02-01-2024 12:08 PM
We have been a seller on here over a couple of our accounts for many years now. Over this time we have seen a reduction in sales from a max of £13k pcm to £60 pcm. We have been through mass seller culls, more and more control over the seller/buyer relationship, the forcing of managed payments, increases in fees and requirements to use promoted/advanced promoted and now bid for clicks, to the point where ebay is taking an unsustainable percentage of profit.
This in turn has lead to such search manipulation as to be virtually impossible for any of our listings to be shown unless we implemented all of the additional promotions, and even then since everyone is in the same boat, it makes little difference. Search has been broken as a result of all this, and whereas in the past, if your product met the search terms, you could get your item to show, this is now not much short of a miracle!
Maybe you could argue some of it is the economy, but when your listings barely get any visibility unless you pay through the nose for it, it becomes a weak argument at best.
We have closed our shop and have halved our listings, and will be running down all of the stock we do have via other marketplaces.
I'm just curious what other peoples plans are in 2024, are you bearing with ebay in the hopes of better times, or moving on?
Solved! Go to Solution.
03-09-2024 8:14 PM
I am almost certain that no sellers are closing down their shops or running down their account in 2024 due to no longer being able to spend their Nectar points on Ebay buying things.
03-09-2024 9:28 PM
who remembers friends re united how long before we same the same about ebay
04-09-2024 8:44 PM
You mentioned that the occasional voucher to spend on eBay has been a bonus, yet you also claim that the changes won’t affect your buying habits at all. However, if you've lost that bonus, it clearly has had an impact, hasn’t it?
Personally, I was earning over £30 a week in Nectar points. I was a very frequent buyer on eBay. With these changes, sellers are going to lose out on that spending. Sure, I can still use the points on groceries, but that’s missing the point entirely.
04-09-2024 9:21 PM
It's great that you consider the Daily Mirror your go-to for "logical and verifiable" news. However, I'm still waiting for you to provide any actual proof to back up your claims. Can you? If so, please do.
05-09-2024 8:45 AM
I didn't put that very well, did I ?
To have an impact on what I spend on ebay the vouchers from Nectar would need to be a significant part of its cost.
As of now I decide to buy an item, if I have enough points to get a voucher, that's a nice (but small) discount. But will buy the item whether or not I can get a voucher.
When I can't convert points to vouchers to spend on ebay I will still buy the item, so no change to my shopping.
I haven't lost my bonus, I just collect it at Sainsbury's instead. It makes no difference to me.
19-09-2024 8:40 PM
I'm a private seller and fully agree that eBay is no longer to get my stuff seen to have a chance to secure a sale. I have to pass on the ebay fee which is extortionate. They are destroying the hands (sellers) that feed them and there is evidence these hands are already down to bones. Other sellers are also passing the fee to buyers. I can now buy cheaper on Amazon. I can now buy cheaper on Aliexpress which I rate highly. I don't want ebay to go down to sh1ts but yes they have become greedy certainly, and once people find an alternative, they rarely ever return.
19-09-2024 9:09 PM
Just 1 more on Aliexpress, initially I thought I was not well protected as a buyer. Turns out I was so wrong. A few times I was not happy with what I received, refunded without question. Delivery is super quick direct from China. And the have 'Choice' which is essentially a special shop where you get free super quick delivery when spending over £8....and things are CHEAP....for £8 I got so many items it was unreal. Thank you Aliexpress, thank you China, now my main purchase website for bits....skip the greedy middle men and go direct to Chinese manufacturers and hard workers.
19-09-2024 9:43 PM
Ebay is finnished, I uesed to earn a (not massive) wage from ebay but now find I'm lucky to have founda part time job that brings in some income. Im going to give it one more roll of the dice and try Tic Tok just to see if my advice is right.
19-09-2024 10:34 PM
If Ebay is finished, then how well are you doing on Amazon?
After all, that is the home of Own Brand and not Ebay.
Are you doing better than you were 6 months ago?
19-09-2024 10:45 PM
I only started selling on Amazon in Feb of this year. I can't go by Turnover as I sell Memorabilia on here as well as Framed Posters. Amazon is tough to do that becuase you need SKU Numbers for all Products
I have 1200 Items for sale on eBay
and I have 456 Products on Amazon
Quantity Sold on eBay for July/Aug and September today
471 Amazon Sales
555 eBay Sales
I sell far more Posters on eBay than I do Amazon. However, our Poster Hangers on eBay fly out where on Amazon I don't sell any
Amazon is far better for clearing old stock. A lot of the stuff I can't sell in my shop like Mugs, Heat Change Mugs, Coasters, Tumblers etc I just chuck on Amazon and they always sell. Fee's are 15% too and I dont use Ads.
I sell Calendars in the lead up to Xmas so it will be interesting to see who comes out on Top. Amazon already 7-0 ahead.
I did TikTok Shop for a bit but thats not great. OnBuy is awful they are miles behind. But I do think in the next 3-5 Years it will be Social Market Places that will take over
19-09-2024 10:56 PM
Not entirely sure why your answering me with that, as I didn't ask you?
The prior poster is selling Own Brand, which is very much Amazon specific these days and not so good with Ebay.
But just comparing sites is meaningless on it's own, you need to compare like for like.
Believe me, I know what it's like selling there, I spent most of about 8 years straight selling on Amazon.
I used to sell a LOT of batteries, along with many other goods, but my main focus was batteries.
On an average day on Amazon, I would sell somewhere in the region of about £1-2k gross, but on Ebay, not matter what I did, I could never sell more than half a dozen of them. I found it to be exactly the same for most things, I sold White goods by the pallet on Amazon, yet could barely shift them on Ebay.
These kind of products just don't do so well on Ebay and to be frank, it's nowhere near as big as Amazon is.
However, I was very involved in some specific brands on Amazon. They did very well up until a few months ago, where it is has become quite depressed in comparison to the prior period.
In other words, everything I'm seeing is lower sales for pretty much everyone lately,as everywhere I go and everyone I talk to, says exctly the same. It's been dead lately!
Even the couriers who deliver here are all saying the same thing, it's dead!
Things have started to pick up (at least for me) over the last week or so, but I think that everyone will start to feel it soon, particulary with Christmas around the corner.
19-09-2024 11:47 PM
Alright Mr Angry no need to bite my head off when im trying to help you get a bigger picture of how other sellers are doing to help you
20-09-2024 8:51 AM
If that's how you want to respond.....
That was not an angry post in any way, shape or form.
I just questioned why you were answering a question directed at another person!
01-10-2024 8:15 PM
yu are right on every point ebay is not the same as it used to be now its totaly useless platform that sucks time and effort for 0 return
01-10-2024 11:35 PM
EBay is the most greedy selling app would never return. There's sending all sellers emails that it's free to list now. Shove your app. It's all about amazon now. Greedy theives
15-10-2024 3:56 PM
I am a private seller having bought and sold on eBay for 15 years.
Like others I have noticed people watch my items but don't buy.
I can recall one bank holiday weekend years ago selling 9 items.
Now I am lucky if I am selling one item a month now. The removal of listing fees and final value fees tells me eBay are in trouble.
They have messed the site up and now want people to stay.
What they must do is stop the scams that go on which I am now experiencing from a buyer who didn't like the item she bought and I wasn't prepared to refund a don't like the item return request knowing I didn't accept returns for that. Now of course her story has changed to NAD in the payment chargeback but I'm guessing if she wins that she'll like the item enough not to return it! That is another story.
I have decided I am going to send offers to watchers for all my listings and then if there are no sales I will remove those items and concentrate on decluttering my wardrobes of clothes, shoes and bags some of which are new.
Even then I've found people simply aren't buying those now on eBay and I end up donating to charity.
15-10-2024 5:31 PM
So for the last 2 days I have sold more on my private account than my business. My business account is 18 years old yet my private account is approx 2/3 years old. Since accepting the free fees for business sellers for pre loved clothing offer until dec my sales have dived even futher and they weren't great before. I have over 2300 items listed and I've only sold 1 today, yesterday wasn't much better with 5 so I'm guessing from accepting this offer I'm not going to get any sales now until after Dec. If things don't improve for me this month I'm going to be joining a long list of other business sellers cancelling their shop subsciptions.
15-10-2024 6:03 PM
Was planning to leave ebay in April but will now close down completely in December. Fed up with them trying to push me into using promoted listing and going on about the so called business seller protection.
15-10-2024 6:13 PM - edited 15-10-2024 6:14 PM
As stated before, i don't want to leave, but unfortunately their isn't the profit margin there once was and the number of sales is sporadic and low.
The last issue is ebay asking for NINO's come January, if they change this to UTR numbers then fine, but they had a security breach in 2014 i think it was, so i don't trust their ability to hold my data with the degree of seriousness that it deserves. Not much has been said about this, that lack of communication is adding to the unease.
15-10-2024 6:32 PM