GPSR Compliance

This is as clear as mud to me. Been to the gov. advice website and various others.
How does a 1972 poster fit in to this process?

It's not an exempt category. 

Advise buyers this item is for viewing only ? 

My initial reaction, sadly, to to switch EU and NI off. 

Message 1 of 977
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976 REPLIES 976

GPSR Compliance


i have not turned off GPS, my worry was that listings will not be visible to UK market but have sold a few items today so , so far so good. No orders to N.I as yet. 

Message 861 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

That's helpful, jez465. I did skim through the Blue Guide last night but didn't spot that ref to 'already manufactured'. That seems to be significant and may put a different perspective on the question I posted yesterday. 


As I interpret your quoted extract, if you've got existing stock of an item that you've already offered for sale to the EU market, then (over-zealous postal authorities permitting) you can go on selling that product in the usual way.


Perhaps it might be helpful to include text on the website and on paperwork accompanying the product along the lines of: "This product was manufactured in 2023 and I have offered it for sale since 10 January 2024". That would make it clear that it's an existing, pre-13 Dec 2024 offering for sale/placing on the market.


But it is indeed as clear as mud. For those of us who cannot, for economic reasons, switch off NI and EU, it's a massive addional headache and expense. The time it's taking up is ridiculous. In 'man'-hours alone, it's already cost the small publisher for whom I work several thousand pounds, completely disrupted work in the crucial end-of-year period and will have knock-on effects going on for months. And that's before we've even paid for an authorised representative. In the absence of any EU certification of qualified ARs - a rather glaring omission, I should have thought - we're struggling to assess who's legit and who's simply some fly-by-night, get-rich-quick chancer.


Tucked away in BBC's Business news section ( today, I noted the following droll comment:

"The government said it has been supporting small and medium businesses across the UK to get ready for GPSR."


Yeah, right!

Message 862 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

The last paragraph shows how out of touch they are with e-commerce:


“It is understood the government expects GPSR to have a limited impact on the UK internal market as it largely formalises the reality of how many businesses are already operating.”


Utter rubbish! Virtuallly no online business was/is operating through a responsible EU rep to sell goods to EU/NI. Quite a few still seem blissfully unaware of the directive.

Message 863 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

They are living in the land of clouds and cuckoos! The past and present governments' head-in-the-sand approach to GPSR has already caused immense damage to SMEs and sole traders. I will be writing to my MP - if everyone here did the same, they might understand the anger and frustration we're all feeling.


I doubt the government is even aware of another EU trade disrupter, the EU Deforestation Regulation, which will affect anyone selling anything derived from timber, including paper (except 100% recycled), card, furniture, wooden utensils, boxes and ornaments etc. It's been put back to 31 Dec 2025, thank goodness, but demands a chain-of-custody through the whole supply chain right back to the geolocation of the individual tree that was used to make that product. A very large regulatory mallet to crack a small nut (the mallet, too, must be EUDR-compliant!).


Message 864 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

Deforest reg question, 


Will the packaging anything comes in be subject to this regulation? With the move away from plastics to 'greener' alternatives paper/card is a popular choice



Message 865 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

A quick glance around shows plenty of items still available to EU and NI with none of those GPSR details showing.

I do wonder if the vast majority of sellers have ever even heard of GPSR sometimes. 

Nearly 20 million sellers on ebay. This thread is busy but not "millions of confused sellers" busy. Not even close.

Message 866 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

As I recall, packaging is explicitly excluded from EUDR (may the Lords of Brussels be praised!). But as my limited brain cells have been fully occupied with GPSR lately, I'd need to return to that file to give chapter and verse.


Right now, my focus is on trying to find GPSR-compliant printers and, of course, to secure an affordable and competent AR, both for my main client and ultimately also for myself as a self-publisher.  

Message 867 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

I dabbled a few searches this morning, checking my own listings but I think its the buyer location that effect the search results.


Looking forward to seeing posts from EU & NI posters on this thread from a buyers perspective

Message 868 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

I'm in the EU not the UK if it helps, however I'm assuming you're using an ID just for the forums? I see zero listings from you. For lens-sage there's 9 active listings viewable, for 555njp there's 17,  jow1995 has 377 results.

Message 869 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

Thank you, that’s interesting as my 17 live listings should only be available to England, Scotland, Wales & Channel Islands as are not GPSR compliant.


In my descriptions it also says postage free to GB only via Royal Mail and I’ve switched off EU & NI.


Probably explains why we get an occasional request to ship to EU but as we do not ship there I thought they would (should!) be hidden.


I presume (please don’t try!) that if someone attempted to purchase they would be blocked?


thanks again.

Message 870 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

Actually, thinking that through, maybe it’s because my listings ARE compliant in that I have removed EU and NI which is making them visible to potential EU customers??


Seems ridiculous though if we don’t ship there.?

Message 871 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

That's strange, it now shows you have zero listings 555njp on google chrome, but in firefox I can see 17 listings. I suspect in chrome I'm set up for shipping to my EU address, whereas in firefox, I have no  shipping preferences saved. I imagine if I tried to purchase (don't worry I had no intention of trying!), it would tell me you don't ship to my country.

Message 872 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

I’m surprised you can see them at all!

I think it’s my turn this week to be completely hidden by eBay, be that EU or GB…..! 😄


Message 873 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

55njp, I just tested it by changing my ship to address temporarily to the UK and your listings also appeared in Chrome. Also your listings don't appear on any of the other eBay websites, just eBay UK as far as I can tell, so I think you're all good.

Message 874 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

Ok, thank you for the information, hopefully all is working as it should.

Message 875 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

I picked this up on the Ebay Germany Forum dedicated to GPSR - its in the topic

Hersteller /EU Verantworliche Person wird nicht mehr angezeigt.

"All sellers who have entered manufacturers/EU responsible persons can only be seen via the Google Chrome browser, for example, you cannot find anything in the offers via Firefox."- translation via Google


Message 876 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

Checked in with a friend in Germany, I have 1661 listings at time of writing, she can see 1655. I am pretty sure I have a handful of listings that are UK postage only with GSP turned off because they are too big and heavy. So it's business as usual. Even the bunch of auctions I started running this evening are unaffected.


Have we all got it wrong and it kicks in *after* the 13th and the sheet hits the fan tomorrow?

Message 877 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

I suspect Ebay will work it how they do most things. No action until someone highlights a problem, then the sheet will hit the fan for that particular seller.


I can't be bothered to walk around around on eggshells for a handful of sales so I've switched EU & NI off and will observe from a distance.

Message 878 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

We're in Northern Ireland and nothing seems to have changed so far (it's the 14th and I've just checked).

Message 879 of 977
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GPSR Compliance

So what you are saying is you can still see listings without any GPSR fields filled in?


If so I guess the acid test will be one, can you buy said item(s) and two, if so will it arrive or be intercepted by customs?

Message 880 of 977
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