26-06-2024 5:41 PM
This is as clear as mud to me. Been to the gov. advice website and various others.
How does a 1972 poster fit in to this process?
It's not an exempt category.
Advise buyers this item is for viewing only ?
My initial reaction, sadly, to to switch EU and NI off.
09-09-2024 10:20 AM - edited 09-09-2024 10:25 AM
It's not as far fetched as you might think. A lot of these regulations almost depend on the honours sytem.
I'm pretty sure there's at least one where basically just offering the item for sale to begin with constitutes your declaration that it adheres to the regulation (wouldn't automatically cover you if it was looked into, but chances are virtually zero)
EDIT: It was the older GPSD "The Directive is purely self-assessment with no requirement to involve a third party. Manufacturers are not required to complete a Declaration or Certificate"
So the fact that it could be circumvented this way doesn't surprise me. Not saying it makes it OK by any means, but who's going to go to the effort and cost to check?
09-09-2024 10:34 AM
Technically they are correct.
*Technicaly* any product currently available for sale NOW is exempt. That comes straight from the top.
"Article 51
Transitional provision.
Member States shall not impede the making available on the market of products covered by Directive 2001/95/EC which
are in conformity with that Directive and which were placed on the market before 13 December 2024."
The part that I'm less convinced about, is ebay implimenting this.
As a matter of fact, I've seen ebay CS cite article 51 several times both in the forums and in the chat, and then promptly ghost the person they were responding to, when said person asked how they could take advantage of this exemption.
This is the first time I am aware of anyone representing ebay actually mentioning how it could be done.
What I find frankly quite astonishing is that there isn't a simple checkbox to declare that the item was already available for sale.
Technically, every single product on sale into the EU and NI as of today should be automatically covered by this, so should automatically be exampt by ebay without requiring any additional input.
09-09-2024 10:42 AM
Just to expand a little more, Article 51 of the GSPR states that any product already available in the UK and NI and which complies with the older GSPD is exempt.
I'd be amazed if anyone here has EVER been "checked" for compliance with the GSPD/Directive 2001/95/EC
Whether that would change in the future, I have no idea, but it seems highly implausible to me, considering I've simply never ever heard of anyone being checked or audited for such a thing.
Obviously this technically opens a loophole, but technically, a loophole already existed, in the with the older GPSD, simply put the item up for sale was stating that the product complied, with no requirement for certificates, documents or representatives etc.
Theoretically, tehcnically, even, a lot of sellers who deal only in used items, would never have to worry about GPSR.....but what happens in reality remains to be seen.
09-09-2024 10:49 AM
09-09-2024 11:12 AM
I also buy stuff from aliexpress as well and repackage some.
09-09-2024 11:24 AM
Only got a handful of items on Amazon may as well shove a few more up.
due to too many migraines which are appearing everyday now and loss of vision thanks to boots opticians cocking my prescription lenses up aka I cannot see through my £500 varifocals. Can't read anything when reading. As words are disappearing.
tapping this out without glasses on.
09-09-2024 11:37 AM
Thanks will make a use of that as had one buyer from Austria using GSP last week instead of lumping her 4 items in one basket. She bought separately which was expensive for me to send separately as well. So even this is a no no packaged them all up in one parcel with the relevant GSP numbers A #####on the front and sent. Had no problems at all.
09-09-2024 11:42 AM
Was going to do a website for myself as well just not got around to it as yet what with my back problem which was a work related injury but had to give up job to look after my mum who had dementia/Alzheimer's and has since March passed away. Need a online website presence although not sure what provider I need.
09-09-2024 11:53 AM
Probably offer a bribe or two to sell in uk or ni
09-09-2024 12:00 PM
That's why some Chinese sellers supposedly live in Manchester then
09-09-2024 12:10 PM
I sell via GSP I sell quite a bit to Germany and NI.
that's the Christmas market gone for me.
09-09-2024 12:11 PM - edited 09-09-2024 12:12 PM
Nothing from my local MP at all. He's the Conservative chair person.
09-09-2024 12:14 PM
I did one or two then got bored as staring at a screen can set a migraine attack off for me
09-09-2024 12:16 PM
I'm on handmade at Amazon. Needed to have a presence there due to a certain country in the far east trying to take over my identity
09-09-2024 12:22 PM
Come to think of it most of my long term ones are as well. But can't do a bulk edit on a iPhone. No laptop either. iPad is temperamental at the best of times.
09-09-2024 12:37 PM
You can access the desktop site via your iphone to do a bulk edit. Use the internet search bar to access ebay.co.uk - select the three dots top right of screen and scroll down to 'desktop' click the tick box. I appreciate you're an experienced user but I'll write it out here so if any lurkers on the thread want to save some time it might help them.
You should be able to access the desktop version,
in Listings tab within seller hub, click edit then select all, which will show as 'x' listings,
Once in bulk edit tick the select all box top left of the listings on the table,
in bulk edit scroll down to 'item description'
I selected end of description as front of description could devalue title search position.
I added the text:
'This product was available for sale in the EU prior to December 13th 2024 '
Its not ideally located on mine as I use templates and its just a line at the very bottom of the listing, but its a start.
09-09-2024 1:41 PM
I am not a techinical gueek. Your instructions were perfect. I have just updated all 663 of my listings in under 1 minute.
09-09-2024 5:14 PM
Been busy, playing catch up, have I got this straight
So adding 'This product was available for sale in the EU prior to December 13th 2024 ' text
Means I can still sell to the EU & NI after December 13th?
09-09-2024 5:19 PM
Nobody will be able to able to answer that definitively.
But probably, as it stands currently.
09-09-2024 5:47 PM
Thank you, can I ask for you to elaborate on your comment, is that an Ebay wont give an answer? Has there been communication from Ebay that I may have missed?
Couple of questions pop into my head immediately, not trying to be negative, just realistic and again apologies, Ive been away for a while on these GSPR threads
Does anyone know if the compliance depatment are aware of this? Are compliance requests still be sent , did see 'Electrics' were being targeted. Should this mean my listing removed for GPSR policy violations can have new listings created (Ebay couldnt advise the last time I asked when I removed EEA&NI)
Opinions/Knowledge on Compliance Dept on this would be appreciated
How will this be policed so to speak when the parcel arrives at EEA&NI customs? Has to be digitally? How will we as sellers be able to provide this information?
I appreciate we as sellers may keep the 'platfrom' happy but its the customs that have the final say or will the customs see it as the 'platforms' policing means its ok? or is it going to be a wait and see period after December 13th?