05-07-2023 8:32 PM
Can you please check if there is another problem with impressions? Another counting glitch? These stats can not be correct. Organic impressions promoted views down to under 3000 views today at time of writing. This time last week almost 73000 views. Please help. dave@ebay kat@ebay
Solved! Go to Solution.
04-09-2024 1:43 PM
Still on 7959 after 2 hours....
04-09-2024 2:54 PM
Reported impressions are currently at about 10% of recent average for this time of day. I'm pretty sure they aren't that low in reality.....I hope at least. Not unusual to go up to 3 days without a sale and then have a surge so I can't really say if anything is amiss.
04-09-2024 9:16 PM
They froze at about 25k between approx 5pm and 20:45 then went up 15k in about 7 minutes lol. Back up to about 50% of where it would usually be around this time.
Selling activity seems to be about normal.
I wish it went up 2k/minute all the time!
05-09-2024 11:29 AM
Just checking in with myself 😋
Only occasional freezing so far, today. Impressions figure as of 11:30AM is about the same as it was at about 5PM yesterday, getting closer to the average it has been recently.
07-09-2024 7:52 AM
Yes yesterday from yesterday Morning our Impressions as well was like frozen and all day had less view than normal. They did again something and now sells worse again. :(((((((
08-09-2024 2:12 PM
Sales drop to ZERO again- what is going on has anyone experienced issues with Sales starting from September 2024 again ?
Please advise.
08-09-2024 2:19 PM
My sales seem "normal" to be honest, but my sales tend to come in fits and starts, anyway, so it can be hard to guage.
Even on my main account that does most of my activity, there are often 2-3 day gaps with no sales but then some days I'll have 10 in a day, often in a few hours and with many in the same area (the cassini syndrome in full effect!)
The monthly averages tend to be fairly consistent, but the way it comes in over the month can vary wildly.
So for that reason, it's always hard for me to judge any immediate impact on sales.
One thing I did notice is that of the 3 days where my impressions reporting was iffy, 2 of them have now risen up retroactively, the 3 days are still below what has been average for the last few months, but have gotten closer.
1 day in particular was about 50% of average impressions and then 3 days later suddenly rose up to about 80%
11-09-2024 1:33 PM
My impressions just very low started 3 days ago and everything Red and have less views as well. 😞 I putting every day new items as I want system will be allways active. All promotions on and coupon as well, but sells like died and impressions too. 😞
11-09-2024 1:46 PM
I think people need to realise ebay just isn't what it used to be. One of our biggest selling products that normally generates £18k in August generated just £5k this year. Thank god we sell on other platforms.
23-09-2024 2:16 PM
They are acting up again today. Not as bad as before, but the same thing. Figures freeze for a while then start climbing again.
Averaged 150k/day for the last 2 weeks and over 200 yesterday. Today is on course to only hit about 80, but with the stop start nature of the figure increasing, I don't think it's an accurate portrayal, again.
Not very scientific, but I've been making a note of how much the figure goes over a certain time period at the same time of day. I've noticed than when the figures AREN'T frozen, they go up at about the same rate as they have on a typical day, it's just that they totally freeze up intermittantly, so I'm pretty sure it's a reporting issue.
23-09-2024 4:28 PM
The periods where the count freezes are getting longer, from a minute or 2 at first to over ten minutes sometimes. I wonder if it will go up to hours like before 🤔
24-09-2024 10:37 AM
Just getting "looks like something went wrong" and a refresh button now lol
28-09-2024 2:10 PM
Our views and impressions have dropped 300% in the last 4 days
10-10-2024 8:36 AM
What is again today Morning just checked my impressions and again something wrong its alnmost 9 am in the morning and organis impressions 0. Nothing. Why what they do again? :((((. It must be on this time most of each morning have almost 70 views with Organic. But today 0. Nothing. So thats mean when starts this sales as well will be down too. :(((
08-11-2024 7:49 AM
The new traffic page showing 0 views and impressions for today something has gone terribly wrong
08-11-2024 7:53 AM
Ours started same yesterday and less sales of course they did again this now system down :(((((
08-11-2024 8:02 AM
The tracker shows 0 views/impressions for today but the number for the previous day is still increasing
08-11-2024 8:06 AM
I don't understand why eBay have to mess with something that isn't broke? The new traffic page is awful and does not update in real time like the one before