business account, promoted listings
Steady 100 to 150k for the past fortnight
Yesterday 66k
19-07-2023 12:15 PM
I'm so glad that its just not me this is happening to. The excuse of going over the VAT bracket is BS because I am no where near this due to them restricting my account. I'm not even half that. Its interesting to me that you have obviously a well establlished account like myself so why are they doing this to long term sellers? I spoken to CS the other day and said that I think there is something wrong with my account, that it is probably stagnant now due to it being over 20 years old and that I should close this and open a new one, he didn't disagree with me or try and persuade me not to which suggests there may be truth in. this. Looks like I am on track for day 4 of the same amount of sales today and its only just 12 noon.
19-07-2023 12:32 PM
19-07-2023 12:39 PM
Perhaps something will be mentioned in the Community Chat a bit later (2pm I think?).
19-07-2023 12:59 PM
It won't unless someone asks the question. Or unless everyone asks the question to make it clear we.think there's a problem.
19-07-2023 4:30 PM
Yep, Exactly the same here, Promoted impressiond dropped 50% - and the strange thing is i had my best ever selling day !! figure that one out, imprerssions down 50% in one day and sales up 76% something not quite right about there data coming into the dashboard graphs..
19-07-2023 4:36 PM
Just out of curiosity what promoted listing format do you use? are you using standard fixed, dynamic or the advanced tool? im just wondering if this is linked to one type of promoted listing format.
19-07-2023 5:36 PM
Standard fixed rate on our business account
Doesnt look as if todays figures will match to much, Sale today, zero,
19-07-2023 9:05 PM
@petals-and-paws wrote:Perhaps something will be mentioned in the Community Chat a bit later (2pm I think?).
They did and got rather fobbed off. Just read that four pages of Q&A and well I'm rather shocked at the 'in denial' the eBay team seem to be. I could nto sleep at night knowing how many people's livelihoods this is affecting. Very sad...
20-07-2023 8:14 AM
I am using both, i did a big revamp of all my promoted campaigns last week, adjusted all the advanced keywords that were basically not getting any impressions and the ones with low impressions (under 100 daily) and took them off, i also upped my standard listings, they show in different parts of the web (google etc) so i upped the campaigns to dynamic on some that sell well around (19 to 22% now) and fixed on some others that have a low suggested bid (around 14%)...
They worked really well, and only a week isn't really enough to get a good idea if there working well, we had competitors that are selling large numbers and we figured it was because of that reason we wasn't getting the same volume.
We found that applying lots of keywords that was suggested by eBay was a total waste of money, so we only imply a few on each campaign in advanced now, but some of the PPC bids were going up to £2.30 which is pointless for items under £6.
We cant figure out what eBay is doing, there impressions are all mixed up, organic impressions are not changing that much but promoted have nose dived..
mystery number one was a 50% fall in impressions and a 76% rise in profits that day !! figure that one out..
20-07-2023 8:30 AM
@wakeson wrote:We cant figure out what eBay is doing, there impressions are all mixed up, organic impressions are not changing that much but promoted have nose dived..
A main issue here, if as claimed by eBay last week the 'reporting' is inaccurate how can we adjust our campaigns to suit when we do not know if the data we are been giving is accurate. A think the big red reset button needs to be pressed.
20-07-2023 8:40 AM - edited 20-07-2023 8:41 AM
I changed alot of my titles about a month ago and got 25% impression increase so all great (I thought) then 2 days ago massive slump. BUT just watched an older vid on YT by " Back from burnout" and said she had changed her listings promos as said it was something she had never looked at and thought she would make new categories for small and high value books so wanted to try different % , did a bit of tinkering then her sales just fell. She got through to ebay (must have a dedicated manager as big account) and was told if you move listings onto different promo settings, it doesnt switch automatically and takes a week so these suffer until it moves onto new settings, with no sales for 3 day she decided to close the whole shop and relist and take a risk of losing all the history but she did and next day all went back to normal, as they went immediately onto the new promos she set. Of course she pointed out that in australia their shops are different and UK & US charge listings, so doing this could cost money but was certainly something I didnt know and yes 2 days ago I did a little spring cleaning and moved lots of listings onto different promo groups 😪 So ill just hope in a week Ill see it go back up. So I guess next time I want to do this, end listing and relist in new promo, if I do it now Ill be charged as it will count it under my 250 shop listing allowance
20-07-2023 8:41 AM
Promoteted impressions at the lowest level in 90 days, drop almost 50% since Tuesday.
20-07-2023 9:03 AM - edited 20-07-2023 9:04 AM
Same for me on my selling acount nearly a 50% drop on promoted impressions. Seems to be on the US site also https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/Notice-something-with-Promoted-listing-impressions-dropped/m-p...
Can someone from eBay look into this
20-07-2023 9:13 AM
@laptopsandtablets wrote:Same for me on my selling acount nearly a 50% drop on promoted impressions. Seems to be on the US site also https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/Notice-something-with-Promoted-listing-impressions-dropped/m-p...
Can someone from eBay look into this
20-07-2023 9:25 AM
Here's my rate of decline. Big drop on 30th June. On 13th July did quite a bit of work ending, tweaking and selling similar so nice little upturn (still worth playing that game) but the downturn is now bigger than the previous one. I have been listing lots of lovely new designs and stock. Its not gaining traction for some of it no views on eBay.
I'll keep playing the game. We may never know the full story. Trying to keep the motivation up. It helps that I'm having a nice little flurry of new customers on Etsy and getting some lovely feedback on my new designs (biggest ever investment) so I'm not quite under the same financial pressure this must be putting some under.
@simplyessential_ukI know the video you're reffering to. I think there's a balance between trying to play the game and game the system. Its the sort of thing you could do once every few years not every few weeks. I also find that sometimes ending promoted takes a few hours, sometimes its days. Typically I find within 48hrs they've kicked back in to 80% plus of their end .
I've been trying to work on my listings/ promotion groups/ offers/ sales/ end and relist and sell similar by category so I don't get big account drops - sort of even out the peeks/ troughs. Some way from mastering it but moving forwards. I've gone back over my protrader notes and set up a dozen offers and sales over the summer so I'm rotating stock on sale, with coupons and with just general multibuy type promotions.
Interestingly I started 2 sales yesterday and expected that with the discount offered, on stock with watchers, I'd have an upturn in interest sales yesterday/ today, not downturn!
20-07-2023 9:34 AM
Im still wondering what this gap is !! and yea also the same basically, ebay are having some issues i think, frustrating isnt the word !!
20-07-2023 10:06 AM
Exactly the same here on 2 accounts, nearly 50% drop in promoted impression, views & sales totally stoped for 2 days now after a resonable daily sales until then.
Something is seriously broken & still no fix dispite so many reports from sellers.
20-07-2023 10:32 AM
Likewise my graph. Reading yesterday's Q&A they either seem in denial that there is an issue or we will get news when they have it routine. Either way it's a shambles.... bottom line eBay is we want to sell more which means YOU MAKE MORE MONEY!!! It's not rocket science is it?
20-07-2023 10:42 AM
My graph showing the same drop off, same date, even though listings have increase in the last few days