How are private sellers still able to list 1,000+ items when they're only meant to have 300?



I'm slightly puzzled as despite the HRC changes and the 300 listing limit I'm still seeing business masquerading as private accounts with 1,000s of items listed. Yesterday I saw one with 1,900+ items and another with 2,400+ items. The later was generating a revenue of £800 per month, so I doubt their paying £700 in listing fees. How is this possible? Are these sellers doing this through Ebay's free listing offers? Or is there some kind of catch I'm unaware of? I've not received any free to list offers on my private account and those offers would make the 300 limit pointless. 


I'm not normally one to complain and I'm quite willing to bite my lip on low volume business sellers using private accounts. I seen one lately who's photo's all show their bookshops shelves and card reader. It just makes me laugh and I should image they're still registered with HRC. However, large sellers selling the equivalent of most of Ebay's average sized businesses is just taking the *bleep*. 

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Re: How are private sellers still able to list 1,000+ items when they're only meant to have 300?

Because it a rolling allowance and not a cut off allowance that businesses get.

So 300 remain live then next month another 300 can go giving then 600 active.

You get eg 300 then they all end and you get 300 next month leaving just 300 active.


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Re: How are private sellers still able to list 1,000+ items when they're only meant to have 300?

and adding to @moldosgifts 


If they had 2000 listings before the new rules, they were allowed to keep them.


It's a mad world.

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Re: How are private sellers still able to list 1,000+ items when they're only meant to have 300?

Yes I remember reading something like that in the forums before the new rules came into action. It makes sense. I assumed at the time they didn't understand the rules. Obviously I was wrong. However, it still just seems completely illogical to me, hence the reason I thought they were wrong. I have a feeling the new HMRC rules and 300 limit is not really going to change anything on this platform at all. 


I've seen so many threads over the past month on private sellers outraged by the fee structure and the 300 limited. Even one person complaining that this was the cause of falling sales. I don't see what the problem is as nothings really changed. Obviously apart from the falling sales. 

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Re: How are private sellers still able to list 1,000+ items when they're only meant to have 300?

My view they should be the same 300 reset at the beginning of the month, i also believe the fee structure should be the same for both, Just business sellers can list within their allotted allowance, so example i have a  10million allowance both cash and listings and can list up to that limit. Private should have a limit of eg 300 listing and £10,000 cash.

But that is jus tmy opinion

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Re: How are private sellers still able to list 1,000+ items when they're only meant to have 300?

If they do that with private, then business shops should be allowed to add their allowance of new listings every month, and keep the old listings active.

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