Ebay forces upgrade to Business due to new HMRC regulations

Hi All.

I've received an email from ebay forcing me to switch to business account due to the volume of my recent sales. Customer service explained that I exceeded £1800 in one month, so they act in line with new HMRC regulations. The email is a bit threatening: "We need you to make these changes to your account within the next 21 days. If you don’t, your selling privileges may be blocked. This includes listings ended and loss of selling history."

However, As I'm not ready to go business and I consider my increased activity as temporary, Customer Service advised that if reduce my sales volume, I can stay private. Has any of you passed through this process?

Also, what happensto your existing promo listings if you switch to business? Are they allowed to continue on promo terms and with 'no returns accepted' until they sell or end?


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Re: Ebay forces upgrade to Business due to new HMRC regulations

I was trading 'illegally' on a private account for a while at 100% positive feedback and no single defect. Just been forced to switch to business by ebay, what I did. Had I known the difference, I would have do it myself a while ago.

Since introduction of BPF sales worsened significantly, no idea why. Since switching to business account I've immediately raised prices by ca 9% to balance higher fees and turned off promoted listings completely (I used to do everything at 2%). Now I'm spending half Sunday packing up things, as I can't remember having so many sales over a few days for a while. 


Message 361 of 365
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Re: Ebay forces upgrade to Business due to new HMRC regulations

👍🏻sounds great if I was a business and not just selling 10-12 household items every year I would definately follow your lead thank you

Message 362 of 365
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Re: Ebay forces upgrade to Business due to new HMRC regulations

Have you sold all your stock? No listings on your account!

Message 363 of 365
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Re: Ebay forces upgrade to Business due to new HMRC regulations

I never had any stock I just sold household stuff as and when I wanted to change it !!!

Message 364 of 365
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Re: Ebay forces upgrade to Business due to new HMRC regulations

Wasn't responding to you

Message 365 of 365
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